Topic Review
Trends and Challenges in the Indian Steel Industry
India is the 4th largest iron ore producer and the 3rd largest coal producer in the world. Coal is also identified as one of the major sectors of “Make in India”, which is an initiative by the Government of India launched by the prime minister. India is also the world’s largest producer of sponge iron: about 37 million tons per annum. 
  • 525
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Trends and Challenges in Railway Sustainability
Rail is expected to become the backbone of future mobility in the world as the cleanest and greenest high-volume transport. Rail generates the lowest CO2 emissions and energy consumption when in operation, with respect to the other transportation modes, but during construction and maintenance phases, its environmental impacts are significant and need to be carefully assessed and properly mitigated.
  • 293
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Trend towards Helmet Usage
It has been observed that cyclists wearing helmets may follow zigzag patterns while wearing helmets, which may cause accidents. Moreover, it has been observed that cyclists wearing helmets may be more responsible regarding traffic rules. These problems should be considered in creating effective traffic safety campaigns and policy making.
  • 481
  • 05 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Tremor Suppression Devices
Tremors are the most prevalent movement disorder that interferes with the patient’s daily living, and physical activities, ultimately leading to a reduced quality of life. Due to the pathophysiology of tremor, developing effective pharmacotherapies, which are only suboptimal in the management of tremor, has many challenges. Thus, a range of therapies are necessary in managing this progressive, aging-associated disorder. Surgical interventions such as deep brain stimulation are able to provide durable tremor control. However, due to high costs, patient and practitioner preference, and perceived high risks, their utilization is minimized. Medical devices are placed in a unique position to bridge this gap between lifestyle interventions, pharmacotherapies, and surgical treatments to provide safe and effective tremor suppression.
  • 622
  • 19 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Tree Information Modeling
Tree Information Modeling (TIM) is conceived as a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a tree. It is a framework following the same tree description system (TDS) to create the digital twins of trees in real life. This framework enables easier data exchange and knowledge-sharing about trees cross multiple related professions such as urban forestry, arboriculture, and botanic plant modeling. With interdisciplinary cooperations in TIM applications, decision-making and supporting tools can be developed to guide trees' planning and life-long management.
  • 728
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Treatments for Minimizing Sewage Sludge
Similar to other types of waste, sewage sludge (SS) must be minimized, not only to respect the European Directive 2018/851 on waste, but also because the cost of sludge management is approximately 50% of the total running costs of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Usually, minimization technologies can involve sewage sludge production with three different strategies: (i) adopting a process in the water line that reduces the production of sludge; (ii) reducing the water content (dewatering processes) or (iii) reducing the fraction of volatile solids (stabilization).
  • 899
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Treatment Wetlands in Natural Swimming Ponds
Natural swimming ponds using treatment wetlands (TWs) as an element of treatment of swimming water are an ecologically beneficial alternative to conventional pools. Unlike conventional swimming pools, in natural swimming ponds, the water treatment avoids the use of chemical methods and is based on the phenomenon of water self-purification and the rhizofiltration capacity of repository macrophytes in TWs of the regeneration zone, as well as on typical physical filtering processes (e.g., straining, sedimentation, or flotation), physicochemical filtration (physical and chemical adsorption, mainly of phosphorus), and biological filtration (nitrification and denitrification). 
  • 484
  • 30 May 2023
Topic Review
Treatment Methods of SC
Sulfur compounds(SC) are removed from petroleum by the addition of sodium hydroxide at a very high concentration. As a result, a residue called spent soda or spent caustic is generated, being extremely aggressive to the environment. In this work, the chemical properties of this residue are described in detail. The sodium hydroxide remains that have not reacted, sulfur compounds, and organic matter are the primary pollutants reported. Additionally, the main characteristics of the methods of treatment used to reduce them are described.
  • 1.4K
  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Traumatic Brain Injury Detection
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce temporary biochemical imbalance due to leaks through cell membranes or disruption of the axoplasmic flow due to the misalignment of intracellular neurofilaments. If untreated, TBI can lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or total disability. Mild TBI (mTBI) accounts for about about 90 percent of all TBI cases. The detection of TBI as soon as it happens is crucial for successful treatment management. Neuroimaging-based tests provide only a structural and functional mapping of the brain with poor temporal resolution. Such tests may not detect mTBI. On the other hand, the electroencephalogram (EEG) provides good spatial resolution and excellent temporal resolution of the brain activities beside its portability and low cost.
  • 380
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Transport Poverty in Chinese Cities
The widening income gap in post-reform China has given rise to social inequality. Among those, transport poverty and inequality have significantly affected the daily life of low-income groups. It was found that the most common causes of transport poverty include: a lack of access to private vehicles; uneven access to alternative transport options; inadequate public transport provision; jobs-housing imbalance; and the hukou system (a system of household registration which aims to regulate population distribution and rural-to-urban migration). The main impacts of transport poverty include: curtailed mobility and longer travel times; higher household expenditures on travel; reduced access to jobs and essential services; higher household expenditures on travel; and health and environmental issues.
  • 580
  • 18 May 2021
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