Topic Review
Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission Technology
Novel nano-engineering protocols have been actively synergized with fluorescence spectroscopic techniques to yield higher intensity from radiating dipoles, through the process termed plasmon-enhanced fluorescence (PEF). Consequently, the limit of detection of analytes of interest has been dramatically improvised on account of higher sensitivity rendered by augmented fluorescence signals. Metallic thin films sustaining surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) have been creatively hybridized with such PEF platforms to realize a substantial upsurge in the global collection efficiency in a judicious technology termed surface plasmon-coupled emission (SPCE). This Editorial Review by Dr. Seemesh Bhaskar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, provides a spotlight on the latest developments in SPCE substrate engineering to the broad audience of photo-plasmonics, spectroscopy, micro- & nanotechnology, life sciences, thin films and point-of-care diagnostics.
  • 602
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Data-Driven Methodologies Used for Wind Turbines O&M Tasks
 Wind power is one of the most sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources. With the rapid development of wind turbines (WTs), there is an increasing need to lower the Cost of Energy (COE) of wind power. Predictive maintenance techniques that leverage past failures to learn from and forecast failure and the remaining usable life of various wind turbines can significantly reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses. Recent advancements in data-driven models for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of wind turbines’ critical components (e.g., bearing, gearbox, generator, blade pitch) are reviewed. The entry categorizes these models according to data-driven procedures, such as data descriptions, data pre-processing, feature extraction and selection, model selection (classification, regression), validation, and decision making. The findings after reviewing extensive relevant articles suggest that (a) SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) data are widely used as they are available at low cost and are extremely practical (due to the 10 min averaging time), but their use is in some sense nonspecific. (b) Unstructured data and pre-processing remain a significant challenge and consume a significant time of whole machine learning model development. (c) The trade-off between the complexity of the vibration analysis and the applicability of the results deserves further development, especially with regards to drivetrain faults. (d) Most of the proposed techniques focus on gearbox and bearings, and there is a need to apply these models to other wind turbine components. 
  • 292
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Biological Processes for Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen technology has great potential as a source of clean energy. The production of green hydrogen is a desirable and beneficial way to contribute to the decarbonization of the energy sector. In response to the demand for environmentally friendly and economically feasible approaches, biohydrogen production from waste materials has attracted interest. Waste materials from industrial or municipal production can be used as low-cost substrates for biohydrogen production through microbial degradation.
  • 899
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Sensors for Emotion Recognition
The rapid development of sensors and information technology has made it possible for machines to recognize and analyze human emotions. Emotion recognition is an important research direction in various fields. Human emotions have many manifestations. Therefore, emotion recognition can be realized by analyzing facial expressions, speech, behavior, or physiological signals. These signals are collected by different sensors. Correct recognition of human emotions can promote the development of affective computing. 
  • 1.5K
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Power Electronics Converters for Electric Vehicle Auxiliaries
Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to take over the transportation and mobility market over traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles soon. The internal power demands of EVs are expected to increase. The reason for this is to achieve a longer driving range for the EV and to provide the required power for the low-voltage (LV) network auxiliary loads. To illustrate, there are extra added sensors, cameras, and small actuating motors, especially for future autonomous vehicles. Therefore, a new electrical/electronic (E/E) architecture is required to convert the high-voltage (HV) traction battery voltage (e.g., 320–800 V DC) to the standard LV levels with high current ratings of 5 kW and more. This HV-LV DC-DC converter is known in the literature as an auxiliary power module (APM). 
  • 899
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies
Water is one of the main sources of life’s survival. It is mandatory to have good-quality water, especially for drinking. Many types of available filtration treatment can produce high-quality drinking water. In general, the treatment technologies for treating water depend on the type of raw intake water that comes from various water sources, such as surface water and groundwater. Membrane filtration is an advanced drinking water treatment that is widely used nowadays in water treatment processes, mainly for drinking water. 
  • 919
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Organ-on-Chip Models for Mimicking Joint Microenvironment
Osteoarthritis (OA) remains a prevalent disease affecting more than 20% of the global population, resulting in morbidity and lower quality of life for patients. The study of OA pathophysiology remains predominantly in animal models due to the complexities of mimicking the physiological environment surrounding the joint tissue. Development in microfluidic organ-on-chip (OoC) systems have demonstrated various techniques to mimic and modulate tissue physiological environments. Adaptations of these techniques have demonstrated success in capturing a joint tissue’s tissue physiology for studying the mechanism of OA. 
  • 623
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Out-of-autoclave (OOA) manufacturing techniques for composites result in lower fibre volume fractions than for fully compressed laminates. The lower fibre volume fraction produces a higher resin volume fraction, which becomes resin-rich volumes (RRV). Textile reinforcements with clustered fibres and consequent RRV generally have low strength but high in-plane process permeability, whereas the opposite is true for uniformly distributed fibres. The inevitable increase in resin volume fraction of OOA composites often compromises composite performance and leads to relatively higher weight and fuel consumption in transport applications. The retention of autoclave processing is recommended for highest performance when compression press moulding is not appropriate (for example, for complex 3D components). The traditional autoclave processing of composites heats not only the component to be cured but also parasitic air and the vessel insulation. Subject to minor modifications of the pressure vessel, electrically heated tooling could be implemented. This approach would need to balance insulation of the heated tool surface (and any heater blanket on the counter-face) against the quenching effect during the introduction of the pressurised cool air. This process optimisation would significantly reduce energy consumption. Additionally, the laminate on the heated tool could be taken to the end of the dwell period before loading the autoclave, leading to significant reductions in cure cycle times. Components could be cured simultaneously at different temperatures provided that there are sufficient power and control circuits in the autoclave. While autoclave processing has usually involved vacuum-bagged pre-impregnated reinforcements, implementation of the cool-clave technique could also provide a scope for using the pressure vessel to cure vacuum-infused composites.
  • 394
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Rehabilitation of Tubular Joints
Exposure to load and offshore environment degrades the load-bearing capacity of tubular joints, necessitating reinforcement of these joints. Reinforcement is sometimes required for lifespan enhancement or qualification based on new requirements. Available reinforcement techniques include welded rings inside/outside the chord, doubler/collar plate at the brace-chord interface, grout filling, and clamp installation on the joints with/without cement. While these techniques increase the load-bearing capacity of damaged tubular joints, various practical limitations exist.
  • 513
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Evaluation of Urban Street Functions
Urban street networks are a vital part of urban areas and have a remarkable influence over quality of life and the use of sustainable modes. They make up about 80% of public space and shape urban activities and identity.
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  • 10 Mar 2023
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