Topic Review
NiO-TiO2 p-n Heterojunction
NiO is a typical p-type semiconductor and it has widely been combined with TiO2 to form the p-n heterojunction due to its suitable energy band structure, high charge carrier concentration, high chemical stability and low cost. Decreasing the size of NiO to nanoclusters helps to improve the electron transfer channels on the surface of TiO2, thus enhance photocatalytic hydrogen production efficiency.
  • 864
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Three-Dimensional Printing of Hydroxyapatite Composites
Hydroxyapatite (HA) and HA-based nanocomposites have been recognized as ideal biomaterials in hard tissue engineering because of their compositional similarity to bioapatite. Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been shown to provide a fast, precise, controllable, and scalable fabrication approach for the synthesis of HA-based scaffolds.
  • 864
  • 17 May 2021
Topic Review
Alternative Materials from Agro-Industry for Wood Panel Manufacturing
The growing demand for wood-based panels for buildings and furniture and the increasing worldwide concern for reducing the pressure on forest resources require alternatives to wood raw materials. The agricultural industry not only can provide raw materials from non-wood plants but also numerous residues and side streams. An overview of the availability was supplied, chemical composition, and fiber characteristics of non-wood lignocellulosic materials and agricultural residues, i.e., grow care residues, harvest residues, and process residues, and their relevance for use in wood panel manufacturing. During the crop harvest, there are millions of tons of residues in the form of stalks, among other things. Usually, these are only available seasonally without using storage capacity. Process residues, on the other hand, can be taken from ongoing production and processed further. Fiber characteristics and chemical composition affect the panel properties. Alternatives to wood with long fibers and high cellulose content offer sufficient mechanical strength in different panel types. In general, the addition of wood substitutes up to approximately 30% provides panels with the required strength properties. However, other parameters must be considered, such as pressing temperature, adhesive type, press levels, and pretreatments of the raw material. 
  • 864
  • 14 Jul 2022
Topic Review
SBA-15 synthesis variables
SBA-15 synthetized at different values of time and temperature of the hydrothermal treatment were mixture with tobacco in order to determine the capacity of reduction of toxic and carcirogenic compounds on tobacco smoke. The effect of temperature is not significative but time presents a remarked effect. And a parameter not frequently studied, the aparent density, has been shown the most relevant relation with the results on smoking experimentos. Finally, the effect of reduce the supernatant liquor also has been studied and the results have shown that the material properties remain practically unchanged.
  • 863
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Si-Based GeSn
A literature survey revealed that GeSn materials have numerous potential applications, including Si-based, integrated high-efficiency light sources; high-mobility electronic devices; low-cost Si-based high-performance shortwave infrared (SWIR) imaging sensors; Si-based photovoltaics; optical signal encoding in the mid-infrared range; high-performance logic applications; Si-based integrated thermoelectrics as wearable devices; Si-based spintronics; Si-based integrated reconfigurable dipoles; and Si-based quantum computing. GeSn-related fundamental research and development applications have also been extensively investigated. 
  • 862
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Biosensing Using SERS Active Gold Nanostructures
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has become a powerful tool for biosensing applications owing to its fingerprint recognition, high sensitivity, multiplex detection, and biocompatibility. This review provides an overview of the most significant aspects of SERS for biomedical and biosensing applications. 
  • 861
  • 01 Nov 2021
Topic Review
MXenes—A New Class of Two-Dimensional Materials
A new class of two-dimensional nanomaterials, MXenes, which are carbides/nitrides/carbonitrides of transition and refractory metals, has been critically analyzed. Since the synthesis of the first family member in 2011 by Yury Gogotsi and colleagues, MXenes have quickly become attractive for a variety of research fields due to their exceptional properties. Despite the fact that this new family of 2D materials was discovered only about ten years ago, the number of scientific publications related to MXene almost doubles every year. Thus, in 2021 alone, more than 2000 papers are expected to be published, which indicates the relevance and prospects of MXenes. 
  • 861
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Cracks Types and Causes of Laser Cladding Coatings
Laser cladding, a novel surface treatment technology, utilizes a high-energy laser beam to melt diverse alloy compositions and form a specialized alloy-cladding layer on the surface of the substrate to enhance its property. However, it can generate substantial residual stresses during the rapid cooling and heating stages, due to inadequate selection of cladding process parameters and disparities in thermophysical properties between the clad layer and substrate material, leading to the formation of various types of cracks. These cracks can significantly impact the quality and performance of the coating.
  • 861
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Indium-Mediated Allylation
Indium-Mediated Allylations (IMAs) are important chemical reactions for the formation of carbon–carbon bonds. This reaction has two steps: first, indium inserts itself between the carbon–halogen bond of an allyl halide, becoming the organoindium intermediate; second, this allyl indide intermediate reacts with an electrophile to synthesize one of a wide range of compounds, such as carbohydrates and antihelminthic drugs. This reaction is depicted in the scheme below: Although this reaction occurs in two steps, it is commonly done as a Barbier reaction where the indium, allyl halide, and electrophile are all mixed together in a one-pot process. Indium reacts more readily than other metals, such as Mg, Pb, Bi, or Zn and does not require a promoter or flammable organic solvent to drive the reaction. IMAs have advantages over other carbon bond forming reactions because of their ability to be carried out in water, which is cheap and environmentally friendly. Therefore, these reactions represent Green chemistry, providing a safer alternative to the very common Grignard reaction, performed with Mg. Reactions yield high stereo- and regio-selectivity with few by-products making it easy to purify the desired product.
  • 861
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Polymeric Pipeline Coatings Time-Dependent Performance
The barrier performance of organic coatings is a direct function of mass transport and long-term stability of the polymeric structure. A predictive assessment of the protective coating cannot be conducted a priori of degradation effects on transport. Epoxy-based powder coatings are an attractive class of coatings for pipelines and other structures because application processing times are low and residual stresses between polymer layers are reduced. 
  • 861
  • 27 May 2021
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