Topic Review
Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt
The Zagros fold and thrust belt (Zagros FTB) is an approximately 1,800-kilometre (1,100 mi) long zone of deformed crustal rocks, formed in the foreland of the collision between the Arabian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is host to one of the world's largest petroleum provinces, containing about 49% of the established hydrocarbon reserves in fold and thrust belts and about 7% of all reserves globally.
  • 1.1K
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Yangtze River Valley
The Yangtze River Valley is an important economic region and one of the cradles of human civilization. It is also the site of frequent floods, droughts, and other natural disasters. Conducting Holocene environmental archaeology research in this region is of great importance when studying the evolution of the relationship between humans and the environment and the interactive effects humans had on the environment from 10.0 to 3.0 ka BP, for which no written records exist.
  • 1.8K
  • 29 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Water Footprint
The water footprint (WF) is a widely recognised and comprehensive indicator of both the direct and indirect appropriation of freshwater. It has been utilised for diverse functions, including as a key indicator of the planetary boundaries and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (draft for definition)
  • 1.4K
  • 03 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Volcanism and Submarine Sedimentation around Alps during Eo-Oligocene
Different magmatic systems developed during the Eo-Oligocene on and around the Alpine Belt, favouring the accumulation of thick volcanogenic submarine sedimentary sequences in the coveal foreland and foredeep basins. 
  • 647
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions are considered major (very large) when the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) ≥ 5. The nature of the impacts of a VEI ≥ 5 eruption ranges from the destruction of a city, an entire region, climate disturbances as well as to air travel. Even an eruption with VEI < 5 may also have the potential to modify the environment and landscape particularly in proximal and medial facies, as well as surrounding human societies. The variety of environmental destructions due to volcanic eruption differs from primary (e.g., summit collapse, vegetation burning, death), secondary (e.g., atmospheric cooling, global warming), and tertiary (e.g., flood, famine, disease) effects. It is mostly generated by gas emissions, ashes, lava flow, pyroclastic flow, lahar, debris flow, and landslide which results in local and global impacts.
  • 2.4K
  • 14 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Uturunku (Quechua for jaguar, Hispanicized spellings Uturunco, Uturuncu) is a dormant volcano in the Cordillera de Lípez in Potosí Department, Bolivia. It is located in the Sur Lípez Province, San Pablo de Lípez Municipality. It is in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, and its highest summit is 6,008 metres (19,711 ft) above sea level. The volcano has two summits, with a fumarole field between them. The volcano's landforms include lava domes and lava flows. The volcano was sporadically active during the Pleistocene, with the most recent eruption dated at 271,000 years ago. Since then, Uturunku has displayed fumarolic activity. Starting in 1992, satellite observations have indicated a large area of regional uplift centered on Uturunku, which has been interpreted as an indication of large-scale magma intrusion under the volcano. This might be a prelude to large-scale volcanic activity, including "supervolcanic" activity and caldera formation.
  • 638
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Tungsten in Soil
Tungsten (W) occurs naturally in soils and the Earth’s crust is the most important source of this element. Tungsten reserves have been estimated to be approximately 3.1 Mt in ore deposits, where the metal exists mainly as a component of several minerals, such as wolframite (Fe, MnWO4) and scheelite (CaWO4).
  • 918
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Tollmann's Hypothetical Bolide
Alexander Tollmann's bolide, proposed by Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann in 1994, is a hypothesis presented by Austrian geologist Alexander Tollmann, suggesting that one or several bolides (asteroids or comets) struck the Earth at 7640 BCE (±200), with a much smaller one at 3150 BCE (±200). If true, this hypothesis explains early Holocene extinctions and possibly legends of the Universal Deluge. The claimed evidence for the event includes stratigraphic studies of tektites, dendrochronology, and ice cores (from Camp Century, Greenland) containing hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid (indicating an energetic ocean strike) as well as nitric acids (caused by extreme heating of air). Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in their book, Uriel's Machine, argue that the 7640 BCE evidence is consistent with the dates of formation of a number of extant salt flats and lakes in dry areas of North America and Asia. They argue that these lakes are the result remains of multiple-kilometer-high waves that penetrated deeply into continents as the result of oceanic strikes that they proposed occurred.
  • 385
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The White Sea
The White Sea is a small shallow semi-closed sea in the North-West of Russia. It is strongly affected by induced tides, so the tidal motion dominates in the sea. Sea ice is seasonal and the water salinity is less than in the neighbouring Barents sea due to strong river discharge. In this entry, we focus on the sources of data on the Sea.
  • 4.0K
  • 21 Jan 2021
Topic Review
The UNESCO Site of the Chaîne des Puys
The tectono-volcanic ensemble of the Chaîne des Puys and the Limagne fault, which is part of the West European rift, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2018 as the Chaîne des Puys–Limagne fault tectonic arena.
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  • 25 Sep 2023
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