Topic Review
GDL for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are an attractive type of fuel cell that have received successful commercialization, benefitted from its unique advantages (including an all solid-state structure, a low operating temperature and low environmental impact). In general, the structure of PEMFCs can be regarded as a sequential stacking of functional layers, among which the gas diffusion layer (GDL) plays an important role in connecting bipolar plates and catalyst layers both physically and electrically, offering a route for gas diffusion and drainage and providing mechanical support to the membrane electrode assemblies. 
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  • 13 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning in Agriculture
Big Data and ML have appeared as high-performance informatics technologies for creating new opportunities to unravel, quantify and understand data-intensive processes in the environment of farm operations
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  • 11 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Methodologies and Wearable Devices to Monitor Sleep Dysfunctions
Sleep is crucial for human health from metabolic, mental, emotional, and social points of view; obtaining good sleep in terms of quality and duration is fundamental for maintaining a good life quality. Several systems have been proposed in the scientific literature and on the market to derive metrics used to quantify sleep quality as well as detect sleep disturbances and disorders. In this field, wearable systems have an important role in the discreet, accurate, and long-term detection of biophysical markers useful to determine sleep quality.
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  • 07 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Benefits of Agrivoltaics System
As more nations move towards net-zero emission goals by 2050, research into the coupling of photovoltaics (PV) and agriculture has increased into a new sector of agrivoltaics (AV). Measurement of the Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) has allowed researchers to develop methods for optimizing the agrivoltaic system. While AVs are seen as a method to reduce the land loss for traditional PV farms, research has shown that they can be both beneficial to crop growth and PV efficiency. The levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) under the solar modules impact crop species in different ways. Understanding the PAR can be used to determine the most suitable crop to plant for each season. Factors such as micro-climates and water requirements are also changed due to the set-up of each AV system. 
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  • 09 Sep 2022
Topic Review
EV Charging on Local PCC and Distribution Network
The revolution due to technological advancement has paved the way for clean and efficient transportation systems, which, in turn, has posed new social and technical challenges to the current electric grid. Most implementations of electro-mobility envision large amount of charging of electric vehicles (EVs) from the low- or medium-voltage distribution network. The impacts of charging on those grids could put a limit on the electrification of transport, at least in the long term.
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  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Integration of NOMA-Based VLC with Emerging Technologies
Visible light communication (VLC), a high data rate communication technology, has proven its stature as a promising complementary to its radio frequency (RF) counterpart. VLC is a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and secure technology that exploits the current infrastructure, specifically within indoor and underwater environments. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been considered an effective technique to circumvent these shortcomings. The NOMA scheme has emerged as a revolutionary paradigm to address the shortcomings of VLC systems.
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  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Overview of Distributed Generation Sources in Microgrids
In response to increasing environmental concerns, advances in renewable energy technology and reduced costs have caused a significant increase in the penetration of distributed generation resources in distribution networks. Nonetheless, the connection of distributed generation resources to distribution networks has created new challenges in the control, operation, and management of network reliability. From the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) point of view, the term distributed generation can be used to refer to “small-scale energy production to meet local needs that has a production capacity in the range of 100 kW to 10 MW”.
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  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
EPS Cyanobacterial Bioprocess Development
Cyanobacteria have the potential to become an industrially sustainable source of functional biopolymers. Their exopolysaccharides (EPS) harbor chemical complexity, which predicts bioactive potential. Cyanobacterial EPS, from the bioprocess point of view, is seen as a by-product of biomass and/or metabolite production such as proteins and to a lesser extent lipid. The slimy texture of culture medium after EPS production hinders handling while structure elucidation and productivities gave a tough reputation to these classes of polysaccharides within the industrial sector; however, the uniqueness of the few resolved structures has opened markets to these polysaccharides. To develop an EPS cyanobacterial bioprocess (Cyano-EPS) three steps are highlighted: the selection of the cyanobacterial host; optimization of production parameters; downstream processing. 
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Electrochemical Biosensors for Monitoring the Water Quality
Electrochemical biosensors are advantageous analytical devices or tools that convert a bio-signal by biorecognition elements into a significant electrical response. Biosensors have many advantages over the conventional lab-based method, including low costs, portability, fast response time, less usage of reagents, and the capability to continuous monitor the complex wastewater. Such sensors significantly benefit from sensing the minimum level in polluted water, such as wastewater.
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  • 14 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Power Losses Models for Magnetic Cores
The design of magnetic components is the key to achieving two purposes. The design parameters are intimately dependent on geometric structure, excitation conditions, and magnetic properties such as power losses that determine if a core magnetic is suitable to be part of a magnetic component. Power losses in magnetic components are important design parameters; which limit many high-frequency designs.
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  • 07 Apr 2022
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