Topic Review
3D Cell Culture
A 3D cell culture is an artificially created environment in which biological cells are permitted to grow or interact with their surroundings in all three dimensions. Unlike 2D environments (e.g. a Petri dish), a 3D cell culture allows cells in vitro to grow in all directions, similar to how they would in vivo. These three-dimensional cultures are usually grown in bioreactors, small capsules in which the cells can grow into spheroids, or 3D cell colonies. Approximately 300 spheroids are usually cultured per bioreactor.
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  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Models for Predicting Material Durability and Service Lifetime
Substantial gains and savings of resources of time and money can be gained through the use of modelling and simulation to understand material system performance. Since for development of the new materials validation is expensive and time-consuming, the bottleneck is time and funding—modelling might be the way to replace testing programs, which would be beneficial for providing new innovative materials faster to the market.
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  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
A New Product Development Model for SMEs
The success of new product development (NPD) is of vital importance for the growth and prosperity of manufacturing companies. Complex product demands are increasing and companies must be able to produce the right products at the right time and at an affordable price; otherwise, they can quickly lose their competitive advantage. Especially vulnerable are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that can find it difficult to compete with larger companies on a global market and are also more prone to suffer from potential losses related to unsuccessful NPD, as they have a smaller set of both financial and non-financial resources. In order to survive in today’s highly competitive global market, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have had to transition from sequential to concurrent product development, which significantly shortens development cycles, reduces costs, and ensures high product quality. 
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  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Human–Machine Interface in Society 5.0
The blending of human and mechanical capabilities has become a reality in the realm of Industry 4.0. Human–machine interaction (HMI) is a crucial aspect of Society 5.0, in which technology is leveraged for solving social challenges and improving quality of life. The key objective of HMI is to create a harmonious relationship between humans and machines where they work together towards a common goal. This is achieved by focusing on the strengths of each component, with machines handling tasks that require speed and accuracy while humans focus on tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. 
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Rigenera® Micrografts in Oral Regeneration
Biomaterials derive either from nature or synthesized in the laboratory using chemical approaches utilizing metallic components, polymers, ceramics, or composite materials. They are often used and adapted for medical applications. A biomaterial is also defined as autograft, allograft, or xenograft used as a transplant material. In the last decade also tissue engineering and stem cells were deeply studied trying to make better autologous biomaterials ready to be used in regenerative procedures. Micrografts are a new concept of biomaterial, they are enriched of progenitor cells that are a particular type of stem cell excellent in enhancing the regenerative potential. Moreover, another advantage is the easy handling and tissue availability.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
A number of robot-assisted MIS systems have been developed to product level and are now well-established clinical tools; Intuitive Surgical’s very successful da Vinci Surgical System a prime example. The majority of these surgical systems are based on the traditional rigid-component robot design that was instrumental in the third industrial revolution—especially within the manufacturing sector. However, the use of this approach for surgical procedures on or around soft tissue has come under increasing criticism. The dangers of operating with a robot made from rigid components both near and within a patient are considerable.
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  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Sensor-Based Smart Factory
Smart factories have modern sensor technology, intelligent analytical programs, and networking components of production (machines, supplies, components, final products, equipment, etc.). Smart factories are a new way of organizing production. Their goal is to better serve customers through greater production flexibility and resource optimisation.
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  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Failure Modes of the Electric Motors
The reliability assessment of electric machines plays a very critical role in today’s engineering world. The reliability assessment requires a good understanding of electric motors and their root causes. Electric machines mostly fail due to mechanical problems and bearing damage is the main source of this. The bearings can be damaged by mechanical, electrical, and thermal stresses. Among all stresses, the researcher should give special attention to the electrical one, which is bearing current and shaft voltage.
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  • 21 Jun 2023
Topic Review
IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) is a NASA Medium Explorers mission that studied the global response of the Earth's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind. It was believed lost but as of August 2018 might be recoverable. It was launched 25 March 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base on a two-year mission. Almost six years later, it unexpectedly ceased operations in December 2005 during its extended mission and was declared lost. The spacecraft was part of NASA's Sun-Earth Connections Program, and during its run had over 400 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals using its data. It had special cameras that provided various breakthroughs in understanding the dynamics of plasma around the Earth. The Principal Investigator was Jim Burch of the Southwest Research Institute. In January 2018, an amateur satellite tracker found it to be transmitting some signals back to Earth. NASA made attempts to communicate with the spacecraft and determine its payload status, but has had to track down and adapt old hardware and software to the current systems. On 25 February, contact with IMAGE was again lost, but if reestablished, NASA may decide to fund a restarted mission.
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  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a functional brain imaging technique that measures magnetic flux on the surface of the head associated with underlying neuronal electrical dipoles.
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  • 08 Mar 2021
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