Topic Review
Continuum Robots and Magnetic Soft Robots
Magnetic soft robots, as an innovative branch of the soft robotics discipline, are eye-catching because of their excellent controllability and high flexibility under the control of magnetic fields. Thanks to the properties of magnetic materials, this type of robot can be manufactured into extremely fine micro guide wires, making it particularly applicable in fields such as minimally invasive pipeline interventional treatment or interventional laser surgery. Although magnetic soft robots and continuum robots belong to the same category of soft robots, they show obvious differences and complementarities in design concepts, application scenarios, and technical implementation. Especially from the perspective of structural size, continuum robots have encountered certain challenges in miniaturization, and magnetic soft robots can be regarded as an important expansion and deepening of continuum robots in terms of size reduction.
  • 281
  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Continuum Robots for Medical Applications
Traditional rigid robot application in the medical field is limited due to the limited degrees of freedom caused by their material and structure. Inspired by trunk, tentacles, and snakes, continuum robot (CR) could traverse confined space, manipulate objects in complex environment, and conform to curvilinear paths in space. The continuum robot has broad prospect in surgery due to its high dexterity, which can reach circuitous areas of the body and perform precision surgery. Recently, many efforts have been done by researchers to improve the design and actuation methods of continuum robots. Several continuum robots have been applied in clinic surgical interventions and demonstrated superiorities to conventional rigid-link robots.
  • 1.8K
  • 13 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Contractual Governance for Dispute Resolution in China
Disputes may disturb construction projects and stakeholders, and they may cause tremendous losses that hinder the sustainable development of construction. Therefore, contractual governance is significant in construction projects as a crucial method of dispute management. However, the interrelation of contract and dispute management has not been studied theoretically and comprehensively. In this regard, a framework for dispute governance was proposed in this entry, including governance structures (GSs), governance mechanisms (GMs) and an additional conceptual model, by using a literature analysis method. The results suggest that dispute structures based on owner-centered (OC), owner- and supervisor-decentralized (OSD) and additional independent representatives (AIRs) are often used. Each kind of GS can be applied in a specified project. On the other hand, GSs could be divided into an external GS and an internal GS, which played different roles in motivation mechanisms. In addition, a conceptual model was developed through literature analysis. Case studies were presented to investigate the relationship between the GS and GM. Then, specified GMs were identified from case studies of Chinese construction contracts. Current research can provide valuable information allowing for contract drafters and managers to realize the sustainable development of projects.
  • 311
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Contractual Systems in Oil/Gas Sector
Production activities in the oil and gas industry are capital intensive and associated with high technology, with these assets not always being available to oil-producing countries or national companies. Any form of interaction between the parties involved in natural resource extraction requires clear regulation regarding contractual relationships. This study attempts to analyze Indonesia’s production sharing contract system in order to assess its applicability to other conditions. The article covers the key aspects of contract theory, provides a classification of contractual systems in the oil and gas sector, and discusses the most common types of contractual agreements. It also considers the key principles of production sharing contracts (PSCs), analyzes the development of PSC practices in Indonesia over the past sixty years, and highlights PSC advantages and disadvantages.
  • 1.4K
  • 10 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Control Algorithms of Agriculture Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicles
This review paper discusses the development trends of agricultural autonomous all-terrain vehicles (AATVs) from four cornerstones, such as (1) control strategy and algorithms, (2) sensors, (3) data communication tools and systems, and (4) controllers and actuators, based on 221 papers published in peer-reviewed journals for 1960–2023. The paper highlights a comparative analysis of commonly employed control methods and algorithms by highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. It gives comparative analyses of sensors, data communication tools, actuators, and hardware-embedded controllers. In recent years, many novel developments in AATVs have been made due to advancements in wireless and remote communication, high-speed data processors, sensors, computer vision, and broader applications of AI tools. Technical advancements in fully autonomous control of AATVs remain limited, requiring research into accurate estimation of terrain mechanics, identifying uncertainties, and making fast and accurate decisions, as well as utilizing wireless communication and edge cloud computing. Furthermore, most of the developments are at the research level and have many practical limitations due to terrain and weather conditions.  
  • 129
  • 21 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Control in Micro-Grid Systems
The demand for electricity is increased due to the development of the industry, the electrification of transport, the rise of household demand, and the increase in demand for digitally connected devices and air conditioning systems. For that, solutions and actions should be developed for greater consumers of electricity. For instance, MG (Micro-grid) buildings are one of the main consumers of electricity, and if they are correctly constructed, controlled, and operated, significant energy savings can be attained. As a solution, hybrid RES (renewable energy source) systems are proposed, offering the possibility for simple consumers to be producers of electricity. This hybrid system contains different renewable generators connected to energy storage systems, making it possible to locally produce a part of energy in order to minimize the consumption from the utility grid. 
  • 805
  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Control Panel Design
In today's digital age, control panels are essential for managing systems, devices, and software applications. An effective control panel design is crucial for enhancing user experience, improving efficiency, and ensuring seamless interaction. This guide will delve into the principles and best practices for designing user-friendly control panels.
  • 175
  • 26 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Control Rod
Control rods are used in nuclear reactors to control the rate of fission of the nuclear fuel – uranium or plutonium. Their compositions include chemical elements such as boron, cadmium, silver, hafnium, or indium, that are capable of absorbing many neutrons without themselves fissioning. These elements have different neutron capture cross sections for neutrons of various energies. Boiling water reactors (BWR), pressurized water reactors (PWR), and heavy-water reactors (HWR) operate with thermal neutrons, while breeder reactors operate with fast neutrons. Each reactor design can use different control rod materials based on the energy spectrum of its neutrons.
  • 3.0K
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Control Strategy for High Speed On/off Valves
Digital hydraulic technology is considered to be a potential solution to replace traditional hydraulic servo control technology in the “Industry 4.0” era. Digital valves mainly consist of incremental digital valves and high speed on/off valves (HSV), of which the former have been abandoned by academia and industry due to its low-frequency and tendency to become out-of-step. 
  • 1.2K
  • 28 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Control System Design for Collaborative Robots
Human–robot collaboration is an innovative area aiming to construct an environment for safe and efficient collaboration between humans and robots to accomplish a specific task. Collaborative robots cooperate with humans to assist them in undertaking simple-to-complex tasks in several fields, including industry, education, agriculture, healthcare services, security, and space exploration. These robots play a vital role in the revolution of Industry 4.0, which defines new standards of manufacturing and the organization of products in the industry. Incorporating collaborative robots in the workspace improves efficiency, but it also introduces several safety risks.
  • 801
  • 30 Jan 2023
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