Topic Review
LanbotulinumtoxinA (LAN)
LanbotulinumtoxinA (LAN) was introduced in China. It is now available in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe under various brand names including Hengli®, Lantox®, Prosigne®, Lanzox®, Redux®, Liftox®, HBTX-A and CBTX-A.
  • 945
  • 29 Jun 2021
Topic Review
The Complement System in the Central Nervous System
The functions of the complement system to both innate and adaptive immunity through opsonization, cell lysis, and inflammatory activities are well known. In contrast, the role of complement in the central nervous system (CNS) which extends beyond immunity, is only beginning to be recognized as important to neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. In addition to protecting the brain against invasive pathogens, appropriate activation of the complement system is pivotal to the maintenance of normal brain function.
  • 945
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
The integrin associated protein (CD47) is a widely and moderately expressed glycoprotein in all healthy cells. Cancer cells are known to induce increased CD47 expression. Similar to cancer cells, all immune cells can upregulate their CD47 surface expression during infection. The CD47-SIRPa interaction induces an inhibitory effect on macrophages and dendritic cells (dendritic cells) while CD47-thrombospondin-signaling inhibits T cells. Therefore, the disruption of the CD47 interaction can mediate several biologic functions. Upon the blockade and knockout of CD47 reveals an immunosuppressive effect of CD47 during LCMV, influenza virus, HIV-1, mycobacterium tuberculosis, plasmodium and other bacterial pneumonia infections. 
  • 944
  • 17 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Diabetic Foot Complications
Diabetes mellitus, a major cause of mortality around the globe, can result in several secondary complications, including diabetic foot syndrome, which is brought on by diabetic neuropathy and ischemia. Approximately 15% of diabetic patients suffer from diabetic foot complications, and among them 25% are at risk of lower limb amputations. Diabetic foot ulcers are characterized as skin lesions, gangrene, or necrosis, and may develop due to several reasons, including hyperglycemia and slower wound healing in diabetic patients.
  • 944
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Team Composition and Cohesion in Spaceflight Missions
Selection, training, cohesion and psychosocial adaptation influence performance and, as such, are relevant factors to consider while preparing for costly, long-duration[clarification needed] spaceflight missions in which the performance objectives will be demanding, endurance will be tested and success will be critical. During the selection of crew members, throughout their training and during their psychosocial adaptation to the mission environment, there are several opportunities to encourage optimal performance and, in turn, minimize the risk of failure.
  • 944
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
Up to one-third of all breast cancers are classified as the aggressive HER2-positive subtype, which is associated with a higher risk of recurrence compared to HER2-negative breast cancers. The HER2 hyperactivity associated with this subtype drives tumor growth by up-regulation of mTOR pathways and metabolic adaptation. Combination therapies that simultaneously target HER2 and mTOR improve clinical outcomes compared with HER2 inhibition alone. Drugs that mimic glucose deprivation in HER2-positive breast cancer patients have not been evaluated; however, preclinical studies have shown that the growth of HER2-positive breast tumors is reduced in response to combining the glycolytic inhibitor 2-DG with mTOR inhibitors.
  • 943
  • 02 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Endodontic Microsurgery of Mandibular Molars
Endodontic microsurgery is a highly predictable treatment option in most cases when conventional endodontic treatment is not feasible. 
  • 943
  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Collagen Type I/III Turnover
The unique balance between the degradation activity of collagen specific MMPs and their natural tissue inhibitors indicates that TIMPs plays an important role in normal structural uterine changes during healthy pregnancy. Dysregulation of balance between MMPs and their TIMPs occurs in preeclampisa, leading to impaired fibrillar collagen type I and III turnover. This results in pathological changes in uterine structure and abnormal uterine ECM remodeling. MMP-1, MMP-13, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 are biomolecules, tightly involved in these processes. MMP-1, MMP-13, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 potential as preeclampsia biomarkers is very promising and possible clinical applications can hopefully be introduced soon.
  • 942
  • 01 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Daily Persistent Headache and COVID-19
Dubbed Long COVID or Long-Haul COVID, those recovering from the initial COVID-19 infection may maintain clinical signs for longer than two or more weeks following the initial onset of the infection. The virus can gain entry into the CNS through axonal transport mediated through the olfactory nerve or hematogenous spread and can also cross the blood–brain barrier to access the temporal lobe and the brainstem. The neurologic and neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with COVID-19 patients are becoming a highly studied area due to the increased frequency of reported cases. Multiple hospital case series and observational studies have found a headache to be a common symptom among patients who are symptomatic with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The headache described by many of these patients is similar to new daily persistent headache (NDPH). NDPH potentially develops in response to pro-inflammatory cytokines during a persistent systemic or CNS inflammation, mostly due to the initial infection. The treatments investigated were high-dose steroids, tetracycline derivatives, onabotulinum toxin type A, and long-term multidrug regimens. Among the identified symptoms of post-COVID-19 viral illness, fatigue appears to be the most ubiquitous. 
  • 942
  • 11 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Acacia Catechu Willd. for CRC
The research for innovative treatments against colon adenocarcinomas is still a great challenge. Acacia catechu Willd. heartwood extract (AC) has health-promoting qualities, especially at gastrointestinal level. This study characterized AC for its catechins content and investigates the apoptotic-enhancing effect in human colorectal adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells, along with its ability to spare healthy tissue. Results showed that AC  induced an increase in apoptotic cells and ROS formation, reduction in mitochondria membrane potential as well as increase in caspase-9 and -3 activity. AC did not affect rat ileum and colon rings viability and functionality, suggesting its safe profile toward healthy tissue. The present findings outline the potential of AC for colon cancer treatment.
  • 942
  • 14 Apr 2021
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