Topic Review
Bus Service Quality Risk Evaluation in Bangkok
The daily activities of people who live in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region, especially those who do not own personal vehicles, are supported by public transportation as an intermediary to link almost all such activities. As a result, public transit is unavoidably important and connected to their everyday lives.
  • 390
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Business Incubators, Accelerators, and Performance of Technology-Based Ventures
Considering the turbulence existent in the entrepreneurial process of creation, survival, the management of new technology based ventures, and the increasingly important role played by both business incubators (BI) and business accelerators (BA), there is a need to better understand the portfolio of services supplied by this type of support structures and the needs of the companies that demand for a set of diversified services, which are not easily represented and typified in the reference literature.
  • 757
  • 01 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Business Models Facilitate Strategic Transformation in Construction Firms
A business model represents an organisation’s value logic with a value proposition as the central dimension. The construction industry has been categorised as fragmented, slow to move and destructively competitive, idealising only cost-based perceptions of performance; however, the trends indicate a paradigm shift in the sector emphasising value-based perspectives such as early engagement, design for manufacture and assembly, and a lifecycle approach by promoting a conscious discourse on business model innovation. 
  • 242
  • 13 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Business Models in Logistics
To make possible the integration and harmonization as well as the orchestration of independent logistics operations, smart platforms and platform ecosystems are necessary to effectively connect the providers of sustainable transport solutions and those who need them. 
  • 279
  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Business Process Re-Engineering to Digitalise Quality Control Checks
Business process re-engineering allows optimising processes within businesses. One way to do so is to use lean thinking to maximise customer value whilst minimising waste. Just-in-time is one of the core elements of lean production and is the material flow design upon which the lean production model is founded. For such a production model to succeed and achieve high efficiency and productivity levels, it needs to have a robust quality management system to accomplish the notion of ‘right first time’ and have quality controls at the source to prevent defects from entering the production system altogether. Defects occur when products are produced outside of agreed tolerances of the approved specification. Defects are a significant contributor to product waste and waste of resources, including raw materials, energy, water, and human resources. A reduction in waste generation helps to boost business performance by lowering environmental, economic and social impacts, i.e., the three pillars of sustainability. Optimised process monitoring helps identify defects in advance or as they happen in real time. A key function of the quality control (QC) process is to provide evidence that customer requirements (tolerances) of the product are met; therefore, measuring and controlling the values of the different variables that regulate the manufacturing processes is critical. However, collecting these values and handling the data manually tends to be slow, tedious, and prone to human error, as data can be misread, misplaced, or misrecorded easily. Furthermore, human judgement may not be consistent due to various factors including fatigue, mental or physical stress, as well as variability in heuristic and cognitive capabilities. Data capturing and analysing technology can be used instead to acquire such data and use it to control processes within acceptable parameters, ensuring optimum product flow and quality. Furthermore, as computing devices get smaller and cheaper, it is increasingly possible to tailor them to meet more needs on the factory floor, enabling machines to gather data, measure key performance indicators, and track operational efficiency. Data archiving is also necessary so that results can be reviewed later for auditing purposes. As cloud storage becomes safer, more affordable and with connection speeds that provide quick access, companies are increasingly moving away from paper records. This change introduces the challenge of reviewing and re-writing internal procedures to capture these new ways of data collection and reporting. It is important to know and prove who does what, when, how, and why for the purposes of traceability, accuracy, and consistency.
  • 756
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Butterfly Optimization Algorithm
Distortion and residual stress are two unwelcome byproducts of welding. The former diminishes the dimensional accuracy while the latter unfavorably affects the fatigue resistance of the components being joined. A multi-objective optimization aimed at minimizing both the welding-induced residual stress as well as distortion. Current, voltage, and welding speed were the welding parameters selected. It was observed that the parameters that minimize distortion were substantially different from those that minimized the residual stress. The contour plots produced from the response surfaces of the two objectives were overlaid to find a region with feasible parameters for both. This feasible region was used as the domain wherein to apply the novel butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA).
  • 440
  • 18 Jul 2022
Topic Review
BVLOS Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Forest Environments
Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations are attractive within forest environments because they remove the need for any pilot or visual observer to maintain Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) with the aircraft and the surrounding airspace. Technically speaking, even basic prosumer-grade unmanned aircraft are capable of BVLOS flight. However, they lack the technical capabilities to mitigate ground-based and airborne risks to the extent necessary to do this in a compliant manner with aviation regulations. There are also operational considerations around airspace use and organisational procedures, as well as other considerations such as those relating to human factors.
  • 730
  • 15 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Byproduct Oxygen for Green Hydrogen Electrolysis
Water electrolysis for hydrogen production with renewable electricity is regularly studied. The inclusion of byproduct electrolytic oxygen capture and sale is of interest for parallel decarbonisation efforts elsewhere in the industry and could contribute to reducing green hydrogen costs. A deterministic hydrogen electrolysis system model is constructed to compare oxygen inclusion/exclusion scenarios. This uses wind and solar-PV electricity generation timeseries, a power-dependent electrolysis model to determine the energy efficiency of gas yield, and power allocation for gas post-processing energy within each hourly timestep. This maintains a fully renewable (and therefore low/zero carbon) electricity source for electrolysis and gas post-processing. The model is validated (excluding oxygen) against an existing low-cost GW-scale solar-hydrogen production scenario and an existing hydrogen production costs study with offshore wind generation at the multi-MW scale. For both comparisons, oxygen inclusion is then evaluated to demonstrate both the benefits and drawbacks of capture and utilisation, for different scenario conditions, and high parameter sensitivity can be seen regarding the price of renewable electricity.
  • 530
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
C-,N- and S-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts
This entry describes the basics of photocatalysis. It also presents properties and applications of C-,N- and S-Doped TiO2 as a photocatalyst.
  • 951
  • 28 May 2021
Topic Review
Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984
The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (codified at 47 U.S.C. ch. 5, subch. V–A) was an act of Congress passed on October 30, 1984 to promote competition and deregulate the cable television industry. The act established a national policy for the regulation of cable television communications by federal, state, and local authorities. Conservative Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona wrote and supported the act, which amended the Communications Act of 1934 with the insertion of "Title VI—Cable Communications". After more than three years of debate, six provisions were enacted to represent the intricate compromise between cable operators and municipalities.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
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