Topic Review
Characteristics and Hazards of Lead–Zinc Tailings
Lead–zinc tailings are the typical solid wastes in mines with high yield and low utilization rates in some countries. They are mainly stockpiled in tailings reservoirs, occupying massive land resources and threatening the health of the environment. 
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  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Airbus Beluga XL
The Airbus BelugaXL (A330-743L) is a large transport aircraft based on the Airbus A330-200F built by Airbus to replace the original Airbus Beluga in the movement of oversized aircraft components like wings. The aircraft made its first flight on 19 July 2018, and received its type certification on 13 November 2019. The BelugaXL entered service with Airbus Transport on 9 January 2020.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Autonomous Haulage Systems
Mining is an industry that inherits the full advantage of Industry 4.0 by using cutting-edge driverless vehicles called Autonomous Haulage Systems (AHS) or Autonomous Haulage Trucks (AHT). These trucks can carry up to four hundred tons of ore and accurately transport it without human interaction. AHS is the state-of-the-art in the mining industry for autonomous vehicles.
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  • 25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Dam Siting
Dam siting is the study of site selection, a branch of decision making, which has the characteristics of multidisciplinary integration, involving decision making, and coordination, geographic information science, computer science, etc. Siting decisions are constantly iterated and updated as the discipline evolves, and the dam siting process will inevitably face more challenges.
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  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Fabrication Techniques Using Myco-Materials
Within Euro-centric traditions of architecture, the significance of a building is often tied to its permanence. The Pantheon in Rome, for example, is a nearly 2000-year-old cementitious dome structure, whose resilience to time elevates it to a monumental status. Notwithstanding the significance of cultural and economic factors associated with the need for permanent buildings and structures, there is a doubt on whether all buildings should be assembled with the goal of being permanent. Globally, the lifespans of buildings are rapidly decreasing. The average lifespan of buildings in China was reported to be 34 years, and 25 years for residential buildings in Japan. To great detriment, buildings are more than ever being demolished prematurely and yet, use materials that are manufactured with energy-intensive processes and are expensive or impractical to recycle. In the United States alone, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported there was 600 million tons of construction and demolition waste generated in 2018. Structural materials, including wood, and architectural metals, such as steel, copper, and brass, are valuable commodities that can be reused and recycled. However, in present-day architectural assemblies, these materials nearly ubiquitously inter-face with expanded foams, plastics, and resins, sometimes in irreversible composites. For example, wood is widely treated with synthetic resins and glues to increase its resistance to decay or structural performance.
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  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Thermal Management System
In gas turbine engines, Thermal Management (TM) is a concept of utilising the engine fluid systems to extract the excess heat generated within the various components and systems of the engine as well as employing the extracted heat for multiple functions that would improve the engine’s performance.
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  • 14 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Poultry Litter
Poultry litter is a combination of aviary excreta and bedding materials such as wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, shredded sugar cane, straw, or other dry, absorbent, uneaten feed, broken eggs, dead birds, bird feathers and low-cost organic material [1].
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  • 27 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Deep Learning-based Fault Diagnosis of Electric Motors
Electric motors are used extensively in numerous industries, and their failure can result not only in machine damage but also a slew of other issues, such as financial loss, injuries, etc. As a result, there is a significant scope to use robust fault diagnosis technology. In recent years, interesting research results on fault diagnosis for electric motors have been documented. Deep learning in the fault detection of electric equipment has shown comparatively better results than traditional approaches because of its more powerful and sophisticated feature extraction capabilities.
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  • 09 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Galileo Probe
The Galileo Probe was an atmospheric-entry probe carried by the main Galileo spacecraft to Jupiter, where it directly entered a hot spot and returned data from the planet. The 339-kilogram (747 lb) probe was built by Hughes Aircraft Company at its El Segundo, California plant, and measured about 1.3 meters (4.3 ft) across. Inside the probe's heat shield, the scientific instruments were protected from extreme heat and pressure during its high-speed journey into the Jovian atmosphere, entering at 47.8 kilometers (29.7 mi) per second. It entered Jupiter on December 7, 1995, 22:04 UTC and stopped functioning at 23:01 UTC, 57 minutes and 36 seconds later.
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  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
The Metaverse in Industry 5.0: A Human-Centric Approach towards Personalized Value Creation
In the context of Industry 5.0, the concept of the Metaverse aligns with the vision of Web 4.0, representing a digital ecosystem where individuals and organizations collaborate in a human-centric approach to create personalized value. This virtual universe connects multiple interconnected worlds, enabling real-time interactions between users and computer-generated environments. By integrating technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT), the Metaverse within Industry 5.0 aims to foster innovation and enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall well-being through tailored and value-driven solutions. Therefore, this entry explores the concept of the Metaverse in the context of Industry 5.0, highlighting its definition, evolution, advantages, and disadvantages. It also discusses the pillars of technological advancement, challenges, and opportunities, including its integration into manufacturing. The entry concludes with a proposal for a conceptual framework for integrating the human-centric Metaverse into manufacturing.
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  • 05 Sep 2023
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