Topic Review
Anti-COVID-19 potential of Clove phytochemicals
The current COronaVIrus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is enormously affecting the worldwide health and economy. In the wait for an effective global immunization, the development of a specific therapeutic protocol to treat COVID-19 patients is clearly necessary as a short-term solution of the problem. Drug repurposing and herbal medicine represent two of the most explored strategies for an anti-COVID-19 drug discovery. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.) is a well-known culinary spice that has been used for centuries in folk medicine in many disorders. Interestingly, traditional medicines have used clove since ancient times to treat respiratory ailments, whilst clove ingredients show antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Other interesting features are the clove antithrombotic, immunostimulatory, and antibacterial effects.
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  • 13 May 2021
Topic Review
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is seen as an important strategy for the advancement of the quality of education. The ultimate objective of this is to expand the academic and social capacities of students, especially those of disadvantaged backgrounds determined by ethnic minority origin and low socio-economic status. In this contribution, various forms of both parental and school-initiated involvement will be described. In addition, results of studies into the effectiveness of parental involvement will be presented.
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  • 15 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Applications of Green Algae
       Green algae has been always renowned for its potent pharmacological and nutraceutical applications. Besides, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties, Recently published reports mentioning the potent anti-viral effects of green algae against the deadly virus SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19) has attracted the attention of researchers towards green algae.
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  • 09 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Insulin Signaling
The insulin signaling pathway begins with the binding of the peptide hormone insulin to its corresponding receptor, the insulin receptor. The insulin receptor is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that conformationally consists of two alpha and two beta subunit tetramers. The insulin receptor exhibiting kinase activity is responsible for its autophosphorylation at the tyrosine residue site upon insulin binding.
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  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
GAZ Tigr
The GAZ Tigr (Russian: Тигр and English: Tiger) is a Russia n 4x4, multipurpose, all-terrain infantry mobility vehicle manufactured by GAZ, first delivered to the Russian Army in 2006. Primarily used by the Russian Federation's armed forces, it is also used by numerous other countries.
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  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
List of DCS Modules
The below list includes all standalone products (commonly known as "modules") in Digital Combat Simulator, an air combat video game developed by Russian developer Eagle Dynamics. Fighter aircraft, helicopters and trainer aircraft modules can be flown by human players and artificial intelligence. Aircraft carriers, tanker aircraft and airborne early warning and control aircraft cannot be operated by human players.
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  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Shenyang J-31
The Shenyang J-31 (or "FC-31 fifth Generation Multi-Purpose light Fighter") also known as the "Gyrfalcon" (鹘鹰), or "Falcon Hawk" by some military enthusiasts, is a twin-engine, mid-size fifth-generation jet fighter currently under development by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. The fighter has also been referred to as the "F-60" or "J-21 Snowy Owl" (雪鸮) in some media reports. Its official name is Shenyang FC-31; J-xx nomenclatures in the Chinese military are reserved to programs launched and financed by the army, while this plane was developed by a state-owned company.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
List of Seaplanes and Amphibious Aircraft
The following is a list of seaplanes and amphibious aircraft, which includes floatplanes and flying boats, by country of origin. Seaplanes are any aircraft that has the capability of landing on water while amphibious aircraft are equipped with wheels to alight on land, as well as being able to land on the water. Flying boats rely on the fuselage or hull for buoyancy, while floatplanes rely on external pontoons or floats. Some experimental aircraft used specially designed skis to skim across the water but did not always have a corresponding ability to float. This list does not include ekranoplans, 'Wing-In-Ground-effect' (WIG), water-skimmers, wingships or similar vehicles reliant on ground effect.
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  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Tandem mass spectrometry, also known as MS/MS or MS2, involves multiple steps of mass spectrometry selection, with some form of fragmentation occurring in between the stages. In a tandem mass spectrometer, ions are formed in the ion source and separated by mass-to-charge ratio in the first stage of mass spectrometry (MS1). Ions of a particular mass-to-charge ratio (precursor ions) are selected and fragment ions (product ions) are created by collision-induced dissociation, ion-molecule reaction, photodissociation, or other process. The resulting ions are then separated and detected in a second stage of mass spectrometry (MS2).
  • 6.2K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Porcelain Enamel Coatings
Porcelain enamel is an inorganic-type coating, which is applied to metals or glass for both decorative and functional purposes. This coating is a silica-based solidified glass mass obtained by high-temperature firing (temperature can range between 450 and 1200 °C depending on the substrate). Porcelain enamel coatings differ from ceramic coatings mainly by their glass structure and dilatation coefficient, and from organic paints mainly by the inorganic nature of the matrix and the chemical bond that exists between the coating and the substrate. 
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  • 18 Apr 2022
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