Topic Review
Fault Detection and Classification of Wind Turbines
Wind turbines are widely used worldwide to generate clean, renewable energy. The biggest issue with a wind turbine is reducing failures and downtime, which lowers costs associated with operations and maintenance. Wind turbines’ consistency and timely maintenance can enhance their performance and dependability.
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  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Signal Processing of Pulsed Thermography for Enhanced Detectability
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a broad group of testing and analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, structure, or system for characteristic defects and discontinuities without causing damage. Recently, infrared thermography is one of the most promising technologies as it can inspect a large area quickly using a non-contact and non-destructive method. Moreover, thermography testing has proved to be a valuable approach for non-destructive testing and evaluation of structural stability of materials. Pulsed thermography is one of the active thermography technologies that utilizes external energy heating. However, due to the non-uniform heating, lateral heat diffusion, environmental noise, and limited parameters of the thermal imaging system, there are some difficulties in detecting and characterizing defects.
  • 854
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Gas Turbines to the Hydrogen Energy Move
Land-based gas turbines (GTs) are continuous-flow engines that run with permanent flames once started and at stationary pressure, temperature, and flows at stabilized load. Combustors operate without any moving parts and their substantial air excess enables complete combustion. These features provide significant space for designing efficient and versatile combustion systems. In particular, as heavy-duty gas turbines have moderate compression ratios and ample stall margins, they can burn not only high- and medium-BTU fuels but also low-BTU ones. Hydrogen is an energy carrier and not a primary energy as there are very scarce natural sources thereof; the rare reservoirs of hydrogen originate from chemical reactions inside the earth crust and are sometimes referred to as “natural H2”or “white H2”.
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  • 14 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Battery Management System
Renewable energy penetration and distributed generation are key for the transition towards more sustainable societies, but they impose a substantial challenge in terms of matching generation with demand due to the intermittent and unpredictable nature of some of these renewable energy sources. Thus, the role of energy storage in today’s and future electricity markets is undisputed. Batteries stand out among the different alternatives for energy storage.
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  • 05 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Refrigeration Systems and Energy Efficiency
Cooling towers constitute a fundamental part of refrigeration systems in power plants and large commercial buildings. Their main function is to treat the heat emitted by other equipment to cool down the temperature of the environment and/or processes. In the considered refrigeration system, cooling towers are coupled with compression chillers.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are created by applying the principles of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) – the spontaneous creation of a wireless network of mobile devices – to the domain of vehicles. VANETs were first mentioned and introduced in 2001 under "car-to-car ad-hoc mobile communication and networking" applications, where networks can be formed and information can be relayed among cars. It was shown that vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications architectures will co-exist in VANETs to provide road safety, navigation, and other roadside services. VANETs are a key part of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) framework. Sometimes, VANETs are referred as Intelligent Transportation Networks While, in the early 2000s, VANETs were seen as a mere one-to-one application of MANET principles, they have since then developed into a field of research in their own right. By 2015,(p3) the term VANET became mostly synonymous with the more generic term inter-vehicle communication (IVC), although the focus remains on the aspect of spontaneous networking, much less on the use of infrastructure like Road Side Units (RSUs) or cellular networks.
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  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Multilevel Inverters in  Battery Electric Vehicles
All electric vehicles are the only way to decarbonize transport quickly and substantially. Although multilevel inverters have already been used in some transportation modes, they are rarely used in road transportation, especially in light-duty passenger battery electric vehicles (BEVs). With the transition to a high 800-V DC link to extend the driving range and enable extreme fast charging, the possibility of using multilevel inverters in commercial light-duty passenger BEVs becomes feasible. Higher efficiency, higher power density, better waveform quality, lower switching frequency, the possibility of using low-rated switches, and inherent fault tolerance are known advantages of multilevel inverters that make them an efficient option for replacing 2-level inverters in high DC link passenger BEVs.
  • 853
  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Microinjection Moulding of Polymeric Micro Devices
Microinjection moulding has been widely used to mass-produce miniature polymeric devices and/or surface micro/nano structures, such as microneedles for drug delivery and microfluidic devices for diagnostics. The base of a microneedle patch is usually a millimetre with a single needle of several hundred micrometres in size, while the tip radius is smaller than 5 µm; such examples also include micro gears, micro-optical connectors, and micro liquid dispensers. These products have an overall weight of the patch of several milligrams or below. The other typical polymeric micro products would be micro/nano scale features on a large substrate, e.g., microfluidic chips. Microfluidic chips usually have tens to hundreds of micron channels for liquid manipulation. Such micro parts and micro/nano scale features are characterised by their very small dimensions and high surface-to-volume ratios.
  • 853
  • 20 Oct 2022
Otto Schmitt
Otto Herbert Schmitt (April 6, 1913 – January 6, 1998) was an United States inventor, engineer, and biophysicist known for his scientific contributions to biophysics and for establishing the field of biomedical engineering. Schmitt also coined the term biomimetics and invented the Schmitt trigger, the cathode follower, the differential amplifier, and the chopper-stabilized amplifier.[1] He wa
  • 853
  • 26 Dec 2022
Topic Review
List of Railway Electrification Systems
This is a list of the power supply systems that are, or have been, used for tramway and railway electrification systems. Note that the voltages are nominal and vary depending on load and distance from the substation. Many modern trams and trains use on-board solid-state electronics to convert these supplies to run three-phase AC induction motors. Tram electrification systems are listed here.
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  • 27 Nov 2022
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