Topic Review
Digital Geologic Mapping
Digital geologic mapping is the process by which geological features are observed, analyzed, and recorded in the field and displayed in real-time on a computer or personal digital assistant (PDA). The primary function of this emerging technology is to produce spatially referenced geologic maps that can be utilized and updated while conducting field work.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The Precambrian (or Pre-Cambrian, sometimes abbreviated pЄ, or Cryptozoic) is the earliest part of Earth's history, set before the current Phanerozoic Eon. The Precambrian is so named because it preceded the Cambrian, the first period of the Phanerozoic eon, which is named after Cambria, the Latinised name for Wales, where rocks from this age were first studied. The Precambrian accounts for 88% of the Earth's geologic time. The Precambrian (colored green in the timeline figure) is an informal unit of geologic time, subdivided into three eons (Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic) of the geologic time scale. It spans from the formation of Earth about 4.6 billion years ago (Ga) to the beginning of the Cambrian Period, about 541 million years ago (Ma), when hard-shelled creatures first appeared in abundance.
  • 1.9K
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
A flownet is a graphical representation of two-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow through aquifers. Construction of a flownet is often used for solving groundwater flow problems where the geometry makes analytical solutions impractical. The method is often used in civil engineering, hydrogeology or soil mechanics as a first check for problems of flow under hydraulic structures like dams or sheet pile walls. As such, a grid obtained by drawing a series of equipotential lines is called a flownet. The flownet is an important tool in analysing two-dimensional irrotational flow problems. Flow net technique is a graphical representation method.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cossack, Western Australia
Cossack is an historic ghost town located 1,480 km north of Perth and 15 km from Roebourne in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The nearest town to Cossack is Wickham. Cossack is located on Butchers Inlet at the mouth of the Harding River. It is reached by a single, sealed road that follows the original causeway across a series of tidal salt flats. The overall landform of the region around Cossack is a low, flat plain with occasional rocky hills and ranges. The vegetation is mainly grass, spinifex and low shrub, with occasional trees (mangroves) along watercourses and in gullies. The mangrove scrub becomes quite dense along the shoreline and at the mouth of the inlet. The main road from Roebourne to Cossack continues past the town of Wickham and the Cape Lambert iron ore port (operated by Pilbara Iron), and terminates at the fishing town of Point Samson. The townsite is not visible from the main road, and only becomes apparent as the road rounds Nanny Goat Hill. The site of the former town is defined by Nanny Goat Hill, Tien Tsin Lookout, the hilly ground to the north-east and north-west, and Butchers Inlet to the east and south-east. Past the townsite, the road winds up to the Reader Head Lookout, from which sweeping views of the surrounding coastline can be seen. Many of the buildings are listed by the National Trust. The erstwhile Tien Tsin Harbour is now known as Port Walcott
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Ocean Remote Sensing Techniques and Applications
Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface and provide numerous services to humans and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor these valuable assets using advanced technologies. In this regard, Remote Sensing (RS) provides a great opportunity to study different oceanographic parameters using archived consistent multitemporal datasets in a cost-efficient approach. Various types of RS techniques have been developed and utilized for different oceanographic applications.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Pollution in the Air
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used in industrial and commercial applications, until they were banned in the late 1970s as a result of their significant environmental pollution. PCBs in the environment gained scientific interest because of their persistence and the potential threats they pose to humans. Traditionally, human exposure to PCBs was linked to dietary ingestion.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Geological Structure and Tectonic Complexity of Northern Thessaly
Knowing the rich presence of active faults in northern Thessaly and the lack of any significant seismic activity since at least the mid-1940s, the 2021 seismic sequence did not surprise people. What did surprise people was the fact that (i) despite the great knowledge of the neotectonic faults in the area, the causative faults were unknown, or almost unknown; (ii) the direction of the 2021 faulting was different than the expected, and given that the focal mechanisms showed almost pure normal dip-slip motion, the extensional main axis was also different than the one known for this area; and (iii) besides the co-seismic ruptures that occurred within the Domeniko-Amouri basin and along the Titarissios River valley, there is evidence of rupturing in the alpine basement of Zarkos mountains. 
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Benefits of Green Building Implementation
A green building is often defined as an energy-saving building, ecological building or sustainable building. Green buildings have higher commercial value compared to traditional buildings, due to the perceived low carbon emissions, energy savings, and maximized economic benefits throughout the life cycle.
  • 1.9K
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Evolution of Hawaiian Volcanoes
The fifteen volcanoes that make up the eight principal islands of Hawaii are the youngest in a chain of more than 129 volcanoes that stretch 5,800 kilometres (3,600 mi) across the North Pacific Ocean, called the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain. Hawaiʻi's volcanoes rise an average of 4,572 metres (15,000 ft) to reach sea level from their base. The largest, Mauna Loa, is 4,169 metres (13,678 ft) high. As shield volcanoes, they are built by accumulated lava flows, growing a few meters or feet at a time to form a broad and gently sloping shape. Hawaiian islands undergo a systematic pattern of submarine and subaerial growth that is followed by erosion. An island's stage of development reflects its distance from the Hawaii hotspot.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Canadian Arctic Archipelago
The Canadian Arctic Archipelago, also known as the Arctic Archipelago, is a group of islands north of the Canada mainland. Situated in the northern extremity of North America and covering about 1,424,500 km2 (550,000 sq mi), this group of 36,563 islands in the Arctic Sea comprises much of the territory of Northern Canada – most of Nunavut and part of the Northwest Territories. The Canadian Arctic Archipelago is showing some effects of global warming, with some computer estimates determining that melting there will contribute 3.5 cm (1.4 in) to the rise in sea levels by 2100.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
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