Topic Review
Somatostatin-secreting δ-cells have aroused great attention due to their powerful roles in coordination of islet insulin and glucagon secretion and maintenance of glucose homeostasis. δ-cells exhibit neuron-like morphology with projections which enable pan-islet somatostatin paracrine regulation despite their scarcity in the islets. 
  • 728
  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
γδ T Cells in ARDs
Autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs), affecting ~1–1.5% of all humans, are associated with considerable life long morbidity and early mortality. Early studies in the 1990s showed numerical changes of the recently discovered γδ T cells in the peripheral blood and in affected tissues of patients with a variety of ARDs, kindling interest in their role in the immuno-pathogenesis of these chronic inflammatory conditions. Indeed, later studies applied rapid developments in the understanding of γδ T cell biology, including antigens recognized by γδ T cells, their developmental programs, states of activation, and cytokine production profiles, to analyze their contribution to the pathological immune response in these disorders.
  • 733
  • 14 May 2021
Topic Review
γ-Secretase is an aspartyl protease.
  • 708
  • 30 Mar 2021
Topic Review
γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid
γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous short chain fatty acid that acts as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the mammalian brain. It has often been illegally abused or misused due to its strong anesthetic effect, particularly in drug-facilitated crimes worldwide. However, proving its ingestion is not straightforward because of the difficulty in distinguishing between endogenous and exogenous GHB, as well as its rapid metabolism. Metabolomics and metabolism studies have recently been used to identify potential biomarkers of GHB exposure. 
  • 1.1K
  • 04 Mar 2021
Topic Review
γ-aminobutyric Acid and Barley Seedlings
It has been revealed that high NaCl stress (>60 mmol L−1) induced phenolics accumulation in barley seedlings, with γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) playing a key role. Interestingly, low NaCl stimulus (20 mmol L−1) enhancing phenolics synthesis and growth of barley seedlings was also reported recently. Hence, exogenous GABA and its bio-synthesis inhibitor 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MP) were applied to reveal the mechanism of GABA regulating phenolics metabolism in barley seedlings treated with 20 mmol L−1 NaCl. The contents of total phenolics and flavonoids significantly increased by 11.64% and 14.52% under NaCl, respectively. The addition of GABA further increased phenolics and flavonoids contents, especially for gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid, and quercetin, compared with NaCl treatment. Simultaneously, GABA increased the activities and mRNA levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase (C4H), and 4-coumalyl CoA ligase (4CL). The addition of 3-MP suppressed the above effects, except for increasing the protein levels of PAL, C4H, and 4CL. Low concentration of NaCl not only promoted growth, but also stimulated endogenous GABA metabolism to affect key enzymes activities and mRNA levels for phenolics synthesis in barley seedlings.
  • 807
  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
β-N-Methylamino-L-Alanine Producers and Biosynthesis Pathways
Non-proteinogenic amino acid β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) (syn: α-amino-β-methylaminopropionic acid, MeDAP; and 3-N-methyl-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid) was first isolated from the seeds of Cycas micronesica K.D.Hill (Cycadaceae). Non-proteinogenic amino acids (NPAAs) are not naturally encoded genetically and are not contained in the genetic code of any organism; however, they play diverse roles in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The research interest in BMAA arose due to the discovery of a link between chronic exposure to this diaminoacid and the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • 622
  • 19 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Ceftaroline fosamil is an N-phosphono prodrug of the fifth generation cephalosporin derivative ceftaroline, presenting two amino side groups located at positions 3 and 7, respectively.
  • 397
  • 25 Sep 2023
Topic Review
β-Lactam Resistance Genes in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the largest global concerns due to its influence in multiple areas, which is consistent with One Health’s concept of close interconnections between people, animals, plants, and their shared environments. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) circulate constantly in various niches, sediments, water sources, soil, and wastes of the animal and plant sectors, and is linked to human activities. Sewage of different origins gets to the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), where ARB and ARG removal efficiency is still insufficient, leading to their transmission to discharge points and further dissemination. Thus, WWTPs are believed to be reservoirs of ARGs and the source of spreading AMR. According to a World Health Organization report, the most critical pathogens for public health include Gram-negative bacteria resistant to third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems (last-choice drugs), which represent β-lactams, the most widely used antibiotics. Therefore, this research presents the available research data for ARGs in WWTPs that confer resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, with a particular emphasis on clinically important life-threatening mechanisms of resistance, including extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and carbapenemases (KPC, NDM).
  • 1.1K
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
β-hydroxybutyrate as an Anti-Aging Metabolite
The ketone bodies, especially β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), derive from fatty acid oxidation and alternatively serve as a fuel source for peripheral tissues including the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. β-HB is currently considered not solely an energy substrate for maintaining metabolic homeostasis but also acts as a signaling molecule of modulating lipolysis, oxidative stress, and neuroprotection. Besides, it serves as an epigenetic regulator in terms of histone methylation, acetylation, β-hydroxybutyrylation to delay various age-related diseases. In addition, studies support endogenous β-HB administration or exogenous supplementation as effective strategies to induce a metabolic state of nutritional ketosis. The purpose of this review article is to provide an overview of β-HB metabolism and its relationship and application in age-related diseases. Future studies are needed to reveal whether β-HB has the potential to serve as adjunctive nutritional therapy for aging.
  • 1.2K
  • 19 Oct 2021
Topic Review
β-glucosidases (EC. are enzymes that hydrolyze glucosidic bonds of oligosaccharides, in special disaccharides, such as cellobiose, realizing glucose at the end of the process. They are highly used in second-generation biofuel production. 
  • 1.4K
  • 29 Jan 2024
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