Topic Review
Antagonists of the AT1receptor
Antagonists of the AT1receptor (AT1R) are beneficial molecules that can prevent the peptide hormone angiotensin II from binding and activating the specific receptor causing hypertension in pathological states.
  • 891
  • 06 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Lipid-Oligonucleotide Conjugates and the Development of RNA-Based Therapeutics
Antisense and small interfering RNA (siRNA) oligonucleotides have been recognized as powerful therapeutic compounds for targeting mRNAs and inducing their degradation. However, a major obstacle is that unmodified oligonucleotides are not readily taken up into tissues and are susceptible to degradation by nucleases. For these reasons, the design and preparation of modified DNA/RNA derivatives with better stability and an ability to be produced at large scale with enhanced uptake properties is of vital importance.
  • 891
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Surface Attached Mortar for Recycled Coarse Aggregate
Due to the large amount of old hardened cement mortar attached to the surface of aggregate and the internal micro-cracks formed by the crushing process, the water absorption, apparent density, and crushing index of recycled coarse aggregate are still far behind those of natural coarse aggregate. The results showed that the physical strengthening technique can remove old hardened mortar and micro powder attached to the surface of recycled coarse aggregate by mechanical action, which can effectively improve the quality of recycled coarse aggregate. 
  • 890
  • 04 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Electrospun Nanofibers for Chemical Separation
The separation and purification of specific chemicals from a mixture have become necessities for many environments, including agriculture, food science, and pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. Electrospun nanofiber membranes are promising materials for the separation of various species such as particles, biomolecules, dyes, and metals from liquids because of the combined properties of a large specific surface, light weight, high porosity, good connectivity, and tunable wettability. This paper reviews the recent progress in the design and fabrication of electrospun nanofibers for chemical separation. Different capture mechanisms including electrostatic, affinity, covalent bonding, chelation, and magnetic adsorption are explained and their distinct characteristics are highlighted. Finally, the challenges and future aspects of nanofibers for membrane applications are discussed.
  • 889
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Meso-zeaxanthin (3R,3´S-zeaxanthin) is a xanthophyll carotenoid, as it contains oxygen and hydrocarbons, and is one of the three stereoisomers of zeaxanthin. Of the three stereoisomers, meso-zeaxanthin is the second most abundant in nature after 3R,3´R-zeaxanthin, which is produced by plants and algae. To date, meso-zeaxanthin has been identified in specific tissues of marine organisms and in the macula lutea, also known as the "yellow spot", of the human retina.
  • 889
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
WO3 and Ionic Liquids -2
The possibility of using an IL to enhance WO3 dispersion on an inorganic support, ensuring the formation of composites with a very large number of exposed catalytic sites, is reported. In addition, in some cases the IL was demonstrated to be able to direct the morphology of WO3 particles.
  • 888
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Copper-Catalyzed Intramolecular Borylative Coupling with Imines
Copper-catalyzed enantioselective borylative cyclization with various electrophiles via difunctionalization of unsaturated hydrocarbons is a powerful tool for the generation of interesting boron-containing carbocycles and heterocycles processes involving a chiral organocopper intermediate. Alkenes, allenes, and alkynes are versatile and easily accessible substrates that can be subjected to a wide range of reactions to produce densely functionalized, enantioenriched products.
  • 887
  • 17 Jul 2022
Topic Review
DFT Calculations of XH Stretching Frequencies
X in the title can be either O or N.  Hydrogen bond potentials can be either symmetric or unsymmetric.  The former is the case for CH bonds, whereas for hydrogen bonded systems the potential can be more or less asymmetric depending on the strength of the hydrogen bond. DFT is an abbrviation for Density Functional Theory; CPMD = Car-Parinello Molecular Dynamics and VPT2  = Vibrational Second Order Pertubation Theory.  RAHB = Resonace Assisted Hydrogen Bonding.
  • 887
  • 13 Jul 2024
Topic Review
Metal Ion Detection by Glutathione
Low cost, sensitive, selective, and rapid methods for heavy metal ion (HMI) detection are of growing demand, and HMI biosensors have great potential in meeting this need due to their timeliness, cost-effectiveness and convenience in operation. The most widely reported peptide probe for HMI detection is glutathione (GSH), especially in case of lead ion (Pb2+) detection. GSH is highly stable, cost-effective, and easy to immobilize on a sensor. 
  • 886
  • 10 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Coffee By-Products and Their Applications
As coffee consumption is on the rise, and the global coffee production creates an excess of 23 million tons of waste per year, a revolutionary transition towards a circular economy via the transformation and valorization of the main by-products from its cultivation and preparation (Coffee Husk (CH), Coffee Pulp (CP), Coffee Silverskin (CS), and Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG)) is inspiring researchers around the world.
  • 886
  • 25 Jan 2022
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