Topic Review
Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials in Power Electronics
Silicon (Si)-based semiconductor devices have long dominated the power electronics industry and are used in almost every application involving power conversion. However, for many applications, power device requirements such as higher blocking voltage capability, higher switching frequencies, lower switching losses, higher temperature withstand, higher power density in power converters, and enhanced efficiency and reliability have reached a stage where the present Si-based power devices cannot cope with the growing demand and would usually require large, costly cooling systems and output filters to meet the requirements of the application. Wide bandgap (WBG) power semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide (SiC), gallium nitride (GaN), and diamond (Dia) have recently emerged in the commercial market, with superior material properties that promise substantial performance improvements and are expected to gradually replace the traditional Si-based devices in various power electronics applications. 
  • 355
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Wide Band Gap Devices
A decisive property that regulates semiconductor’s electrical and optical properties is the band gap, which is an important physical parameter for designating a wide band gap (WBG) semiconductor, and is defined as the energy needed for electrons to transition to the conduction band from the valence band. The magnetic property of the semiconducting materials also plays an important role for choosing of power devices in terms of energy efficiency with hysteresis and eddy current losses. The WBG semiconductor materials exhibit larger band gaps (2–4 eV) than their silicon (1–1.5 eV) counterparts and offer greater power efficiency, lower overall cost, smaller size, lighter weight, and lower energy consumption. WBG-based components in semiconductor devices permit its operation at high temperatures, which can be problematic when using conventional silicon semiconductors with smaller band gaps. The wider the bandgap, the higher the temperature at which the semiconductor power devices can function.
  • 848
  • 23 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Wickerhamomyces Yeast Killer Toxins
Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides produced from a wide variety of bacteria that inhibit the growth of similar or closely related bacterial strains. A similar phenomenon of competition is present in yeasts, based on the production of killer toxins (KTs, or mycocins) that are secreted proteins or glycoproteins capable of killing susceptible microorganisms with various mechanisms of action, through interaction with specific superficial receptors. Possible implications and applications of the yeast killer phenomenon in the fight against infectious diseases are reviewed in this work, with particular reference to some wide-spectrum killer toxins (KTs) produced by Wickerhamomyces anomalus and other related species. 
  • 661
  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Wicked Problems
Wicked problem thinking is regaining interest in different disciplines, mostly because of the complex and interdependent contemporary issues that are particularly challenging for policy makers. This type of problems is difficult, even impossible to tackle by defining optimal solutions because of both deep uncertainty and high complexity. The causes and effects of wicked problems are cross-scale and multi-level; they are extremely difficult to identify due to the system dynamics and non-linear interactions. Thus, most of these problems are symptoms of or related to other problems. Moreover, wicked problems are poorly formulated and boundary-spanning issues where involved stakeholders bring different perspectives to the definitions and potential resolution of the issue. Indeed, the wicked nature stems from biophysical and social complexity, where divergent values related to multi-stakeholders’ perceptions and interests influence largely the problem-solving and determining desirable outcomes.
  • 1.9K
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Wi-Fi Assisted Indoor Positioning
As the location-based service (LBS) plays an increasingly important role in real life, the topic of positioning attracts more and more attention. Under different environments and principles, researchers have proposed a series of positioning schemes and implemented many positioning systems.
  • 159
  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Indoor positioning poses a number of challenges as several effects, such as signal attenuation, signal fluctuations, interference, and multipath occur in signal propagation. The severity depends on the method and technology adopted to perform user localization. Wi-Fi is a popular method because of its ubiquity with already available public and private infrastructure in many environments and the ability for mobile clients, such as smartphones, to receive these signals.
  • 951
  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Why You Should Schedule a Free Roof Inspection
Your roof is one of the most vital parts of your home, shielding you from the elements and providing structural support. However, many homeowners neglect roof maintenance until a serious problem arises. Scheduling a roof inspection is a proactive way to ensure your roof remains in optimal condition. This guide will explain the benefits of a free roof inspection, what to expect during the process, and how to prepare for it.
  • 40
  • 12 Jul 2024
Topic Review
Why Is Airline Food Dreadful?
       Food waste generated on flights is emerging as an issue in the aviation industry. Passengers are pivotal actors in airline food consumption and responsible for their unsustainable actions towards the in-flight catering process. This research investigated factors affecting passengers’ food wasting behaviour by conducting an in-depth survey.
  • 1.3K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Why and How
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How is a 2016 non-fiction book by Ted Kaczynski.
  • 568
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Wholegrain Rice and Human Nutrition
Rice is one of the most widely consumed cereals in the world. The husks of harvested, unprocessed rice are not digested by humans and need to be removed to obtain edible grains, whereas the bran can be partially (brown rice) or totally removed (white rice). Brown rice is a wholegrain cereal and, as such, is known to have beneficial effects on human health.
  • 525
  • 16 Aug 2021
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