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Razali, M.C.; Wahab, N.A.; Sunar, N.; Shamsudin, N.H. Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 01 July 2024).
Razali MC, Wahab NA, Sunar N, Shamsudin NH. Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed July 01, 2024.
Razali, Mashitah Che, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Noorhazirah Sunar, Nur Hazahsha Shamsudin. "Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies" Encyclopedia, (accessed July 01, 2024).
Razali, M.C., Wahab, N.A., Sunar, N., & Shamsudin, N.H. (2023, March 12). Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies. In Encyclopedia.
Razali, Mashitah Che, et al. "Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies." Encyclopedia. Web. 12 March, 2023.
Available Drinking Water Treatment Technologies

Water is one of the main sources of life’s survival. It is mandatory to have good-quality water, especially for drinking. Many types of available filtration treatment can produce high-quality drinking water. In general, the treatment technologies for treating water depend on the type of raw intake water that comes from various water sources, such as surface water and groundwater. Membrane filtration is an advanced drinking water treatment that is widely used nowadays in water treatment processes, mainly for drinking water. 

filtration drinking water membrane fouling fouling prevention fouling prediction fouling control

1. Introduction

The quality of drinking water resources is being enthusiastically addressed around the world since it is essential to health and development issues. Due to uncontrolled industrial waste and low public awareness, water pollutants can be discharged either directly or indirectly to water resources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, seawater, and groundwater, which later become contaminated. The contaminated or poor quality of drinking water can cause various infectious diseases and negatively impact our overall health [1]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), contaminated drinking water can cause serious diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio [2]. It is estimated that around 502,000 people die each year from diarrhea due to unsafe drinking water. The quality of water resources has been gradually depreciating due to industrialization and urbanization [3]. It has become a crucial problem due to the difficulty of meeting effluent quality standards with conventional treatment processes [4][5][6]. Good-quality drinking water helps people achieve maximum body health and well-being.
To obtain high-quality drinking water, a good and reliable water treatment process is desirable. Traditional drinking water treatment includes five common units such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection [7][8][9]. More than ten decades ago, the only treatment processes used in municipal and industrial water treatment were conventional filtration, such as clarification and granular media filtration, and chlorination methods. However, in the past twenty years, industrial water has shown high interest in the implementation of advanced water treatment technologies, particularly for water purification technologies such as membrane filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, the advanced oxidation process (AOP), ion exchange, and biological filtration for the removal of water contaminants in drinking water [10].


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