Topic Review
Water Ice Resources on Shallow Subsurface of Mars
The planet Mars is the most probable among the terrestrial planets in our solar system to support human settlement or colonization in the future. The detection of water ice or liquid water on the shallow subsurface of Mars is a crucial scientific objective for both the Chinese Tianwen-1 and United States Mars 2020 missions, which were launched in 2020. Both missions were equipped with Rover-mounted ground-penetrating radar (GPR) instruments, specifically the RoPeR on the Zhurong rover and the RIMFAX radar on the Perseverance rover. The in situ radar provides unprecedented opportunities to study the distribution of shallow subsurface water ice on Mars with its unique penetrating capability. The presence of water ice on the shallow surface layers of Mars is one of the most significant indicators of habitability on the extraterrestrial planet.
  • 243
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Traffic Bottleneck Management System
To alleviate traffic congestion, it is necessary to effectively manage traffic bottlenecks. In existing research, travel demand prediction for traffic bottlenecks is based on travel behavior assump￾tions, and prediction accuracy is low in practice. Thus, the effect of traffic bottleneck management strategies cannot be guaranteed. Management strategies are often mandatory, leading to problems such as unfairness and low social acceptance. To address such issues, this paper proposes managing traffic bottlenecks based on shared travel plans. To solve the information security and privacy prob￾lems caused by travel plan sharing and achieve information transparency, travel plans are shared and regulated by blockchain technology. To optimize the operation level of traffic bottlenecks, travel plan regulation models under scenarios where all/some travelers share travel plans are proposed and formulated as linear programming models, and these models are integrated into the blockchain with smart contract technology. Furthermore, travel plan regulation models are tested and verified using traffic flow data from the Su-Tong Yangtze River Highway Bridge, China. The results indicate that the proposed travel plan regulation models are effective for alleviating traffic congestion. The vehicle transfer rate and total delay rate increase as the degree of total demand increases; the vehicle transfer rate increases as the length of the time interval decreases; and the vehicle transfer rate and total delay rate increase as the number of vehicles not sharing their travel plans increases. By using the model and method proposed in this paper, the sustainability of urban economy, society, and environment can be promoted.
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  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Solar Wall Technology
Solar walls provide transformative solutions by harnessing solar energy to generate electricity, improve thermal comfort, and reduce energy consumption and emissions, contributing to zero-energy buildings and mitigating climate change. In hot and humid regions, solar walls can reduce indoor temperatures by 30% to 50%, significantly improving energy efficiency. Optimizing the performance of solar walls includes factors such as glazing, shading, solar orientation, ventilation, and catalytic techniques, allowing them to be adapted to different climates. Innovative solar wall variants that include photovoltaic panels, water storage, and phase-change materials offer multifunctionality and sustainability in building design and are in line with global energy efficiency and environmentally conscious goals.
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  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
In Vivo/In Vitro Electrochemical Detection of Neurochemicals
Neurochemicals, crucial for nervous system function, influence vital bodily processes and their fluctuations are linked to neurodegenerative diseases and mental health conditions. Monitoring these compounds is pivotal, yet the intricate nature of the central nervous system poses challenges. Researchers have devised methods, notably electrochemical sensing with micro-nanoscale electrodes, offering high-resolution monitoring despite low concentrations and rapid changes. Implantable sensors enable precise detection in brain tissues with minimal damage, while microdialysis-coupled platforms allow in vivo sampling and subsequent in vitro analysis, addressing the selectivity issues seen in other methods.
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  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Coastal Acid-Sulfate Soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia
Coastal acid-sulfate soils are crucial for producing crops and thus, for food security. However, over time, these soil resources experience degradation, leading to higher agro-input, lower yields, and environmental hazards that finally threaten food security. The optimal use of this fragile resource is only attained by implementing vigorous integrated water–soil–crop management technologies amid the climate change impact. 
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  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Cancer Stem Cells in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer is one of most common types of gynaecological tumours in developing countries. It has been suggested that cancer stem cells play an important role in the development of endometrial cancer. These are a subset of highly tumorigenic cells with similar features to normal stem cells (unlimited proliferation, multi-potential differentiation, self-renewal, aggressiveness, invasion, recurrence, and chemo- and endocrine therapy resistance). Wnt/β-catenin, Hedghog, and Notch1 are the most frequently activated pathways in endometrial cancer stem cells. The presence of cancer stem cells is associated with the resistance to chemotherapy caused by different mechanisms. 
  • 129
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Toxicity and Physicochemical Properties of Trifluoroacetic Acid
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is a known and persistent pollutant in the environment. Although several direct anthropogenic sources exist, production from the atmospheric degradation of fluorocarbons such as some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) has been a known source for some time. The current transition from HFCs to HFOs (hydrofluoroolefins) is beneficial from a global warming viewpoint because HFOs are much shorter-lived and pose a much smaller threat in terms of warming, but the fraction of HFOs converted into TFA is higher than seen for the corresponding HFCs and the region in which TFA is produced is close to the source. Therefore, it is timely to review the role of TFA in the Earth’s environment.
  • 249
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
The Reflective Mind of the Anxious in Action
The Attentional Control Theory (ACT) posits that, while trait anxiety may not directly impact performance, it can influence processing efficiency by prompting the use of compensatory mechanisms. The specific nature of these mechanisms, which might be reflective, is not detailed by the ACT.
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  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence-Based Support in Cardiology
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based algorithms, in particular, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), have recently revolutionized image creation. Precise segmentation of lesions may contribute to an efficient diagnostics process and a more effective selection of targeted therapy. For example, an AI-based algorithm for the segmentation of pigmented skin lesions has been developed, which enables diagnosis in the earlier stages of the disease, without invasive medical procedures. With flexibility and scalability, AI can be also considered an efficient tool for cancer diagnosis, particularly in the early stages of the disease.
  • 375
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Sustainable Development of Mining Regions
The Arctic’s specific conditions require increased attention to natural and human capital. Therefore, implementing the principles of the sustainable development concept, balancing economic, social, and environmental goals is of paramount importance. Mining is at the heart of the strategy for the socio-economic development of Russia’s Arctic territories. 
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  • 27 Mar 2024
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