Topic Review
Hydrogels in Wound Healing
Despite the noticeable evolution in wound treatment over the centuries, a functional material that promotes correct and swift wound healing is important, considering the relative weight of chronic wounds in healthcare. Difficult to heal in a fashionable time, chronic wounds are more prone to infections and complications thereof. Hydrogels are highly hydrated cross-linked polymers arranged in a matrix-like fashion that allow significant water retention (over 90% of their dry weight) in their three-dimensional network. 
  • 536
  • 11 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Hydrogels in Hand Sanitizers
Hand hygiene can be considered a strategic key useful in the containment of infections such as COVID-19 both at home and in communities because it can dramatically reduce the widespread outbreak of infections. 
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  • 08 May 2021
Topic Review
Hydrogels for Oral Tissue Engineering
Oral health is crucial to daily life, yet many people worldwide suffer from oral diseases. With the development of oral tissue engineering, there is a growing demand for dental biomaterials. Addressing oral diseases often requires a two-fold approach: fighting bacterial infections and promoting tissue growth. Hydrogels are promising tissue engineering biomaterials that show great potential for oral tissue regeneration and drug delivery.
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  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogels Combined with Silver Nanoparticles against Antimicrobial Resistance
The development of multidrug-resistant (MDR) microorganisms has increased dramatically as a natural consequence of the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that this is one of the top ten global public health threats facing humanity today, demanding urgent multisectoral action. In this sense, metallic nanoparticles (such as silver nanoparticles) have emerged as promising alternatives due to their outstanding antibacterial and antibiofilm properties. The efficient delivery of the nanoparticles (NPs) is also a matter of concern, and studies have demonstrated that hydrogels present an excellent ability to perform this task.
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  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogels Classification
Hydrogels are attractive biomaterials with favorable characteristics due to their water uptake capacity. However, hydrogel properties are determined by the cross-linking degree and nature, the tacticity, and the crystallinity of the polymer. 
  • 1.4K
  • 08 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Hydrogels Based on Supramolecular Strategies
Supramolecular structures are of great interest due to their applicability in various scientific and industrial fields. The sensible definition of supramolecular molecules is being set by investigators who, because of the different sensitivities of their methods and observational timescales, may have different views on as to what constitutes these supramolecular structures. The supramolecular interaction between some materials and guest molecules has endowed gels with the capacity for reversible gel−sol transformation. A plausible example has to do with self-healing, which is one of the most intriguing characteristics of biological or artificial systems, such as the particular and specific applications described below, due to its intrinsic importance. Thermodynamic stability plays an important role, for example, in the preparation of ophthalmic hydrogels and metallo-supramolecular hydrogels.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogels as Biomaterials for Wound Dressings
Wound management remains a challenging issue around the world, although a lot of wound dressing materials have been produced for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. Wound healing is a highly dynamic and complex regulatory process that involves four principal integrated phases, including hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Chronic non-healing wounds are wounds that heal significantly more slowly, fail to progress to all the phases of the normal wound healing process, and are usually stalled at the inflammatory phase. These wounds cause a lot of challenges to patients, such as severe emotional and physical stress and generate a considerable financial burden on patients and the general public healthcare system. It has been reported that about 1–2% of the global population suffers from chronic non-healing wounds during their lifetime in developed nations. Traditional wound dressings are dry, and therefore cannot provide moist environment for wound healing and do not possess antibacterial properties. Wound dressings that are currently used consist of bandages, films, foams, patches and hydrogels. Currently, hydrogels are gaining much attention as a result of their water-holding capacity, providing a moist wound-healing milieu. 
  • 658
  • 12 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Hydrogels and Graphene Quantum Dots
The graphene quantum dot (GQD), unlike the other graphene derivatives, is known to have distinctive optical properties showing size and edge-dependent fluorescence properties
  • 532
  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Hydrogels and Dentin–Pulp Complex Regeneration
Abstract Dentin–pulp complex is a term which refers to the dental pulp (DP) surrounded by dentin along its peripheries. Dentin and dental pulp are highly specialized tissues, which can be affected by various insults, primarily by dental caries. Regeneration of the dentin–pulp complex is of paramount importance to regain tooth vitality. The regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) is a relatively current approach, which aims to regenerate the dentin–pulp complex through stimulating the differentiation of resident or transplanted stem/progenitor cells. Hydrogel-based scaffolds are a unique category of three dimensional polymeric networks with high water content. They are hydrophilic, biocompatible, with tunable degradation patterns and mechanical properties, in addition to the ability to be loaded with various bioactive molecules. Furthermore, hydrogels have a considerable degree of flexibility and elasticity, mimicking the cell extracellular matrix (ECM), particularly that of the DP. The current review presents how for dentin–pulp complex regeneration, the application of injectable hydrogels combined with stem/progenitor cells could represent a promising approach. According to the source of the polymeric chain forming the hydrogel, they can be classified into natural, synthetic or hybrid hydrogels, combining natural and synthetic ones. Natural polymers are bioactive, highly biocompatible, and biodegradable by naturally occurring enzymes or via hydrolysis. On the other hand, synthetic polymers offer tunable mechanical properties, thermostability and durability as compared to natural hydrogels. Hybrid hydrogels combine the benefits of synthetic and natural polymers. Hydrogels can be biofunctionalized with cell-binding sequences as arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD), can be used for local delivery of bioactive molecules and cellularized with stem cells for dentin–pulp regeneration. Formulating a hydrogel scaffold material fulfilling the required criteria in regenerative endodontics is still an area of active research, which shows promising potential for replacing conventional endodontic treatments in the near future.
  • 997
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
This entry briefly covers the existing knowledge on the lubrication mechanisms of hydrogels by discussing the main ideas, knowledge gaps and opportunities in the research area.
  • 1.1K
  • 21 Dec 2020
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