Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Energy-Trading Systems
Blockchain is the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies, but they provide many other application areas, such as reliable machine-to-machine automatic transactions, including auctions, bidding, and payments. Nowadays, many researchers use blockchain in different electric vehicles’ transportation systems, such as payment systems, charging systems, and energy trading systems.
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  • 26 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Surface Water and Floods Detection with Multispectral Satellites
The use of multispectral satellite imagery for water monitoring is a fast and cost-effective method that can benefit from the growing availability of medium–high-resolution and free remote sensing data. Since the 1970s, multispectral satellite imagery has been exploited by adopting different techniques and spectral indices. The high number of available sensors and their differences in spectral and spatial characteristics led to a proliferation of outcomes that depicts a nice picture of the potential and limitations of each. 
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  • 06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Data-Driven Production Logistics
A data-driven approach in production logistics is adopted as a response to challenges such as low visibility and system rigidity. within data-driven production logistics, data is the backbone of the system and all the components are bound together with data. Any decision is made based on data rather than intuition or even experience. All production logistics related activities are supported by data, which is constantly collected from data sources such as machines, human resources, sensors, actuators, etc. A data-driven approach facilitates transition towards a smart, autonomous production logistics system.
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  • 28 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Agriculture through Multidisciplinary Seed
Nanopriming can be a potential future target for sustainable agriculture with the current global supply versus demand trend. A fortification program consists of adding vitamins and minerals to processed foods as a public health measure to improve the nutritional quality of the food supply. The goal is to enhance the nutrient intake by the population.
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  • 26 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
       An experimental and numerical investigation of the climatic conditions in a university area in Rome was achieved, along with evaluating the occurrence of the UHI phenomenon. A preliminary analysis of the UHI phenomenon was carried out and an average urban heat island index equal to 1.14 °C was identified, with a peak value equal to 5.9 °C. This preliminary assessment led to a more detailed investigation using a simulation code. A calibrated model was generated through the software ENVI-met and different mitigation strategies were tested, in order to reduce the overheating of the area. So, eight different scenarios were compared with the actual state, testing the effects of trees, cool pavements and lawn, as well as considering combinations among them.        The analysis of this case study and the performed simulations led to the conclusion that careful choices must be made during the design phase of an area, even when it comes to universities. More in general, objectives and priorities in the design phase should concern not only buildings but also external areas, but this conceptual paradigm needs to be also applied for university areas. Therefore, during the requalification of urban areas involving both buildings and outdoor areas, different skills must be combined and applied.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Control-Based 4D Printing
Building on the recent progress of four-dimensional (4D) printing to produce dynamic structures, this study aimed to bring this technology to the next level by introducing control-based 4D printing to develop adaptive 4D-printed systems with highly versatile multi-disciplinary applications, including medicine, in the form of assisted soft robots, smart textiles as wearable electronics and other industries such as agriculture and microfluidics. This study introduced and analyzed adaptive 4D-printed systems with an advanced manufacturing approach for developing stimuli-responsive constructs that organically adapted to environmental dynamic situations and uncertainties as nature does. The adaptive 4D-printed systems incorporated synergic integration of three-dimensional (3D)-printed sensors into 4D-printing and control units, which could be assembled and programmed to transform their shapes based on the assigned tasks and environmental stimuli. This paper demonstrates the adaptivity of these systems via a combination of proprioceptive sensory feedback, modeling and controllers, as well as the challenges and future opportunities they present.
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  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Seismic Behavior of Masonry Infilled Frame Structures
Infilled frames are usually modelled in the context of global building analysis using simplified procedures without considering the aspects resulting from the interaction between the panel and the frame. Other aspects, such as adequate design of the floor beams and the beam-columns’ joints, and control of potential sliding shear failure of the columns, that significantly affect the structural response, are also typically not accounted for. 
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  • 25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Electricity Market in Brazil
With the current worsening of climate change-associated risks, the transition to low-carbon energy sources has become a global priority. In this context, the advances in the implementation of smart grids, which, in addition to greater efficiency and resilience, also allow greater penetration of renewable distributed energy resources, are becoming increasingly important. However, the necessary investments will be colossal. Many specialists see the process of opening up the electric energy markets as essential to boosting these new technologies. Greater decentralization of the decision-making process can potentially promote greater scalability. However, not all liberalization reforms have led to good results. Several researchers have been evaluating experiences in different countries. Brazil, a country with continental dimensions and peculiar characteristics, already counts with a mostly renewable electric energy generation mix. In recent decades, however, it has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuel sources. Brazil has been conducting a process of opening the electric energy market since the 1990s. This process has faced a series of barriers. This article presents a critical bibliographic review of the Brazilian Power System history and its ongoing opening process, its possible successes and errors, as well as its perspectives and challenges.
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  • 18 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Rhizopus oryzae Lipase
Lipases are biocatalysts with a significant potential to enable a shift from current pollutant manufacturing processes to environmentally sustainable approaches. The main reason of this prospect is their catalytic versatility as they carry out several industrially relevant reactions as hydrolysis of fats in water/lipid interface and synthesis reactions in solvent-free or non-aqueous media such as transesterification, interesterification and esterification. Because of the outstanding traits of Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL), 1,3-specificity, high enantioselectivity and stability in organic media, its application in energy, food and pharmaceutical industrial sector has been widely studied. Significant advances have been made in the biochemical characterisation of ROL particularly in how its activity and stability are affected by the presence of its prosequence. In addition, native and heterologous production of ROL, the latter in cell factories like Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris), have been thoroughly described. Therefore, in this review, we summarise the current knowledge about R. oryzae lipase (i) biochemical characteristics, (ii) production strategies and (iii) potential industrial applications.
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  • 10 Dec 2020
Topic Review
OmniSCV is a tool for generating datasets of omnidirectional images with semantic and depth information. 
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  • 30 Oct 2020
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