In the welding process, the parts being produced experience a thermal gradient. The temperature of the material under the welding torch is at or above the melting point of the base metal. In the same base metal, some regions are at ambient or room temperature, while others are in between the solidus and the ambient temperature. This temperature difference produces shrinkage forces in the base metal larger than the yield point of the material. These shrinkage forces during the heating and cooling cycle of the welding process produce distortion and locked-in stresses or residual stresses. The distortion and residual stresses both need to be minimized. The distortion produced during welding perturbs the dimensional requirements of the part being manufactured and causes fitment problems during assembly. The residual stresses need to be avoided for parts under fluctuating or cyclic loading. Parts of automobile frame structures, rotating machinery, airframes, and ship structures are all subjected to fatigue loading during their useful life. In all of these and similar cases, welding distortion and residual stress need to be addressed concurrently. The factors that play a vital role in producing welding distortion and residual stress need to be examined and a multi-objective optimization study is required to find the optimum values of the parameters that produce minimum distortion and residual stress in the welded structures. The experimental procedures for performing multiple test runs are expensive; therefore, welding simulations through FEA are utilized with the design of experiments (DOE) approach to find the optimum ranges of values. The response surface method (RSM) is a useful tool for this purpose.
2. Butterfly Optimization Algorithm
In the past, the response surface method has been used as a tool to optimize the weld parameters. Prasada et al.
[1] employed the response surface method to optimize the ultimate strength of Inconel sheets. They used a central composite rotatable design matrix and checked the influence of peak current, back current, pulse, and pulse width on the ultimate tensile strength of the base metal. Srivastava and Garg
[2] used the response surface method with a Box–Behnken design. The responses they studied were the weld bead width, bead height, and the depth of penetration. Vasantharaja and Vasudevan
[3] optimized the activated tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process parameters using the response surface method. In their research, they applied the desirability approach for the optimization of the weld process parameters. Vidyarthi et al.
[4] optimized the weld process parameters (i.e., welding current, speed, and flux coating density). They used the response surface method with a central composite design and studied the response of bead width, depth to width ratio of bead, weld fusion zone area, and depth of penetration. Lai et al.
[5] applied the response surface method for the optimization of resistance spot welding. The response parameters they selected for the study were the electrode diameter and the effect on the electrode during the cooling process. Their study provided a useful technique for the design of resistance spot welding electrodes. Korra et al.
[6] optimized the activated TIG welding process parameters (i.e., welding current, speed, and arc gap) by employing the response surface method with a central composite design. They studied the response of the process parameters on various weld bead geometry aspects and used the desirability approach for multi-objective optimization. Joseph et al.
[7] used the Taguchi method for the design of experiments. In their work, they used the response surface method as a tool to develop a mathematical relation between the weld process parameters through regression analysis. This mathematical relation was used by them for further optimization of the welding process through the genetic algorithm (GA). Waheed et al.
[8] used the response surface method and artificial intelligence to optimize welding induced distortion. Gunaraj and Murugan
[9] used the response surface method for the optimization of weld process parameters for submerged arc welding. They used a central composite design that is rotatable and used the welding parameters (i.e., speed, arc voltage, wire feed rate, and nozzle-to-plate distance) to optimize the quality of the weld. The effect of welding residual stress during cyclic loading has been studied by many researchers. The control and optimization of residual stress are essential for welded structures under fatigue loading. Mochizuki
[10] examined the problem of the minimization of the residual stress produced during welding. He concluded that the welding residual stress should be controlled during the welding process rather than relying on the post-weld heat treatment procedures.
Lee and Kyong
[11] studied the fatigue crack growth rate under welding residual stress. They calculated the stress intensity factor in the presence of residual stress and used the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) technique to predict crack growth under fatigue loading. Hensel et al.
[12] studied the fracture resistance of welded structures under fatigue loading. They concluded that the welding residual stress significantly affected the overall fatigue strength, crack growth rate, and fatigue life of the welded part. Farajian
[13] observed in his work that weld residual stresses of magnitude equal to yield strength were present in large-welded structures. He also observed that the residual stresses present at the weld centerline were of higher magnitude than the stresses present near the toe of the weld bead. However, since the crack initiation usually starts from the toe of the weld bead during cyclic loading, this area also needs to be considered. Cui et al.
[14] studied the deck-to-rib stresses in automobile bodies. The effect of stresses produced due to vehicle movement in the presence of residual stresses was the main interest of their work. They concluded that the welding residual stresses had a marked negative effect on the overall fatigue resistance. Chang
[15] studied the softening of high tensile residual stresses through heat treatment procedures. He showed that high tensile stresses can be changed to compressive stresses by ultrasonic impact treatment. Barsoum and Barsoum
[16] simulated fatigue crack propagation in the presence of welding residual stresses. First, they found the welding residual stresses through the finite element method (FEM) simulation. The welding residual stresses were mapped in the next simulation as an input load and the LEFM technique was then employed to predict the propagation of crack in the presence of weld residual stresses. In another study, Barsoum
[17] studied the weld residual stresses near the weld root and toe in plate-to-tube joints. He performed a 2D FEM analysis and verified the simulated results with experimental data. Caruso and Imbrogno
[18] performed the finite element modeling of AISI 441 steel plates and developed a user subroutine to predict the grain size variation and hardness of the steel plates. Murat and Ozler
[19] developed a finite element model of friction stir welding. They predicted that the ratio of tool rotational speed and tool feed is critical for avoiding defects in friction stir welding. Moslemi et al.
[20] developed a systematic procedure for calibrating heat source parameters before simulating the welding process for GMAW welding. Zhang and Dong
[21] studied the possibility of brittle fracture in welded structures. They observed how residual stresses could decrease the plastic deformation capability of metals, thus decreasing the fatigue life of the welded structures.
Narwadkar and Bhosle
[22] studied the angular distortion produced in the welded structures. They used the design of experiments approach. They observed the effect of welding current, voltage, and gas flow rate on the angular distortion of welded parts. Zhang et al.
[23] used FEM simulations to observe the overall distortion in a large vacuum vessel, cutting down the cost of constructing a prototype of the vessel. Lorza et al.
[24] built a thermomechanical model to simulate the TIG welding process. They observed the effect of welding voltage, current, speed, and torch parameters on the distortion produced during welding. Chen et al.
[25] studied the distortion produced during welding in panel structures with stiffeners. The fillet joint configuration was simulated using FEM. The weld parameters of the welding current, voltage, and speed were used as the governing factors to control distortion. Additionally included in the study was the effect of the welding sequence. Multi-objective studies were adopted by several researchers to optimize the different weld responses. Rong et al.
[26] optimized the longitudinal residual stress and transverse tensile stresses. Romero-Hdz et al.
[27] used the GA for their multi-objective optimization of welding induced residual stresses and distortion. They used FE simulations to calculate the weld distortion and residual stresses for their study. Shao et al.
[28], in a similar study, used multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) to optimize the welding residual stress and distortion. They used welding current, speed, and voltage as the main parameters that affected the objective function.
The butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) is a nature-inspired algorithm proposed by Arora and Singh
[29]. They demonstrated the efficacy of the BOA over other nature-inspired metaheuristics by solving three classical benchmark engineering problems. They compared BOA with other nature-based optimization techniques such as artificial bee colony, cuckoo search, differential evolution, firefly algorithm, genetic algorithm, particle swarm, and the modified butterfly optimization algorithm. They found the BOA to be more efficient than the other metaheuristic algorithms. Yildiz et al.
[30] applied the BOA to obtain the optimum shape of automobile suspension components, achieving a weight reduction of 32.9%. In previous research, the response surface method was used to formulate the objective function, but its outcome (i.e., the contour plots) was not utilized in the optimization process. In the present research, the boundaries of the solution domain were constrained through overlaid contour plots, which shrinks the solution domain. This helps in the implementation of BOA as a multi-objective optimization technique to find the optimum residual stress and welding induced distortion. The BOA has thereby been further enhanced to be used as a multi-objective optimization technique to obtain optimum weld parameters that produce minimum welding-induced distortion and residual stresses in the welded structures. This is the first instance of the application of the BOA to a multi-objective welding problem.