Topic Review
Chatbot-Based Natural Language Interfaces for Data Visualisation
Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), particularly for advanced visualisations, expanding guidance strategies beyond current limitations, adopting intelligent visual mapping techniques, and incorporating more sophisticated interaction methods. 
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  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Molecular Dynamics Simulations for DNAs
DNA carries the genetic information required for the synthesis of RNA and proteins and plays an important role in many processes of biological development. Understanding the three-dimensional (3D) structures and dynamics of DNA is crucial for understanding their biological functions and guiding the development of novel materials. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can generally reproduce the behavior of DNAs in a computer, providing detailed structural and dynamical insights that enhancing our comprehension of relevant experimental data. MD simulations using classical force fields such as AMBER and CHARMM have provided highly detailed and flexible descriptions of DNA dynamics, including structural transformations, stability of non-canonical conformations, salt ion cohesion effects, twist-stretch coupling of stress, flexibility under methylation modifications, and interactions with other macromolecules. It is always fascinating to obtain microscopic insights into DNA dynamics through MD simulations. However, the innumerable degrees of freedom, interconnected in complex ways, can make it practically impossible to detect DNA dynamics on biologically relevant time scales and length scales using currently available computer hardware
  • 390
  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Detection of Image Steganography
As internet traffic grows daily, so does the need to protect it. Network security protects data from unauthorized access and ensures their confidentiality and integrity. Steganography is the practice and study of concealing communications by inserting them into seemingly unrelated data streams (cover media). Investigating and adapting machine learning models in digital image steganalysis is becoming more popular.
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  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
EfficientNetV2 and Transfer Learning Applied to Nursing Homes
In the context of population aging, to reduce the run on public medical resources, nursing homes need to predict the health risks of the elderly periodically. However, there is no professional medical testing equipment in nursing homes. In the current disease risk prediction research, many datasets are collected by professional medical equipment. In addition, the currently researched models cannot be run directly on mobile terminals.
  • 365
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Machine Learning for Hydropower Generation
Hydropower is the most prevalent source of renewable energy production worldwide. As the global demand for robust and ecologically sustainable energy production increases, developing and enhancing the current energy production processes is essential. In the past decade, machine learning has contributed significantly to various fields, and hydropower is no exception. All three horizons of hydropower models could benefit from machine learning: short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Dynamic programming is used in the majority of hydropower scheduling models.
  • 574
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a rare malignancy, occurring in 5–10% of patients diagnosed with UC, and involves the renal pelvis, calyces, or ureters. UTUC can be sporadic or hereditary as a clinical manifestation of Lynch syndrome. Therapeutic management of these patients is challenging. Following risk stratification of localized disease, patients with low-grade UTUC may undergo kidney-sparing surgery or radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) and/or chemoablation with mitomycin-c instillation to reduce recurrence.
  • 321
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Mathematical Modeling and Electric Vehicle
The estimated range of an electric vehicle is a variable value. The assessment of this power reserve is possible by various methods, and the results of the assessment by these methods will be quite different. Thus, building a model based on these cycles is an extremely important task for manufacturers of electric vehicles.
  • 332
  • 26 Jun 2023
Michael Voskoglou
Michael Gr. Voskoglou received his B.Sc. in Mathematics (1972, Excellent) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, his M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics (1978) and M.Phil.  in Algebra (1980) from the University of Leeds, UK and his Ph.D. (1982, Excellent) from the University of Patras, Greece. His Ph.D. thesis entitled “A Contribution to the Study of Rings” was a research study on
  • 505
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Forensic Methods for Image Inpainting
The rapid development of digital image inpainting technology is causing serious hidden danger to the security of multimedia information. Efforts have been devoted to developing forensic methods for image inpainting. They can be roughly divided into the following two categories: conventional inpainting forensics methods and deep learning-based inpainting forensics methods.
  • 393
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Importance of Metrics for Agile Scrum Environments
Metrics are key elements that can give us valuable information about the effectiveness of agile software development processes, particularly considering the Scrum environment. Scrum was conceived by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber in 1993 with the intention of being a faster, more effective, and more reliable way to develop software for the technology industry.
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  • 26 Jun 2023
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