Topic Review
Classification of the Fish Inspired Robots
Compared with traditional underwater vehicles, bio-inspired fish robots have the advantages of high efficiency, high maneuverability, low noise, and minor fluid disturbance. The propulsion ability of fish comes from the coordination between muscle groups, which gives its body uniform weight distribution and a more space-saving motion structure. A body that has evolved over billions of years also has an excellent hydrodynamic shape and a reasonable structural elastic modulus. At the same time, the organic combination of movement between muscle groups is also the reason to improve the overall efficiency of movement. Finally, fish have unique fluid sensing systems. A body and (or) caudal fin (BCF) swimmer bends its body into a backward propulsive wave that extends up to its caudal fin, while median and paired fin (MPF) swimmers use the median and paired fins to gain thrust. Similar to the classification of the biological systems, fish-inspired robots can also be divided into BCF-based and MPF-based robotic fish with a series of subcategories.
  • 704
  • 10 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Classification of the Marine Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems
The marine SCR system is mainly composed of a urea solution injection system, mixer, SCR reactor, measurement system, and soot blowing system. The urea solution injection system is composed of a urea storage tank, urea injection pump, nozzle, valve, and pipeline. Additionally, a static mixer is arranged in the exhaust pipe of the marine SCR system to improve the mixing uniformity of exhaust gas and ammonia gas. 
  • 2.6K
  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Classification of Unmanned Systems
The autonomous and semi-autonomous multi-agent systems have as much variation and as wide a range of applications as those in the modern mechatronics and robotics fields do. The advance of collaborative swarms of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and drones that are able to operate, navigate, communicate, and even install and assemble “each other” as a symbiotic team will play a critical role in the industry, science, and society in the future
  • 1.9K
  • 08 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Classification of Waste Biomass and Biogenic Materials
Waste biomasses such as oil seed crops, lignocellulosic materials (e.g., agricultural and forest residues), microalgae, energy crops, manure, food waste and organic fraction of municipal solid waste have a huge potential to provide energy and value-added products via different conversion technologies.
  • 1.2K
  • 16 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Classification Techniques
Eight classification techniques, including Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP), Gaussian Naïve Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree classifier (DT), K-Nearest Neighbor classifier (KNN), Random Forest classifier (RF), Support Vector Machine classifier (SVM), and AdaBoost (AB) were applied to model and predict the CC-SoC. Moreover, these methods were employed to compare the performance of different classifiers and obtain the highest possible accuracy. The classifiers were briefly explained in this section.
  • 788
  • 24 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Classification Tools Heart Rate Variability
Chronic stress is the main cause of health problems in high-risk jobs. Wearable sensors can become an ecologically valid method of stress level assessment in real-life applications. We sought to determine a non-invasive technique for objective stress monitoring. Data were collected from firefighters during 24-h shifts using sensor belts equipped with a dry-lead electrocardiograph (ECG) and a three-axial accelerometer. Levels of stress experienced during fire incidents were evaluated via a brief self-assessment questionnaire. Types of physical activity were distinguished basing on accelerometer readings, and heart rate variability (HRV) time series were segmented accordingly into corresponding fragments. Those segments were classified as stress/no-stress conditions. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis showed true positive classification as stress condition for 15% of incidents (while maintaining almost zero False Positive Rate), which parallels the amount of truly stressful incidents reported in the questionnaires. These results show a firm correspondence between the perceived stress level and physiological data. Psychophysiological measurements are reliable indicators of stress even in ecological settings and appear promising for chronic stress monitoring in high-risk jobs, such as firefighting.
  • 873
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Classifying Invention Objectives of Electric Vehicle Chargers
This entry focuses on the crucial role of electric vehicles (EVs) in global decarbonization and sustainable development. The study employs a combination of data extraction, data cleaning, natural language processing (NLP), statistical analysis, and unsupervised machine learning (ML) to identify and visualize themes in EV charger technology.
  • 188
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Classifying Travel Mode Choice through Adjustable SVM Model
The investigation of travel mode choice is an essential task in transport planning and policymaking for predicting travel demands. Typically, mode choice datasets are imbalanced and learning from such datasets is challenging. This study deals with imbalanced mode choice data by developing an algorithm (SVMAK) based on a support vector machine model and the theory of adjusting kernel scaling.
  • 718
  • 24 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Clean Air Delivery Rate
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is a figure of merit that is the cubic feet per minute (CFM) of air that has had all the particles of a given size distribution removed. For air filters that have air flowing through them, it is the fraction of particles (of a particular size distribution) that have been removed from the air times the CFM air flow rate through the device. More precisely, it is the CFM of air in a 1,008-cubic-foot (28.5 m3) room that has had all the particles of a given size distribution removed from the air, over and above the rate at which the particles are naturally falling out of the air. Different filters have different abilities to remove different particle distributions, so three CADR's for a given device are typically measured: smoke, pollen, and dust. By combining the amount of airflow and particle removal efficiency, consumers are less likely to be misled by a high efficiency filter that is filtering a small amount of air, or by a high volume of air that is not being filtered very well.
  • 277
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Clean Electricity Policies
Due to the heavy stress on environmental deterioration and the excessive consumption of fossil resources, the transition of global energy from fossil fuel energy to clean energy is significantly accelerated in recent years. The power industry and policymakers in almost all countries are focusing on clean energy development. Thanks to progressive clean energy policies, significant progress in clean energy integration and greenhouse gas reduction has been achieved around the world. However, due to the differences in economic structures, clean energy distributions, and development models, clean energy policy scope, focus, and coverage vary between different countries, states, and utilities. This paper aims at providing a policy review for readers to easily obtain clean energy policy information on various clean energies in the U.S. and some other countries. Firstly, this paper reviews and compares some countries' clean energy policies on electricity. Then taking the U.S. as an example, introducing the clean energy policies of some representative states and utilities in the U.S in perspectives of renewable energies, electric vehicles, and energy storage.
  • 678
  • 09 Oct 2020
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