Topic Review
Trends and Challenges in the Indian Steel Industry
India is the 4th largest iron ore producer and the 3rd largest coal producer in the world. Coal is also identified as one of the major sectors of “Make in India”, which is an initiative by the Government of India launched by the prime minister. India is also the world’s largest producer of sponge iron: about 37 million tons per annum. 
  • 562
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Chloride-Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Cracked Concrete
Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction consisting of anodic and cathodic half-cell reactions. Micro-cell corrosion refers to the situation where active dissolution and the corresponding cathodic half-cell reaction occur in adjacent parts of the same metal. For a steel reinforcing bar in concrete, the surface of the corroding steel can act as a mixed electrode containing both anode and cathode regions connected by the bar itself. Macro-cell corrosion can also form on a single bar exposed to different environments within the concrete or where part of the bar extends outside the concrete. In both cases, the concrete pore solution functions as an electrolyte.
  • 551
  • 16 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Valorisation of Carbon-Rich Wastes as Secondary Resources
Carbon-based materials have become an indispensable component in a myriad of domestic and industrial applications. Most of the carbon-based end-of-life products discussed end up in landfills. Where recycling is available, it usually involves the production of lower-value products. The allotropic nature of carbon has been analysed to identify novel materials that could be obtained from used products, which also transform into a secondary carbon resource. Thermal transformation of carbon-rich wastes is a promising and viable pathway for adding value to waste that would otherwise go to landfills. The valorisation routes of four different carbon-rich wastes by thermal transformation are reviewed in the study—automotive shredder residue (ASR), textile wastes, leather wastes, and spent coffee grounds (SCGs). Textile wastes were thermally transformed into carbon fibres and activated carbon, while ASRs were used as a reductant to produce silicon carbide (SiC) from waste glass. 
  • 550
  • 13 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Residual Stress Measurement Techniques for Railway Components
Manufacturing and maintenance procedures in the railway industry regularly implement welding and metal deposition operations to produce joints, coatings and repair structures. During these processes, residual stresses arise through the generation of heat affected zones and plastic deformation. This makes accurate measurements of the internal stresses a critical aspect of manufacturing, monitoring, repair and model validation in the develop new metallic coating and joining technologies. Selection of an appropriate residual stress measurement method has many important factors including component size, resolution and the magnitude and location of internal stresses, often resulting in a combination of techniques required to obtain complete assessment of the stress state. 
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  • 13 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Influencing Factors on Al Alloys Superplasticity
Aluminum alloys can be used in the fabrication of intricate geometry and curved parts for a wide range of uses in aerospace and automotive sectors, where high stiffness and low weight are necessitated.  Superplasticity is a process in which polycrystalline materials undergo several hundred to several thousand percent of tensile elongation at an appropriate temperature and strain rate. It is greatly effective in reducing the weight and production cost by minimizing the processing steps of machining and joining. 
  • 535
  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
Tube High-Pressure Shearing
Tube high-pressure shearing (t-HPS) is a deformation processing, in which a tubular sample is subjected to azimuthal shearing under a hydrostatic pressure. The shear plane is in parallel to the cylindrical surface of the tube, and the shear direction is in the azimuthal direction. 
  • 534
  • 25 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Critical MIM + SH Processing Parameters
Metal injection molding (MIM) combined with the use of a space holder (SH) is a very attractive route for the fabrication of highly porous titanium and titanium alloy components for biomedical applications. This approach allows fine control of the morphology, architecture, and purity of very complex net-shaped components.
  • 528
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Erosive Wear of Cermets
Solid-particle erosion occurs when discrete solid particles strike a surface. It differs from three-body abrasion primarily in the origin of forces between the particles and the wearing surface. In erosion, the extent of wear depends on the number and mass of individual particles striking the surface and on their impact velocity [8]. The difference of erosion from the abrasive wear lies in its fluid contribution to the mechanical action producing material removal. Solid-particle erosion is common in any system in which a gas stream carries abrasive particles. If loose abrasive particles are carried by a liquid, the wear is termed as slurry erosion.  WC-based hardmetals (cemented carbides) are employed widely as wear-resistant ceramic-metal composites for tools and wear parts. Raw materials supply, environmental concerns and some limitations of hardmetals have directed efforts toward development of alternative wear-resistant composites-cermets. Cermets consist primarily of ceramic particles such as titanium carbonitride (Ti(C,N)), titanium carbide (TiC), and chromium carbide (Cr3C2) bonded with alloys of Ni, Co or Fe. Cermets as resistant to solid particle erosion materials demonstrate their potential primarily in environmentally severe wear conditions – at elevated temperatures and corrosive environments.
  • 524
  • 10 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Stir Casting Routes for Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams
Metal matrix syntactic foams (MMSFs) are advanced lightweight materials constituted by a metallic matrix and a dispersion of hollow and/or porous fillers. Physical and mechanical properties can be fitted regarding matrix and filler properties and processing parameters. Their properties make them potential materials for sectors where density is a limiting parameter, such as transport, marine, defense, aerospace, and engineering applications. MMSFs are mainly manufactured by powder metallurgy, infiltration, and stir casting techniques. Stir casting techniques (SCTs) are low-cost and industrially scalable approaches. Critical limitations of SCTs are buoyancy of fillers, corrosion of processing equipment, premature solidification of molten metal during mixing, cracking of fillers, heterogeneous distribution, and limited incorporation of fillers. Efforts to overcome these limitations have led to the development of new techniques and to obtain MMSFs with improved properties.
  • 519
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Laser Ultrasonic in a Smart Manufacturing Production Site
The advancement of laser ultrasonics has increased rapidly, providing applications for materials characterization as well as for industrial utilization, as a quality control device. The wide-ranging capabilities for high-temperature in-situ analysis of a variety of microstructural characteristics offers a multitude of possibilities for usage in R&D. One possibility to investigate in a contactless manner, in-situ, and at high temperatures is the laser ultrasonic (LUS) method. This measurement technique has been developed over the last decades for many fields of application and can be used in various different configurations. This method can be applied to a variety of analyses known from the conventional ultrasonic technique. In particular, defect detection is one of the most common applications, especially the detection of defects in terms of pores, voids, or adhesion defects, especially in castings or welds. However, such defect detections are also of great advantage in additive manufacturing. 
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  • 28 Feb 2023
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