Topic Review
Real-Time Vehicle Detection Based on YOLOv5
An improved YOLOv5 model is used to detect vehicles in aerial images, which effectively enhances the detection performance of tiny objects and obscured vehicles.
  • 420
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Shaped-Charge Learning Architecture for the Human–Machine Teams
In spite of great progress in recent years, deep learning (DNN) and transformers have strong limitations for supporting human–machine teams due to a lack of explainability, information on what exactly was generalized, and machinery to be integrated with various reasoning techniques, and weak defense against possible adversarial attacks of opponent team members.
  • 253
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Internet of Things Security Improvement
The growing popularity and extensive use of IoT devices have also introduced new security challenges. IoT devices often lack proper security measures, rendering them vulnerable to attacks. These attacks can range from simple network-based attacks to more sophisticated ones that target the physical devices themselves. The security of the IoT ecosystem is a complex and interdisciplinary domain that combines cybersecurity with various engineering fields, such as mechanical and electrical engineering. It goes beyond protecting data, servers, network infrastructure, and information. It also involves the supervision and management of physical systems connected through the Internet, whether in a centralized or distributed manner.
  • 328
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Machine-Learning Methods for Speech and Handwriting Detection
Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have become increasingly popular due to their potential applications in diverse fields, ranging from the medical sector (people with motor and/or communication disabilities), cognitive training, gaming, and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), among other areas. BCI which can decode and recognize neural signals involved in speech and handwriting has the potential to greatly assist individuals with severe motor impairments in their communication and interaction needs. Innovative and cutting-edge advancements in this field have the potential to develop a highly accessible and interactive communication platform for these people.
  • 230
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The Effect of Project Team Members' Competences Loss
An analytical model is used to consider refreshing the competences of the team’s multi-skilled members and shaping the structure of staff’s competences to maximize their mutual substitutability in processes typical for a multi-item lot-size production. Its impact on maintaining the skill level of employees is important in cases of an unplanned event, e.g., caused by employee absenteeism and/or a change in the priorities of orders carried out, disrupting the task of software companies.
  • 283
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Cybersecurity Analysis of Wearable Devices
Wearable devices are starting to gain popularity, which means that a large portion of the population is starting to acquire these products. This kind of technology comes with a lot of advantages, as it simplifies different tasks people do daily. However, as they recollect sensitive data, they are starting to be targets for cybercriminals. The number of attacks on wearable devices forces manufacturers to improve the security of these devices to protect them. Many vulnerabilities have appeared in communication protocols, specifically Bluetooth. A passive attack on six different smartwatches was performed to discover their vulnerabilities during the pairing process. Furthermore, a proposal of requirements was developed needed for maximum security of wearable devices, as well as the minimum requirements needed to have a secure pairing process between two devices via Bluetooth.
  • 314
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Seismic Data Query Algorithm
Edge computing can reduce the transmission pressure of wireless networks in earthquakes by pushing computing functionalities to network edges and avoiding the data transmission to cloud servers. This also leads to the scattered storage of data content in each edge server, increasing the difficulty of content search.
  • 259
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Ensemble Learning
Machine learning models are used to create and enhance various disease prediction frameworks. Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique that combines multiple classifiers to improve performance by making more accurate predictions than a single classifier. Although numerous studies have employed ensemble approaches for disease prediction, there is a lack of thorough assessment of commonly used ensemble approaches against highly researched diseases. 
  • 398
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Credit Card Fraud Detection
With the rapid developments in electronic commerce and digital payment technologies, credit card transactions have increased significantly. Machine learning (ML) has been vital in analyzing customer data to detect and prevent fraud.
  • 337
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Chatbot-Based Natural Language Interfaces for Data Visualisation
Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), particularly for advanced visualisations, expanding guidance strategies beyond current limitations, adopting intelligent visual mapping techniques, and incorporating more sophisticated interaction methods. 
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  • 28 Jun 2023
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