Topic Review
Single Point Mooring (SPM) Systems with Buoys
The SPM system consists of four main components, namely, the body of the buoy, the anchoring and mooring components, the fluid transfer system and the ancillary elements. Static legs linked to the seabed underneath the surface keep the buoy body in place. Above the water level, the body has a spinning portion that is attached to the offloading/loading tanker. A roller bearing, referred to as the main bearing, connects these two portions. Due to this array, the anchored tanker can easily weather-vane around the buoy and find a steady position. The concept of the buoy is determined by the type of bearing utilized and the divide between the rotating and geostatic sections. The buoy’s size is determined by the amount of counter buoyancy required to keep the anchor chains in place, and the chains are determined by environmental conditions and vessel size.
  • 11.7K
  • 19 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Thin-Film Dip-Coating Methods
Coating is the way of incorporating a thin coating of material into a substrate by deposition in either the liquid phase (solution) or the solid phase (powder or nanoparticles), dip-Coating is one of them.
  • 7.4K
  • 10 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Flow-Induced Vibration
Flow-induced vibration (FIV) of bluff body structures is a classical bidirectional flow–structure interaction problem, which is linked to various fluid dynamics phenomena (e.g., boundary-layer separation, vortex formation and shedding, hydrodynamic loading on the structures) as well as structure vibrations.
  • 2.5K
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Stokes Boundary Layer
In fluid dynamics, the Stokes boundary layer, or oscillatory boundary layer, refers to the boundary layer close to a solid wall in oscillatory flow of a viscous fluid. Or, it refers to the similar case of an oscillating plate in a viscous fluid at rest, with the oscillation direction(s) parallel to the plate. For the case of laminar flow at low Reynolds numbers over a smooth solid wall, George Gabriel Stokes – after whom this boundary layer is called – derived an analytic solution, one of the few exact solutions for the Navier–Stokes equations. In turbulent flow, this is still named a Stokes boundary layer, but now one has to rely on experiments, numerical simulations or approximate methods in order to obtain useful information on the flow. The thickness of the oscillatory boundary layer is called the Stokes boundary-layer thickness.
  • 2.3K
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Aeroelasticity Methods in Turbomachinery
Aeroelastic phenomena in turbomachinery are one of the most challenging problems to model using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) due to their inherent nonlinear nature, the difficulties in simulating fluid–structure interactions and the considerable computational requirements. Nonetheless, accurate modelling of self-sustained flow-induced vibrations, known as flutter, has proved to be crucial in assessing stability boundaries and extending the operative life of turbomachinery. Flutter avoidance and control is becoming more relevant in compressors and fans due to a well-established trend towards lightweight and thinner designs that enhance aerodynamic efficiency.
  • 1.8K
  • 09 Sep 2021
Topic Review
EUV-induced Plasma
Science related to effects in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectrum range experienced an explosive boom of publications in the last decades. A new application of EUV in lithography was the reason for such a growth. Naturally, an intensive development in such area produces a snowball effect of relatively uncharted phenomena. EUV-induced plasma is one of those. While being produced in the volume of a rarefied gas, it has a direct impact onto optical surfaces and construction materials of lithography machines, and thus has not only scientific peculiarity, but it is also of major interest for the technological application.
  • 1.6K
  • 09 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The Resistive Barrier Discharge
Plasma generated by the resistive barrier discharge has been used to efficiently inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and to destroy cancer cells. These biomedical applications of low temperature plasma are of great interest because in recent times bacteria developed increased resistance to antibiotics and because present cancer therapies often are accompanied by serious side effects. Low temperature plasma, such the one generated by the resistive barrier discharge, is a technology that can help overcome these healthcare challenges.
  • 1.4K
  • 08 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Supersonic Flow Control
In high-speed fluid dynamics, base pressure controls find many engineering applications, such as in the automobile and defense industries. Several studies have been reported on flow control with sudden expansion duct. 
  • 1.3K
  • 02 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Capillary-Driven Flow Device
The capillary flow device works on the principle of capillary-driven flow microfluidics and allows detection by multiple microchannels in a single microchip via smartphone imaging/portable detectors. Compared to other types of devices such as dipsticks and paper microfluidic devices, this device is fabricated with cheaper materials, coated with minute amounts of reagents and offers multiplexity on a single microchip. The sample is loaded into the microchannels via capillary force, which eliminates the requirement of external/internal fluidic mechanisms or controls. A capillary-driven flow device was developed in this study which is simple to operate and allows loading multiple samples in a single device.
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review Video
Physicochemical Processes Leading to Plasma-Driven Solution Electrolysis
A new type of electrolysis, initially known as the contact glow-discharge electrolysis (CGDE) and, more recently, as the plasma-driven solution electrolysis (PDSE), has attracted attention as an alternative method of hydrogen production. PDSE is a nontypical electrochemical process in which electric plasma is formed in the glow discharges excited by the direct or pulsed current in a gas–vapor envelope in the vicinity of the discharge electrode immersed in the electrolytic solution. The yield of chemicals in PDSE (i.e., the ratio of the moles of the product formed to the moles of electrons consumed in a chemical reaction) is several times higher than the Faradaic production of chemicals (predicted by Faraday’s law). In PDSE, new chemical compounds can also be synthesized, which does not happen using Faradaic electrolysis.
  • 1.2K
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Thermal Plasma Waste Treatment
Non-thermal as well as thermal plasmas are used for the processing of materials and waste. Thermal (hot) plasmas are characterized by their high energy density and by the equal temperatures of the electrons and the heavy particles, i.e., thermal plasmas are in local thermodynamic equilibrium. Non-thermal plasmas (also called cold plasmas), on the other hand, are non-equilibrium ionized gases, which are characterized by lower energy densities and by the large difference between the electron temperature and the temperature of the heavy particles.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Plasma-Activated Water Treatment in Agriculture
The unique properties of physical plasma and its ability to operate at atmospheric pressure make it an attractive technology for numerous scientific and industrial applications, ranging from medicine and agriculture to electronics and materials science. For example, this technology has proven to be a simple and low-cost approach for nanoparticle synthesis or an effective surface modification agent to produce superhydrophobic and superoleophilic films for oil-water separation and self-cleaning. 
  • 1.0K
  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Water Hammer Modelling
Water Hammer is a physical phenomenon that occurs due to sudden stopping of flow in a pipeline system which causes a sudden large pressure rise mimicking the hammering effect. It is considered one of the worst nightmare for hydraulic engineers due to its potential of causing widespread damage to property and lives. Therefore, numerical estimation of water hammer pressure is crucial for the design, operation, and risk analysis of pipeline systems. Generally, the traditional Method of Characteristics (MOC) is preferred by modellers worldwide due to its simplicity and usability. However, due to high shock generation during large water hammer event in pipeline, Finite Volume Method (FVM) has a clear advantage because of its desirable attribute of conserving mass, momentum compared to traditional MOC Schemes. Further, modelling of the water hammer phenomenon for dynamic characteristics within a turbine is impossible using the classical 1D MOC or 1D FVM schemes, and such applications require more extensive 3D grids and turbulence models. Several commercial pieces of software for turbulence modelling available today can be effectively used for this type of study. Some well-known and well-applied turbulence models currently in use are FLUENT and CFX ( on 1 June 2021)).
  • 993
  • 24 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Plasma Modeling and Prebiotic Chemistry
The plasma kinetics involves elementary processes by which free electrons ultimately activate weakly reactive molecules, such as carbon dioxide or methane, thereby potentially starting prebiotic reaction chains. These processes include electron–molecule reactions and energy exchanges between molecules. They are basic processes, for example, in the famous Miller-Urey experiment, and become relevant in any prebiotic scenario where the primordial atmosphere is significantly ionized by electrical activity, photoionization or meteor phenomena. The kinetics of plasma displays remarkable complexity due to the non-equilibrium features of the energy distributions involved.
  • 864
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition in Nanofabrication
The growing need for increasingly miniaturized devices has placed high importance and demands on nanofabrication technologies with high-quality, low temperatures, and low-cost techniques. The development and advances in atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes boosted interest in their use in advanced electronic and nano/microelectromechanical systems (NEMS/MEMS) device manufacturing. In this context, non-thermal plasma (NTP) technology has been highlighted because it allowed the ALD technique to expand its process window and the fabrication of several nanomaterials at reduced temperatures, allowing thermosensitive substrates to be covered with good formability and uniformity. 
  • 713
  • 19 Oct 2022
Yuri Raizer
Yuri Raizer was born in 1927 in Kharkov, Ukraine. He graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1949, and became Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) in 1959, full professor in 1968, and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation in 2002. He was a chief researcher at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Honored Professor of the Mosco
  • 643
  • 29 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Treatment of Chrysanthemum Synthetic Seeds by SDBD Plasma
Implementation of the surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) plasma treatment before sowing represents a promising strategy for future investigations and sustainable use of cold plasma in synseed biotechnology. Plasma-treated chrysanthemum synseeds showed a better survival rate and overall plantlet growth under greenhouse conditions in comparison to untreated synseeds.
  • 617
  • 12 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Space Weather Infrastructure in Africa
Space weather science has been a growing field in Africa since 2007. This growth in infrastructure and human capital development has been accompanied by the deployment of ground-based observing infrastructure, most of which was donated by foreign institutions or installed and operated by foreign establishments. 
  • 426
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Plasma-Driven Phenomena
Plasma-driven science is defined as the artificial control of physical plasma-driven phenomena based on complex interactions between nonequilibrium open systems.
  • 394
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Circadian Regulation of Apolipoproteins in the Brain
The circadian rhythm is a 24 h internal clock within the body that regulates various factors, including sleep, body temperature, and hormone secretion. Circadian rhythm disruption is an important risk factor for many diseases including neurodegenerative illnesses. The central and peripheral oscillators’ circadian clock network controls the circadian rhythm in mammals. The clock genes govern the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the brain.
  • 316
  • 22 Dec 2023
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