Topic Review
Feasibility of thermal insulation for retrofitting Historic Walls
Retrofitting historic constructions can play a key role in reducing European energy consumption and consequent emissions. What is more, beyond the opportunity for tackling climate change, thermal retrofits can improve indoor comfort while lowering operational costs, factors that are fundamental to ensure the continued use of historic constructions over time, and with that, improving their preservation and durability. The suitability of thermal insulation for this scope is still a debated topic. Thus, this study aims at contributing to the discussion by providing an overview on the feasibility of adopting thermal insulation for retrofitting external walls of historic buildings while preserving their significance and unique identities. 
  • 1.1K
  • 20 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Feature-Based Place Recognition Using Forward Looking Sonar
Some structures in the harbour environment need to be inspected regularly. However, these scenarios present a major challenge for the accurate estimation of a vehicle’s position and subsequent recognition of similar images. In these scenarios, visibility can be poor, making place recognition a difficult task as the visual appearance of a local feature can be compromised. Under these operating conditions, imaging sonars are a promising solution. The quality of the captured images is affected by some factors but they do not suffer from haze, which is an advantage. Therefore, a purely acoustic approach for unsupervised recognition of similar images based on forward-looking sonar (FLS) data is proposed to solve the perception problems in harbour facilities. To simplify the variation of environment parameters and sensor configurations, and given the need for online data for these applications, a harbour scenario was recreated using the Stonefish simulator. Therefore, experiments were conducted with preconfigured user trajectories to simulate inspections in the vicinity of structures.The place recognition approach performs better than the results obtained from optical images. The proposed method provides a good compromise in terms of distinctiveness, achieving 87.5% recall considering appropriate constraints and assumptions for this task given its impact on navigation success. That is, it is based on a similarity threshold of 0.3 and 12 consistent features to consider only effective loops. The behaviour of FLS is the same regardless of the environment conditions and thus it opens new horizons for the use of these sensors as a great aid for underwater perception, namely, to avoid degradation of navigation performance in muddy conditions.
  • 294
  • 01 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Features and Barriers of Hydrogen Combustion
After reviewing hydrogen and hydrogen blends combustion characteristics (laminar and turbulent flame speeds, adiabatic flame temperature, preferential diffusion), combustion applications in both thermo-electric power generation and hard-to-abate industry sectors are considered, highlighting the main issues due to hydrogen addition related to safety, pollutant emissions, and potentially negative effects on industrial products.
  • 435
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Features in Interdigitated Electrode Array
The electrical double layer (EDL) and crucial parameters such as sensitivity, selectivity, specificity, and limit of detection (LOD) are prominent to determine the interdigitated electrode array (IDEA)-based electrochemical sensor. The design of IDEA focuses on controlling the width and gap measurements between the adjacent fingers and increases the IDEA’s height are crucial because all the design measurement and parameters affected the IDEA-based electrochemical sensor functionality according to the application usage.
  • 1.1K
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Features of Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Systems
Solar systems are designed to maximize energy generation with abundantly available solar energy. As a result, the properties of photovoltaic (PV) systems are permanent, and some of these qualities may lead to soiling loss, especially if regular cleaning regimes are not meticulously followed.
  • 619
  • 03 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Federated Digital Platforms
Twenty-first century infrastructure needs to respond to changing demographics, becoming climate neutral, resilient, and economically affordable, while remaining a driver for development and shared prosperity. However, the infrastructure sector remains one of the least innovative and digitalized, plagued by delays, cost overruns, and benefit shortfalls.
  • 502
  • 18 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Federated Learning of XAI Models in 6G Systems
The federated learning (FL) of neural networks has been widely investigated exploiting variants of stochastic gradient descent as the optimization method, it has not yet been adequately studied in the context of inherently explainable models. On the one side, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) permits improving user experience of the offered communication services by helping end users trust (by design) that in-network AI functionality issues appropriate action recommendations. On the other side, FL ensures security and privacy of both vehicular and user data across the whole system.
  • 961
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Federated Learning-Based Consumption Prediction in Smart Homes
Smart homes, powered mostly by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, have become very popular nowadays due to their ability to provide a holistic approach towards effective energy management. This is made feasible via the deployment of multiple sensors, which enables predicting energy consumption via machine learning approaches.
  • 408
  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Federation (Spacecraft)
Federation (Russian: Федерация, Federatsiya), formerly called PPTS (Prospective Piloted Transport System, Перспективная Пилотируемая Транспортная Система, Perspektivnaya Pilotiruemaya Transportnaya Sistema) is a project by Roscosmos to develop a new-generation, partially reusable piloted spacecraft. Until 2016 its official name was Пилотируемый Транспортный Корабль Нового Поколения, Pilotiruemyi Transportny Korabl Novogo Pokoleniya or PTK NP meaning "New Generation Piloted Transport Ship". The goal of the project is to develop a new-generation spacecraft to replace the aging Soyuz spacecraft developed by the former Soviet Union to support low Earth orbit and lunar operations. It is similar in function to the United States Orion spacecraft. The PPTS project was started following the failed attempt by Russia and the European Space Agency to co-develop the Crew Space Transportation System (CSTS), which until the middle of 2006 was known as the ACTS. Following this the Russian Federal Space Agency ordered the local space industry to finalize proposals for the new manned spacecraft. A firm development contract was awarded to RKK Energia on December 19, 2013. Federation will be capable of carrying crews of four into Earth orbit and beyond on missions of up to 30 days. If docked with a space station, it could stay in space up to a year, which is double the duration of the Soyuz spacecraft. The spacecraft will send cosmonauts to the moon orbit, with a plan to place a space station there.
  • 497
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fee Variability among Built Environment Professionals in SA
The capacity of professional services in the built environment to produce revenue and employment has contributed to the significant impact of the built environment on socio-economic development. Because of the market’s competitiveness, it is common practice in the South African construction industry for professionals to provide heavily discounted professional fees on building projects.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
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