Topic Review
Ceramic Nanostructured Coatings
Ceramic nanocoatings are widely used in many applications such as engine valves, boiler parts, automotive body parts, orthopaedic implants, etc., due to their excellent resistance to corrosion, oxidation and wear, as compared to metals, especially in high-temperature applications. They also have excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties.
  • 706
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Liquid-Chromatographic Methods for Carboxylic Acids
Carboxyl-bearing low-molecular-weight compounds such as keto acids, fatty acids, and other organic acids are involved in a myriad of metabolic pathways owing to their high polarity and solubility in biological fluids. Various disease areas such as cancer, myeloid leukemia, heart disease, liver disease, and lifestyle diseases (obesity and diabetes) were found to be related to certain metabolic pathways and changes in the concentrations of the compounds involved in those pathways. Therefore, the quantification of such compounds provides useful information pertaining to diagnosis, pathological conditions, and disease mechanisms, spurring the development of numerous analytical methods for this purpose.
  • 706
  • 05 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Biomedical Application of Carbon Dots
Carbon dots (CDs), which are a new category of carbon nanoparticles that consist of quasi-spherical, discrete fluorescent carbon nanomaterials with a diameter of less than 10 nm, have multiple advantages over semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), including high water solubility, low cost, excellent biocompatibility, chemically inertness, highly tunable photoluminescence and electrochemical luminescence. Because of their unique properties, carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have acquired significance in nano-chemistry, which has resulted in the discovery of CDD applications, especially in biomedical applications.            
  • 706
  • 01 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Chemical Analysis of Synthetic Antioxidants in Foodstuffs
The information obtained by the systematic search in ScienceDirect® databases, indicated the predominance of the use of separation chromatography, followed by detection techniques in the development of analytical methods for the detection of phenolic antioxidants in foodstuffs. This is because these techniques allow the simultaneous determination of different types of antioxidants, through the separation of these compounds at different stages of a column, thus obtaining different retention times, which are related to the physicochemical characteristics of the antioxidants and their interaction between the stationary and mobile phase. After the separation, the antioxidants are identified and quantified using specific chromatographic detectors, such as ultraviolet–visible, diode array, thermal conductivity, and mass spectroscopy, resulting in a suitable sensitivity and selectivity. However, separation and detection chromatographic, despite being very accurate in the detection of antioxidants, have as their main disadvantage the use of large amounts of organic solvents or inert gases, with elevated purity and, consequently, high cost. Additionally, the use of these techniques requires rigorous steps of extraction and cleanup to prepare the foodstuff samples for analysis, remove interference compounds, and/or preconcentrate the antioxidants to obtain reliable information. Extraction steps can increase the time and costs in the analysis, promote a reduction in the analytical frequency, and generate a great quantity of residues, which goes against a very important principle, taken very seriously today, green chemistry, which orients the reduction or elimination of toxic residues in chemical products and processes, including all cycles of a chemical, in its design, manufacture, use, and final disposal.
  • 706
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Properties of Hybrid Perovskite and Polymer Materials
The aim of this work is to investigate the preparation, the optical properties and the stability over time of a colloidal oraganic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CH3NH3PbBr3)/random copolymer P(MMA-co-DMAEMA) system. Different ratios of perovskite to copolymer were used to study its effect on stability and properties. The optical properties were investigated by UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Dynamic light scattering was used to determine the size, and the polydispersity of the colloidal hybrid particles; while morphology was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Photoluminescence decay studies revealed the interaction of the random copolymer with the perovskite. Finally, thin-films were prepared to investigate the optical properties of thin hybrid films was observed under certain conditions.
  • 706
  • 30 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Aptamer-Based Biosensors for Bisphenol A in Foodstuffs
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic compound utilized to manufacture plastics for Food Contact Materials (FCMs) or resins for the inside of food containers. Since it was recognized as an Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical (EDC), its implications in pathologies, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, immune system alterations, and developmental and mental disorders, have been widely documented. Diet is considered the main source of exposure for humans to BPA. Consequently, continuous monitoring of the levels of BPA in foods is necessary to assess the risk associated with its consumption in one’s diet. 
  • 706
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Types of Supercapacitors
Supercapacitors are mainly divided into three types: electrical double layer (EDL) capacitors, pseudocapacitors, and hybrid supercapacitors based on their energy storage mechanisms. 
  • 705
  • 27 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Poly Drug Use
Poly drug use or polysubstance use refers to the use of combined psychoactive substances for recreational purposes. In many cases one drug is used as a base or primary drug, with additional drugs to leaven or compensate for the side effects of the primary drug and make the experience more enjoyable with drug synergy effects, or to supplement for primary drug when supply is low.
  • 705
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
ALK Inhibitor
ALK inhibitors are anti-cancer drugs that act on tumours with variations of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) such as an EML4-ALK translocation. They fall under the category of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which work by inhibiting proteins involved in the abnormal growth of tumour cells. All the current approved ALK inhibitors function by binding to the ATP pocket of the abnormal ALK protein, blocking its access to energy and deactivating it. A majority of ALK-rearranged NSCLC harbour the EML4-ALK fusion, although as of 2020, over 92 fusion partners have been discovered in ALK+ NSCLC. For each fusion partner, there can be several fusion variants depending on the position the two genes were fused at, and this may have implications on the response of the tumour and prognosis of the patient.
  • 705
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Functional Polymeric Biomaterials Prepared by RIGC
Functional polymeric biomaterials (FPBMs) represent the most popular usage of natural, synthetic, or hybrid polymeric materials interacting with biological regimes and are used to protect against microbes and regenerate, repair, and treat any type of tissue in the organs, or improve the functions of the human body. FPBMs with bioactive characteristics obtained by radiation-induced graft copolymerisation (RIGC) have been subjected to intensive research and developed into many commercial products. Various studies have reported the development of a variety of radiation-grafted FPBMs.
  • 705
  • 22 Dec 2022
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