Topic Review
Types of Dysrhythmias
Dysrhythmia is a term referring to the occurrence of spontaneous and repetitive changes in potentials with parameters deviating from those considered normal. The term refers to heart anomalies but has a broader meaning. Dysrhythmias may concern the heart, neurological system, digestive system, and sensory organs. Ion currents conducted through ion channels are a universal phenomenon. The occurrence of channel abnormalities will therefore result in disorders with clinical manifestations depending on the affected tissue, but phenomena from other tissues and organs may also manifest themselves. 
  • 303
  • 04 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Types of Dimension Reduction Techniques
Hybridization is the most widely used modification technique for the dimension reduction problem. There are three types of hybridization: integrating a nature-inspired algorithm with another nature-inspired algorithm, integrating a nature-inspired algorithm with a classifier, and integrating a nature-inspired algorithm with filter or extraction techniques.
  • 436
  • 17 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Types of Danger-Associated Molecular Patterns
The innate system is primed to sense “danger signals”, described as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), and respond to them, usually by activating the immune system and creating a pro-inflammatory environment. These DAMPs are molecules that are inherent to the organism but have a high pro-inflammatory power when they are detected in places where they are not usually present, such as in extracellular or free-form contexts, which is an indicator of tissue damage and produced in surgical processes. DAMPs are molecules inherent to the organism, but which have a high proinflammatory power by activating the inflammasome when detected in places where they are not usually present, such as in extracellular contexts or in free form. The presence of DAMPs is an indicator of tissue damage and can be produced in surgical processes. 
  • 348
  • 07 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Types of Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure
Several critical infrastructures are integrating information technology into their operations, and as a result, the cyber attack surface extends over a broad range of these infrastructures. Cyber attacks have been a serious problem for industries since the early 2000s, causing significant interruptions to their ability to produce goods or offer services to their clients. The thriving cybercrime economy encompasses money laundering, black markets, and attacks on cyber-physical systems that result in service disruptions. Furthermore, extensive data breaches have compromised the personally identifiable information of millions of people.
  • 668
  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Types of Cultivation in Greenhouses
Greenhouse cultivation includes two types: conventional and hydroponic (cultivation substrate in soil, and cultivation substrate in water-based nutrient solution, respectively). Greenhouse cultivation systems have garnered substantial attention due to their ability to create a controlled environment for crop growth, resulting in higher yields, improved quality, and reduced water usage. 
  • 316
  • 17 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Types of COVID-19 Vaccines
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly contagious virus that emerged at the end of 2019 and has caused an upper respiratory disease pandemic, currently known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Vaccine clinical studies are developing promptly with the aim of obtaining vaccines that are effective in suppressing the spread of the virus; however, the development of viral mutations raises concerns about the decreasing effectiveness of the resulting vaccine, which also results in the need for more in-depth studies. There have been 330 vaccines developed, including 136 clinical developments and 194 pre-clinical developments. 
  • 582
  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Types of Compton Cameras
A Compton camera is a promising γ-ray detector that operates in the wide energy range of a few tens of keV to MeV. The γ-ray detection method of a Compton camera is based on Compton scattering kinematics, which is used to determine the direction and energy of the γ-rays without using a mechanical collimator. Although the Compton camera was originally designed for astrophysical applications, it was later applied in medical imaging as well. Moreover, its application in environmental radiation measurements is also under study.
  • 514
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Types of Collagens
Collagen, a widely recognized extracellular matrix protein, has found extensive use in medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic applications. This is due to its crucial role in tissue and organ formation, and its involvement in various cellular functions. Additionally, collagen serves as an effective surface-active agent and displays its capacity to permeate lipid-free interfaces. In comparison to other natural polymers like albumin and gelatin, collagen showcases exceptional biodegradability, minimal antigenicity, and remarkable biocompatibility.
  • 719
  • 16 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Types of Cellular Stress
With the start of the fermentation process, different stressful factors appear in the environment that directly affect the yeasts. Among them are osmotic, oxidative, and ethanol stresses, nitrogen starvation, low external pH, heat shock, prolonged anaerobiosis or the appearance of toxic molecules. As a shield against them, microorganisms have created defense responses specific to each type of stress, as well as a general environmental stress response (ESR).
  • 261
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Types of Cell Death
Inflammation and free radicals can stimulate cell self-destruction. Inflammation and cell death are vital aspects of most diseases. Accumulation of cell damage leads to the impairment and dysregulation of the cell function. Thus, understanding the pathomechanism and molecular signaling pathways involved in cell death is necessary.
  • 690
  • 04 Dec 2023
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