Topic Review
COF-Based Photocatalysts for Enhanced Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide
Photocatalytic synthesis of H2O2 has emerged as a compelling alternative, offering the prospect of harnessing solar energy directly to drive chemical reactions, thereby circumventing the need for energy-intensive processes and deleterious chemicals.
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Robotic Missions
An anomaly in autonomous robotic missions (ARM) is a deviation from the expected behaviour, performance, or state of the robotic system and its environment, which may impact the mission’s objectives, safety, or efficiency; and this anomaly can be caused either by system faults or the change in the environmental dynamics of interaction. The nuanced understanding of anomaly categories facilitates a more strategic approach, ensuring that detection methods are more effective in addressing the specific nature of the anomaly.
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Sources and Types of Ultraviolet Radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation plays a crucial role in the development of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. The types of UV radiation are differentiated by wavelength: UVA (315 to 400 nm), UVB (280 to 320 nm), and UVC (100 to 280 nm). UV radiation can cause direct DNA damage in the forms of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs). In addition, UV radiation can also cause DNA damage indirectly through photosensitization reactions caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), which manifest as 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanine (8-OHdG). Both direct and indirect DNA damage can lead to mutations in genes that promote the development of skin cancers.
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Management of Melasma
Melasma is a commonly occurring pigmented skin condition that can significantly affect one’s appearance, described as symmetric hyperpigmentation that presents as irregular brown to gray-brown macules on various facial areas, such as the cheeks, forehead, nasal bridge, and upper lip, along with the mandible and upper arms. Due to its complex pathogenesis and recurrent nature, melasma management is challenging and the outcomes following treatment are not always deemed satisfactory. 
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
IIoT and Other Industry 4.0 Technologies in O&G
Spare parts warehousing in the oil and gas industry is essential for offshore production. With the introduction of Industry 4.0 and its subsequent technological tools, new functions are enabled in industrial logistics activities. Efficiency, visibility, optimization, and productivity are often mentioned as benefits of successful Industry 4.0 technology implementation in logistics activities.
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Functions of snoRNAs
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) constitute a class of intron-derived non-coding RNAs ranging from 60 to 300 nucleotides. snoRNAs canonically localize in the nucleolus where they play pivotal roles in pre-ribosomal RNA processing, guiding RNA modifications. Based on the type of modification they facilitate, namely methylation or pseudouridylation, they are classified into two main families—box C/D and box H/ACA snoRNAs. Investigations have revealed the unconventional synthesis and biogenesis strategies of snoRNAs, indicating more profound roles in pathogenesis than previously envisioned. 
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Yang I. Pachankis
Rev. Yang I. Pachankis was ordained by the Universal Life Church with the birth name Yang Cao [1]. By stare decisis, he entered the religion-based marriage with John E. Pachankis and Greg E. Dufner [2]. Apart from his non-heterocentric theological insights in Christianity, Yang contributed to cross-disciplinary research findings and public causes. Being born in People's Republic of China (PR
  • 533
  • 09 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Meditation and Techno-Mindfulness
Mindful meditation has discernible effects on enhancing the mind’s focus, proving to “impact various components of attention, although the precise effects may depend on the meditation style practiced and the level of experience of the practitioner”. This success has precipitated the swift adoption of mindfulness as a therapeutic instrument. During its process of medicalization, which has turned meditation into a clinical product suitable for the therapeutic forms of Western biomedicine, mindfulness is also undergoing a further transformation, one that progressively integrates it into the techno-medical and digitalizing aspect of modern therapies. 
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  • 09 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Involvement of SUV4-20H2 in Cancer
Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV4-20H2, a member of the suppressor of variegation 4–20 homolog (SUV4-20) family, has a critical impact on the regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression. This methyltransferase establishes the trimethylation of histone H4 lysine 20 (H4K20me3), a repressive histone mark that affects several cellular processes. Deregulated SUV4-20H2 activity has been associated with altered chromatin dynamics, leading to the misregulation of key genes involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis and DNA repair. Emerging research evidence indicates that SUV4-20H2 acts as a potential epigenetic modifier, contributing to the development and progression of several malignancies, including breast, colon and lung cancer, as well as renal, hepatocellular and pancreatic cancer.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
The Structures of Anti-Inflammatory SMs from NPs
Natural products (NPs) have played a vital role in human survival for millennia, particularly for their medicinal properties. Inflammation, derived from the Latin word “inflammation”, is a biological response activated by disruptions to tissue structures from various stimuli, which is commonly indicated as acute or chronic, depending on the response nature and resolution ability. SMs sourced from NPs offer the potential bioactive drug lead compounds.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
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