Topic Review
Lymphatic Vessels in the Dental Pulp
It is debatable whether lymphatic vessels exist in the dental pulp. Most researchers confirm their presence; however, the lymphatic system in the dental pulp is much less developed compared to other tissues of the body. Lymphangiogenesis occurs in the dental pulp with inflammatory changes as a response to inflammatory stimuli acting on the tooth. If lymphangiogenesis is defined as the development of lymphatic vessels from already existing ones, such a mechanism is possible only when lymphatic vessels are present in healthy teeth.
  • 953
  • 05 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Nanomaterials for Optical Coherence Tomography in Nanodentistry
There is already a societal awareness of the growing impact of nanoscience and nanotechnology, with nanomaterials (with at least one dimension less than 100 nm) now incorporated in items as diverse as mobile phones, clothes or dentifrices. In the healthcare area, nanoparticles of biocompatible materials have already been used for cancer treatment or bioimaging enhancement. Nanotechnology in dentistry, or nanodentistry, has already found some developments in dental nanomaterials for caries management, restorative dentistry and orthodontic adhesives. 
  • 951
  • 01 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Endodontic Microsurgery of Mandibular Molars
Endodontic microsurgery is a highly predictable treatment option in most cases when conventional endodontic treatment is not feasible. 
  • 938
  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Ultrasound Imaging in Dentistry
Ultrasound Imaging, in addition to providing useful indications for diagnosis, can also be used with greater certainty as regards patient follow-up, being repeated at relatively short distances, without causing biological damage. Differently than X-rays, sound waves can be represented as a mechanical longitudinal wave, which can manifest as particle displacement or pressure alterations. 
  • 931
  • 16 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Gutta-percha/Bioceramic Sealer (BCS)
The gutta-percha/bioceramic sealer (BCS) filling technique has gained popularity among endodontists, however there are no robust data  evaluating any potential impact of BCS vs. traditional filling techniques on postoperative pain (POP) among randomized controlled trials. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effect of the BCS filling technique compared with traditional filling techniques on POP in adult patients following root canal filling (RCF). 
  • 924
  • 29 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Composite Attachments on Orthodontic Clear Aligners Therapy
Eight electronic databases were searched up to March 2020. Two authors independently proceeded to study selection, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment. The analysis of the results was carried out examining six groups of movements (mesio-distal tipping/bodily movement; anterior bucco-lingual tipping/root torque; posterior bucco-lingual tipping/expansion; intrusion; extrusion; rotation). Five clinical trials were selected and all of them showed a medium risk of bias. Literature showed that attachments mostly increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, improving anterior root torque, rotation, and mesio-distal (M-D) movement; they are also important to increase posterior anchorage.
  • 924
  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Dental Education
Most dental educators have limited knowledge and skills to assess AI applications, as they were not trained to do so. Also, AI technology has evolved exponentially. Factual reliability and opportunities with OpenAI Inc.’s ChatGPT are considered critical inflection points in the era of generative AI. Updating curricula at dental institutions is inevitable as advanced deep-learning approaches take over the clinical areas of dentistry and reshape diagnostics, treatment planning, management, and telemedicine screening. With advances in AI language models, communication with patients will change, and the foundations of dental education, including essay, thesis, or scientific paper writing, will need to adapt. However, there is a growing concern about its ethical and legal implications, and further consensus is needed for the safe and responsible implementation of AI in dental education.
  • 923
  • 20 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Dental and Orthopedic Implants
Surface functionalization with carbon nanomaterials in dental and orthopedic implants has emerged as a novel strategy for reinforcement and as a bioactive cue due to their potential for osseointegration.
  • 899
  • 20 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Silver Nanoparticles in Dentistry
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been successfully applied in several areas due to their significant antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms. In dentistry, AgNP can be applied in disinfection, prophylaxis, and prevention of infections in the oral cavity.
  • 899
  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Minimally Invasive Therapies for the Dental Caries
Resin infiltrants (RI) are low-viscosity triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) based resins that exhibit high caries permeating ability and a high degree of conversion (DC).
  • 897
  • 11 Jan 2022
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