Topic Review
Application of Hydrogels for Bone Regeneration
Hydrogels are versatile biomaterials characterized by three-dimensional, cross-linked, highly hydrated polymeric networks. These polymers exhibit a great variety of biochemical and biophysical properties, which allow for the diffusion of diverse molecules, such as drugs, active ingredients, growth factors, and nanoparticles. Meanwhile, these polymers can control chemical and molecular interactions at the cellular level. The polymeric network can be molded into different structures, imitating the structural characteristics of surrounding tissues and bone defects. Interestingly, the application of hydrogels in bone tissue engineering (BTE) has been gathering significant attention due to the beneficial bone improvement results that have been achieved.
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  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Pedestrian–Vehicle Interaction at Unsignalized Crosswalks
A systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), to generate a document that supports the development of future research, compiling the various studies focused on the analysis of the pedestrian-vehicle interaction at unsignalized crosswalks. Firstly, 381 studies were identified by applying the search protocol in the database sources; however, only nine studies were included in this review because most of the studies are not focused on this type of crosswalks or have not considered the micro-simulation perspective. For each study, an analysis of the used methodology for data collection was carried out, in addition to what type of model it was applied, including the variables that represent the PVI (Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction). The outcomes obtained by this systematic review show that although the video camera observation technique is the most used, it is possible to complement them with other tools to add specific field information. Additionally, variables such as the adjacent yields, speed variables vehicles, pedestrian attitude, and the number of pedestrians waiting at the crossing were those most used in the cellular automata model or micro-simulation, which are the commonly developed models to simulate this interaction.
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  • 25 Apr 2020
Topic Review
Applications of Smart Drug Delivery Devices
The internet of things (IoT) plays a vital role in smart drug delivery systems. It is an emerging field that offers promising solutions for improving the efficacy, safety, and patient compliance of drug therapies. IoT-based drug delivery systems leverage advanced devices, sophisticated sensors, and smart tools to monitor and analyse the health matrices of the patient in real-time, allowing for personalised and targeted drug delivery. This technology is implemented through various types of devices, including wearable and implantable devices such as infusion pumps, smart pens, inhalers, and auto-injectors. However, the development and implementation of IoT-based drug delivery systems pose several challenges, such as ensuring data security and privacy, regulatory compliance, compatibility, and reliability.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Temperature Sensitive Optical Parameters
In the new age of illumination, light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been proven to be the most efficient alternative to conventional light sources. Yet, in comparison to other lighting systems, LEDs operate at low temperatures while junction temperature (Tj) is among the main factors dictating their lifespan, reliability, and performance. Tj may be indirectly measured using an LED’s inherent optical characteristics. The emission spectrum of a semiconductor device is influenced by temperature variations due to the temperature dependence of the energy band gap. This behavior motivates researchers to use spectral power distribution (SPD) characteristics such as the peak wavelength and spectral bandwidth of LEDs, which are known as temperature sensitive optical parameters (TSOPs), to estimate Tj. 
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Evolution of Intelligent Vehicle Technology
The time evolution of intelligent vehicle technology is explained, which highlights the development of an intelligentvehicle and its safety applications, focusing on the various usages of perception sensors in production.
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  • 25 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Methods for Residual Stress Testing
This entry introduces several commonly used residual stress measurement methods.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Semiconductor Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
The photocatalytic reduction of CO2 is one of the most effective methods to control CO2 pollution. Therefore, the development of novel high-efficiency semiconductor materials has become an important research field. Semiconductor materials need to have a structure with abundant catalytic sites, among other conditions, which is of great significance for the practical application of highly active catalysts for CO2 reduction. The photocatalytic reduction of CO2 is a surface/interface reaction. It is important to find and use raw materials which are environmentally friendly and effective as catalysts.
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  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Structural Assessment Techniques for In-Service Crossarms
Crossarms are widely used in power distribution and telecommunication sectors to support overhead cables. These structures are horizontally attached to the top of vertically erected utility poles and are essential elements in connecting overhead cables to the poles. Timber is the dominantly used material type for crossarms in the existing distribution networks. Timber is selected for crossarms over the alternative materials (e.g., steel, composites, and concrete) due a number of relative advantages, of which higher strength-to-weight ratio, long service life, excellent insulation properties, economical, and renewable aspects are the main factors.
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  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
The detection of viruses, disease biomarkers, physiologically active substances, drugs, and chemicals is of great significance in many areas of our lives. Immunodetection technology is based on the specificity and affinity of antigen–antibody reactions. Compared with other analytical methods such as liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, which requires a large and expensive instrument, immunodetection has the advantages of simplicity and good selectivity and is thus widely used in disease diagnosis and food/environmental monitoring. Quenchbody (Q-body), a new type of fluorescent immunosensor, is an antibody fragment labeled with fluorescent dyes. When the Q-body binds to its antigen, the fluorescence intensity increases. The detection of antigens by changes in fluorescence intensity is simple, easy to operate, and highly sensitive.
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  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Date Palm Fiber Reinforced Composites
The use of natural fibers in cementitious composites continue gaining acceptability and applicability due to the shortcomings and disadvantages of synthetic fiber; this is because natural fibers have advantages of sustainability, eco-friendliness, and economy. Biodegradable natural fibers, being low density and lightweight, with typical values of strength-to-weight ratio, aspect ratio, elastic modulus, and strength, may be competitive for substituting synthetic fibers such as glass and carbon. Indeed, natural fibers are mostly non-irritating for the skin and typically pose no troubles or issues for breathing, which is not the case with many synthetic fibers. Date palm fiber (DPF) is a natural fiber obtained as waste material from a date palm tree. In many countries, with large date production, DPF is easily available as a process by-product, with a low processing cost. Being sustainable and environmentally friendly, DPF is continuously gaining acceptability as fiber material in different composites such as concrete, mortar, gypsum composites, clay composites, and bricks.
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  • 07 Jun 2022
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