Topic Review
Modeling/Performance Analysis of Nanocarbon Interconnects
As the interconnect delay exceeds the gate delay, the integrated circuit (IC) technology has evolved from a transistor-centric era to an interconnect-centric era. Conventional metallic interconnects face several serious challenges in aspects of performance and reliability. To address these issues, nanocarbon materials, including carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene, have been proposed as promising candidates for interconnect applications.
  • 707
  • 21 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Metal Organic Frameworks Supported on Graphene Oxide
Nanotechnology is one of the most active research fields in materials science. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have the benefits of having a sizable specific surface area, extremely high porosity, changeable pore size, post-synthesis modification, and extreme thermal stability. Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted significant research interest due to its similar surface area to MOFs. Furthermore, oxygen-containing groups presented in graphene oxide offer the unique processing and handling advantages of amphiphilicity and dispersion in water. MOF-based GO has attracted attention due to its resemblance to metal ions and organic binding linkers. It has sparked great interest in the past few years due to its distinct characteristics and higher performance compared to MOFs or GO alone. 
  • 707
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Usage of Nanoparticles in the Detection of Coronaviruses
Nanoparticle-based biosensor prototypes illustrate desirable diagnostics qualities, especially during the current pandemic. Such qualities include their ease of use, inexpensive equipment and visual results. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have fostered widespread attention due to their outstanding optical characteristics, photostability and high extinction coefficient.
  • 707
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Plant-Derived Metal Nanoparticles
Plant-derived metal nanoparticles (PDMNPs) have gained considerable interest because of their tremendous and remarkable potential as therapeutic agents as well as development of less expensive, safer, and easier biomedical equipment. PDMNPs are synthesized from metal salts or oxides by using plant extracts because plants have diversified bioactive compounds that can act as reducing and stabilizing agents at the time of nanoparticle synthesis. Besides, PDMNPs take advantages over the nanoparticles synthesized by other methods because of their low cost, environmental friendliness, and sustainability. 
  • 707
  • 23 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Nanomaterials in Cancer Therapy
This entry analyzed the different roles of nanomaterials, such as contrast agent and dose enhancer, in biomedical imaging and cancer therapy. Moreover, the review discussed the underlying mechanisms of nanomaterials including physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms. Some new applications of nanomaterials as theranostic agents are explored. Through a thorough understanding of the recent advances in nanomaterial application in biomedical imaging and cancer therapy, we identified new directions for the optimization and clinical transformation of nanomaterials.
  • 707
  • 08 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Nanoporous Gold in Therapy, Drug Delivery, and Diagnostics
Nanoporous gold (np-Au) has promising applications in therapeutic delivery. The promises arise from its high surface area-to-volume ratio, ease of tuning shape and size, ability to be modified by organic molecules including drugs, and biocompatibility. For the demands of a real patient, light-triggered on-demand pulsatile release from a reservoir containing highly enriched medicines has been demonstrated to be provided by versatile drug delivery devices using nanoporous membranes made of gold nanorods and dendrimers.
  • 707
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Natural Antibacterial Additives in Bioactive Wound Dressings
Wound care is a global health issue with a financial burden of up to US $96.8 billion annually in the USA alone. Chronic non-healing wounds which show delayed and incomplete healing are especially problematic. Natural products and their derivatives have long been a significant source of pharmaceuticals against AMR. Scrutinising the data of newly approved drugs has identified plants as one of the biggest and most important sources in the development of novel antibacterial drugs.
  • 707
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Gasochromic WO3 Nanostructures
Gasochromic WO3 nanostructure sensors work based on changes in their optical properties and color variation when exposed to hydrogen gas. They can work at low or room temperatures and, therefore, are good candidates for the detection of hydrogen leakage with low risk of explosion. Once their morphology and chemical composition are carefully designed, they can be used for the realization of sensitive, selective, low-cost, and flexible hydrogen sensors.
  • 706
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Chemical Analysis of Synthetic Antioxidants in Foodstuffs
The information obtained by the systematic search in ScienceDirect® databases, indicated the predominance of the use of separation chromatography, followed by detection techniques in the development of analytical methods for the detection of phenolic antioxidants in foodstuffs. This is because these techniques allow the simultaneous determination of different types of antioxidants, through the separation of these compounds at different stages of a column, thus obtaining different retention times, which are related to the physicochemical characteristics of the antioxidants and their interaction between the stationary and mobile phase. After the separation, the antioxidants are identified and quantified using specific chromatographic detectors, such as ultraviolet–visible, diode array, thermal conductivity, and mass spectroscopy, resulting in a suitable sensitivity and selectivity. However, separation and detection chromatographic, despite being very accurate in the detection of antioxidants, have as their main disadvantage the use of large amounts of organic solvents or inert gases, with elevated purity and, consequently, high cost. Additionally, the use of these techniques requires rigorous steps of extraction and cleanup to prepare the foodstuff samples for analysis, remove interference compounds, and/or preconcentrate the antioxidants to obtain reliable information. Extraction steps can increase the time and costs in the analysis, promote a reduction in the analytical frequency, and generate a great quantity of residues, which goes against a very important principle, taken very seriously today, green chemistry, which orients the reduction or elimination of toxic residues in chemical products and processes, including all cycles of a chemical, in its design, manufacture, use, and final disposal.
  • 706
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Ceramic Nanostructured Coatings
Ceramic nanocoatings are widely used in many applications such as engine valves, boiler parts, automotive body parts, orthopaedic implants, etc., due to their excellent resistance to corrosion, oxidation and wear, as compared to metals, especially in high-temperature applications. They also have excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties.
  • 706
  • 29 Apr 2022
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