Topic Review
Applications of Aluminum-Si Alloys
Aluminum alloys are at the pinnacle of the light metal world, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Apr 2023
Topic Review
9–12% Cr Heat-Resistant Martensitic Steels
As a promising alloying approach, the modification of chemical composition by increasing the B content and decreasing the N content has been applied to improve the creep resistance of various 9–12% Cr heat-resistant martensitic steels. The 9–12% Cr steels have to exhibit high long-term creep strength, oxidation resistance in a high temperature steam, low cycle fatigue resistance, impact toughness, etc. The creep resistance is the main critical requirement: the minimum long-term creep rupture strength on the base of 100,000 h should be 100 MPa or higher at 650 °C. 
  • 1.1K
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Chemical and Physical Properties of Solid Salt Fluxes
Solid salt fluxes are inorganic compounds that are added during the treatment of molten aluminum to improve the final quality. An understanding of the chemical composition of the flux is essential for the assessment of the physical and chemical behavior of the flux. The chemical composition of the flux can be tailored to adjust properties such as density, viscosity, reactivity, and wettability. Such properties, in turn, will impart different functions to the flux. 
  • 1.0K
  • 05 May 2023
Topic Review
Properties of Wire Arc-Sprayed Fe-Based Coatings
Among different thermal spraying methods, arc-spraying has been widely used due to its low operating costs and high deposition efficiency. The rapid progress of cored wire technology in arc-spraying has increased possibilities for the preparation of new Fe-based coating materials with enhanced properties by adding reinforcement particles and alloying elements to suit the different applications. 
  • 972
  • 09 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Steel Structural Property Correlation
The behaviour of plain carbon, as well as, structural steel is qualitatively different at different regimes of strain rates and temperature when they are subjected to hot-working and impact-loading conditions. Ambient temperature and carbon content are the leading factors governing the deformation behaviour and substructural evolution of these steels.
  • 947
  • 29 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Metallurgy/Weldability of High-Strength Cold-Resistant and Cryogenic Steels
Thermomechanical Controlled Processing (TMCP), the initial microstructure and mechanical properties of rolled products made of high-strength steels, have a significant influence on the properties and reliability of welded structures for low temperature and cryogenic service.
  • 925
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Possibilities and Opportunities in the Indian Steel Industry
Demand for iron ore has been increasing with the increased production of iron and steel in developing countries such as India and China. However, the quality of iron ore has deteriorated over the years globally due to long-term mining. The low-grade iron requires beneficiation before agglomerating for use in the iron-making process. The iron ore interlocked with silica and alumina has to be liberated for efficient beneficiation.
  • 920
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Mg-Zn-{Y, Ce} Alloys: Thermodynamic Modeling and Mechanical Properties
Magnesium alloys are a strong candidate for various applications in automobile and aerospace industries due to their low density and specific strength. Micro-alloying magnesium with zinc, yttrium, and cerium enhances mechanical properties of magnesium through grain refinement and precipitation hardening. 
  • 918
  • 31 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Ni-Base Superalloys
Ni-base superalloys are materials largely used in aero-space and energy production sectors, in particular for manufacturing engine parts (e.g. blades, rotors, turbine disks etc.) of aircrafts and aerospace vehicles and parts of power plants (e.g. extraction of oil and gas, nuclear reactors, etc.). At high temperature they exhibit an exceptional combination of high mechanical strength and excellent corrosion resistance. Ni-base superalloys are considered materials of strategic importance and a lot of metallurgical research has been devoted for optimizing their microstructure and improving mechanical properties so that they can operate at ever higher temperature in conditions of safety and reliability. Ni-base superalloys are strengthened by the precipitation of the ordered γ' phase, L12 Ni3(Al,Ti), crystallographically coherent to the f.c.c. γ matrix and their unique mechanical properties at high temperature result from the great microstructure stability. The volume fraction of γ' phase varies from 25% to 50% in polycrystalline superalloys and reaches about 70% in the most modern single crystal superalloys used for the first stage of aeronautical turbine blades. In order to reduce as much as possible the strain misfit between coherent γ and γ' phases (less than 0.4%) they are designed by an accurate tailoring of the chemical composition and a strict control of the process parameters; the resulting interface energy (20-30 mJ/m2) guarantees an excellent stability of the microstructure at high temperature. Other phases such as carbides, borides, γ'', η, δ, σ, µ and Laves phases may be also present with various effects on the mechanical properties; for instance, the topological closed-packed (TCP) σ, µ and Laves phases are undesirable because reduce the ductility.  In spite of the fact that Ni-base superalloys cost from 3 to 5 times the Fe-base ones, their use is expanding especially in gas turbine components for the production of energy because higher temperature of the thermal cycle guarantees greater efficiency and reduction of polluting emission. The demand of Ni-base superalloys is expected to expand also for the energy production through conventional steam turbine plants for achieving super-critical conditions with a predicted increase of efficiency to ~ 60% and reduction of CO2 to about 0.7 ton/kWatth while current sub-critical power plants have an efficiency of ~ 35% and produce 1.2 ton/kWatth of CO2. Of course, higher operating temperature involves more severe degradation of mechanical properties owing to these factors: (i) microstructure evolution including formation of undesired phases, coalescence of γ' precipitates, degeneration of carbides due to fatigue and creep exposure etc.; ii) the formation of cracks. Three topics of great industrial relevance will be discussed hereinafter: (i) microstructural stability; (ii) manufacturing parts of complex geometry; (iii) welding of superalloys. 
  • 900
  • 16 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Beneficiation of Rare Earth Elements
The rapid depletion of high-grade rare earth elements (REE) resources implies that future supplies may be augmented with low-grade ores, tailings, and other unconventional resources to meet cut-off grades and, subsequently, supply demands. There are distinct differences in the beneficiation response of REE and gangue minerals in the tailings. Gravity, wet magnetic, and froth flotation separation methods produced significantly varying REE recoveries and upgrades. Tabling presented a better potential for REE minerals upgrade compared to the Knelson Concentrator (KC). However, wet magnetic separation produced two REE “rich” preconcentrates. The two REE preconcentrates were subsequently upgraded via froth flotation. In terms of recovery, the best result was achieved during the multistage flotation process carried out on the tailings “feed” in the presence of hydroxamic acid and depressants. With high recoveries obtained using such readily available conventional separation methods, the tailings provide additional REE value to the primary commodities.
  • 872
  • 24 May 2022
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