Topic Review
Wood Ash Based Treatment of Anaerobic Digestate
The anaerobic digestion (AD) was first applied to deal with the sewage sludge (SS) produced during the primary and secondary treatment of wastewater, but its use to deal with agro-waste and the MSW with around 70% of organic material has been subsequently encouraged.
  • 666
  • 21 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Wind Turbines Operating under Hazard Environmental Conditions
Renewable energy use has accelerated due to global warming, depleting fossil fuel reserves, and stricter environmental regulations. Among renewable options, solar and wind energy have shown economic viability and global growth. Horizontal axis wind turbines offer promising solutions for sustainable energy demand. Since wind turbines operate in an open environment, their efficiency depends on environmental conditions. Hazard environmental conditions, such as icing, rainfall, hailstorms, dust or sand, insects’ collisions, increased humidity, and sea spray, result in degraded aerodynamic characteristics.
  • 173
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Wind Turbine Icing Modelling Approaches
In this entry, a comprehensive review of wind turbine icing modelling is presented. The commonly applied approaches and the recent advances have been reported based on a systematic and concise literature review. The paper presents a panorama of the current modelling and simulation studies dealing with different aspects of ice accretion on wind turbines.
  • 759
  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Wetland-Microbial Fuel Cell Systems
Water, energy, and food are indispensable for sustainable economic development. Despite nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen, being essential for plant growth and thus food supplies, those present in wastewater are considered an environmental burden. While microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are receiving much interest, combining wastewater treatment with an MFC has emerged as an option for low-cost wastewater treatment. Among others, a constructed wetland (CW) coupled with an MFC (CW-MFC) has the potential to provide a low carbon footprint and low-energy wastewater treatment, as well as nutrient and energy recovery from wastewater. The organic and nutrient removal and power generation by the integrated CW-MFC systems are affected by a number of factors including the organic loading rate, hydraulic retention time, system design, plant species, dissolved oxygen, substrate/media type, influent feeding mode, electrode materials and spacing, and external resistance. 
  • 502
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Weather Radar
The history of Weather Radar (abbreviation of RAdio Detecting And Ranging) begins during World War II, when military radar operators noticed extraneous echoes showing up on their display. David Atlas was one of the pioneers of radar meteorology, along with John Stewart Marshall, Walter Palmer and Richard Doviak. Weather radars send pulses of electromagnetic energy into the atmosphere, a microsecond of long microwave radiation to identify the presence of hydrometeors.
  • 1.9K
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip Topology
Optical networks-on-chip (NoCs) have emerged as a next-generation solution to overcome the limitations of electrical NoCs. In particular, wavelength-routed optical networks-on-chip (WRONoCs) are well known for their high bandwidth and ultra-low signal delay. Despite these advantages, WRONoCs are challenged by reliability concerns, because the main components in WRONoCs, i.e., microring resonators (MRRs), are susceptible to fabrication inaccuracies. When an MRR along a signal path is defective, the signal transmitted on that path will fail to reach its designated destination, which leads to transmission errors and data loss. 
  • 269
  • 06 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus for Agro-Industrial Companies
The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus approach is gaining attention due to the challenge of better managing natural elements. Agro-industrial companies, given their environmental impacts, need to take sustainability into proper account. One important sustainability management concept used nowadays is the so-called water–energy–food (WEF) nexus. It means that the aforementioned elements are intrinsically managed together, and one action in one direction can affect both of the others. As a result, these three issues should be considered in an integrated manner because they are connected, and their utilization may expose important tradeoffs.
  • 417
  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Water Treatment Using Functional Composites
Due to its low cost, biosorption technology has been extensively carried out to treat heavy metal-laden wastewater using biosorbents. The studies on heavy metal biosorption mechanisms and the simulation of mathematical modeling on the biosorption process have enhanced scientific understanding about the binding between target metal cations and the functional group on different surfaces of biomasses as a biosorbent.
  • 458
  • 21 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Water Treatment Residues and Methanogenic Activity in Wastewater-Sludge
The effect of adding alum water treatment residues (WTR) on the methanogenic activity in the digestion of primary domestic wastewater sludge was evaluated through laboratory experiments in sedimentation columns, using total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations from 0.37 to 1.23 g/L. The addition of WTR to primary clarifiers can benefit its effluent water quality in terms of colour, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and TSS. However, the presence of WTR can negatively influence the production of methane gas during organic sludge digestion in primary clarifiers, for concentrations of TSS between 14.43 and 25.23 g/L and of VSS between 10.2 and 11.85 g/L. The activity of the Methanothrix sp., curved bacilli, methanococci, and Methanosarcina sp. decreases considerably after 16 days of anaerobic digestion, and methane production seems to only be associated with fluorescent methanogenic bacilli.
  • 841
  • 17 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Water Reuse Treatment Technologies
Treating water for water reuse typically involves treating wastewater in several steps consisting of preliminary treatment, primary treatment, and secondary treatment. Tertiary treatment and advanced treatment may be needed for water reuse purposes. 
  • 1.0K
  • 18 May 2023
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