Topic Review
Hematopoietic stem cell: regulation and nutritional intervention
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are multipotent precursors with the unique ability to self-renew into all cell types and self-regenerate in order to resume proliferation in the blood-forming system. They are crucial for the life maintenance of bio-organisms. Investigation into the functioning of HSCs remains a prominent and dynamic area of exploration by researchers. Here we summarizes the intrinsic factors (i.e., RNA-binding protein, modulators in epigenetics and enhancer–promotor-mediated transcription) essential to the function of HSCs.
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Small Leucine-Rich Proteoglycan Impact on Cancer Pathogenesis
Cancer is a complex disease in which cells and their environment are altered. A tumor microenvironment contains tumor cells, normal tissue cells, blood vessels, cells of the immune system, stromal cells, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) are molecules that consist of a protein core and glycosaminoglycan chains. SLRPs are released by the cells into the surrounding matrix. These biomolecules can react with molecules on the cell surface and secreted biomolecules and modify signaling, which regulates cell behavior. Their expression changes during cancer development, contributing to cancer growth and metastases.
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  • 13 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Mitochondrial Dynamics in Pulmonary Hypertension
Mitochondria are essential organelles for energy production, calcium homeostasis, redox signaling, and other cellular responses involved in pulmonary vascular biology and disease processes. Mitochondrial homeostasis depends on a balance in mitochondrial fusion and fission (dynamics). Mitochondrial dynamics are regulated by a viable circadian clock.
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  • 12 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Reveals the Skeletal Cellular Dynamics
The bone is an important organ that performs various functions, and the bone marrow inside the skeleton is composed of a complex intermix of hematopoietic, vascular, and skeletal cells. Current single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology has revealed heterogeneity and sketchy differential hierarchy of skeletal cells. 
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  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Neural Circuitry Plasticity in SDH during Pain Pathogenesis
Pathological pain emerges from nociceptive system dysfunction, resulting in heightened pain circuit activity. Various forms of circuitry plasticity, such as central sensitization, synaptic plasticity, homeostatic plasticity, and excitation/inhibition balance, contribute to the malfunction of neural circuits during pain pathogenesis. A new form of plasticity in the spinal dorsal horn (SDH), named neural circuit polarization (NCP), was discovered in pain models induced by HIV-1 gp120 and chronic morphine administration. NCP manifests as an increase in excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in excitatory neurons and a decrease in EPSCs in inhibitory neurons, presumably facilitating hyperactivation of pain circuits. The expression of NCP is associated with astrogliosis. Ablation of reactive astrocytes or suppression of astrogliosis blocks NCP and, concomitantly, the development of gp120- or morphine-induced pain.
  • 267
  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Oligodendroglial Epigenetics
Oligodendroglial cells are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system. From neural stem cells to mature oligodendrocytes, their specification and then differentiation are regulated by the dynamic expression of transcription factors, which control the expression of lineage-specific genes (e.g., Ascl1, Olig1, Sox10) or myelinating genes (e.g., Yy1, Myrf). While these transcriptional events are tightly orchestrated, environmental cues are also critical in this process. The integration of external cues, such as neuronal activity, into intrinsic signals is mediated by epigenetic modifications, which are known to control chromatin organization and, in turn, regulate gene expression. In particular, chromatin condensation and accessibility are regulated by DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin remodelers, which interact with long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and microRNA (miRNA), as well as nuclear organization via lamins. Recently, the methylation of mRNA has also been described as an epigenetic modification, resulting in gene expression regulation at the translational level.
  • 266
  • 04 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Regulation of PIN-FORMED Protein Degradation
Auxin action largely depends on the establishment of auxin concentration gradient within plant organs, where PIN-formed (PIN) auxin transporter-mediated directional auxin movement plays an important role. It has revealed the need of polar plasma membrane (PM) localization of PIN proteins as well as regulation of PIN polarity in response to developmental cues and environmental stimuli, amongst which a typical example is regulation of PIN phosphorylation by AGCVIII protein kinases and type A regulatory subunits of PP2A phosphatases.
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  • 27 Feb 2023
Topic Review
PTHrP-Related Signatures in Adipogenesis and Transdifferentiation
Parathyroid-hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is a protein hormone of 139, 141, or 173 amino acids, which may be cleaved into smaller bioactive forms, comprising amino terminus, mid-region, and carboxy terminus peptides, active as key controllers of viability, proliferation, and differentiation in diverse normal and pathological cell and tissue model systems via the reprogramming of gene expression and intracellular signalization.
  • 265
  • 12 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Pyroptosis in Brief
This comprehensive entry delves into the intricate world of pyroptosis, a captivating phenomenon in cellular biology and immunology. It provides a comprehensive exploration of pyroptosis, from its historical context to its multifaceted mechanisms, regulatory intricacies, physiological functions, and its relevance in health and disease. Pyroptosis represents a unique blend of programmed cell death and inflammatory responses, challenging conventional categorizations and sparking curiosity across diverse scientific disciplines. The research highlights the central role of inflammasomes in orchestrating pyroptosis and its interplay with innate immunity. Overall, this entry offers a brief dive into the fascinating world of pyroptosis, its implications, and its potential for future research and therapeutic applications.
  • 263
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Cancer Metastasis from Physical Perspective
Tumor diseases become a huge problem when they embark on a path that advances to malignancy, such as the process of metastasis. Cancer metastasis has been thoroughly investigated from a biological perspective in the past, whereas it has still been less explored from a physical perspective. Until now, the intraluminal pathway of cancer metastasis has received the most attention, while the interaction of cancer cells with macrophages has received little attention. Apart from the biochemical characteristics, tumor treatments also rely on the tumor microenvironment, which is recognized to be immunosuppressive and, as has recently been found, mechanically stimulates cancer cells and thus alters their functions.
  • 262
  • 09 Feb 2024
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