Topic Review
Embryology of Aorta
The aorta is the largest elastic artery in the human body and is classically divided into two anatomical segments, the thoracic and the abdominal aorta, separated by the diaphragm. The thoracic aorta includes the aortic root, the ascending aorta, the arch, and the descending aorta. The aorta’s elastic properties depend on its wall structure, composed of three distinct histologic layers: intima, media, and adventitia. The different aortic segments show different embryological and anatomical features, which account for their different physiological properties and impact the occurrence and natural history of congenital and acquired diseases that develop herein.
  • 1.8K
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Whole Genome Duplication in Development, Evolution, and Disease
Whole genome duplication (WGD) or polyploidization can occur at the cellular, tissue, and organismal levels. At the cellular level, tetraploidization has been proposed as a driver of aneuploidy and genome instability and correlates strongly with cancer progression, metastasis, and the development of drug resistance. WGD is also a key developmental strategy for regulating cell size, metabolism, and cellular function. In specific tissues, WGD is involved in normal development (e.g., organogenesis), tissue homeostasis, wound healing, and regeneration. At the organismal level, WGD propels evolutionary processes such as adaptation, speciation, and crop domestication. 
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  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Modes of Nanofertilizer Application
There are three primary methods of nanofertilizer application: foliar, seed nanopriming, and soil treatment. The appropriate method of nanofertilizer application is crucial for optimal plant growth, as it varies depending on the soil and climate type. The choice depends on soil quality, nutrient availability, and climate, which affect nutrient uptake and utilization. Understanding these factors and selecting the appropriate method can improve crop yield, reduce environmental impact, and create more sustainable agricultural practices.
  • 1.2K
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The Synthesis Pathway of L-Theanine in Microorganisms
Theanine, a representative non-protein amino acid in tea, is one of the umami components of tea and a major factor in the formation of the unique flavor of tea leaves. In addition to its delicious taste, theanine has a variety of health functions and is used in the food supplement, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetic industries. 
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  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Glioblastoma Microenvironment and Invasiveness
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and malignant primary brain cancer in adults. Without treatment the mean patient survival is approximately 6 months, which can be extended to 15 months with the use of multimodal therapies. The low effectiveness of GBM therapies is mainly due to the tumor infiltration into the healthy brain tissue, which depends on GBM cells’ interaction with the tumor microenvironment (TME). The interaction of GBM cells with the TME involves cellular components such as stem-like cells, glia, endothelial cells, and non-cellular components such as the extracellular matrix, enhanced hypoxia, and soluble factors such as adenosine, which promote GBM’s invasiveness.
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  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy in Lung Transplantation
Lung transplantation is often the only viable treatment option for a patient with end-stage lung disease. Lung transplant results have improved substantially over time, but ischemia-reperfusion injury, primary graft dysfunction, acute rejection, and chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) continue to be significant problems. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are pluripotent cells that have anti-inflammatory and protective paracrine effects and may be beneficial in solid organ transplantation. 
  • 268
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Packaging Materials for Postharvest Conservation of Table Grapes
Table grapes are one of the leading fruit species cultivated in several countries due to their distinguishing sensory and nutritional properties. However, grapes are a non-climacteric fruit with relatively low physiological activity after harvest, and they are highly perishable due to gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea as well to mass loss, berry softening, color degradation, and dehydration and darkening of the stem. To avoid all these difficulties, several packaging materials are used during cold storage to keep table grapes fresh and healthy for consumers. Proper packaging and cold storage combined can extend the shelf life of high-quality bunches by protecting them from mechanical injuries and decays during transportation and storage.
  • 1.9K
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Physiology of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchored Proteins II
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins (APs) are anchored at the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane (PM) bilayer by covalent linkage to a typical glycolipid and expressed in all eukaryotic organisms so far studied. Lipolytic release from PMs into extracellular compartments and intercellular transfer are regarded as the main (patho)physiological roles exerted by GPI-APs.
  • 357
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Thermal Effects on Ecological Traits of Salmonids
A thermal window bounded by the upper and lower incipient lethal temperatures (UILT and LILT) determines where salmonids can survive. For most salmonids, LILT is close to 0 and UILT is between 20 and 30 °C. UILT and LILT are influenced by the acclimation temperature. Thermal tolerance is affected by fish size and ambient oxygen content, which decreases with increasing temperature.
  • 468
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Regeneration and Recovery after Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity
Acetaminophen (APAP) is one of the most used over-the-counter analgesics and is considered very safe at therapeutic doses. However, APAP overdose results in acute liver injury involving hepatocyte cell death and centrilobular necrosis, which in severe cases leads to acute liver failure (ALF).
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  • 30 Jun 2023
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