Topic Review
Gold Nanoparticles and Their Biomedical Applications
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have the ability to absorb and scatter light, and can convert optical energy into heat using nonradiative electron relaxation dynamics and surface chemistry. Moreover, gold nanoparticles can be used as drug carriers, making them very attractive and versatile nanoparticles. The features of AuNPs that make them particularly attractive in biomedicine are their excellent stability and biocompatibility, ease to functionalize their surfaces, their low toxicity, and their drug transferability. Other features, such as shape and size adaptation, have certainly drawn attention for the use of gold nanoparticles in many fields.
  • 988
  • 19 May 2022
Topic Review
Biodegradable Film Materials for Packaging
In today’s world, the problem of “white pollution” is becoming more and more serious, and many countries have paid special attention to this problem, and it has become one of the most important tasks to reduce polymer waste and to protect the environment. Due to the degradability, safety, economy and practicality of biodegradable packaging film materials, biodegradable packaging film materials have become a major trend in the packaging industry to replace traditional packaging film materials, provided that the packaging performance requirements are met. Degraded plastics are plastics that have been subjected to defined environmental conditions for a period of time and contain one or more steps that result in significant changes in the chemical structure of the material resulting in loss of certain properties (such as integrity, molecular mass, structure or mechanical strength) and/or fragmentation.
  • 586
  • 19 May 2022
Topic Review
Xylosma G. Forst. Genus
Xylosma G. Forst. is a genus of plants belonging to the Salicaceae family with intertropical distribution in America, Asia, and Oceania. Of the 100 accepted species, 22 are under some level of conservation risk. Around 13 species of the genus used as medicinal plants were found, mainly in Central and South America, with a variety of uses, among which antimicrobial is the most common.
  • 721
  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Vibrational Biospectroscopy for Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis and Screening
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the sixth most common cancer and the fourth leading cause of death among women worldwide. Early detection and treatment are associated with a favourable prognosis and reduction in mortality. Unlike other common cancers, however, screening strategies lack the required sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to be successfully implemented in clinical practice and current diagnostic approaches are invasive, costly and time consuming. Such limitations highlight the unmet need to develop diagnostic and screening alternatives for EC, which should be accurate, rapid, minimally invasive and cost-effective. Vibrational spectroscopic techniques, Mid-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy and Raman, exploit the atomic vibrational absorption induced by interaction of light and a biological sample, to generate a unique spectral response: a “biochemical fingerprint”. These are non-destructive techniques and, combined with multivariate statistical analysis, have been shown over the last decade to provide discrimination between cancerous and healthy samples, demonstrating a promising role in both cancer screening and diagnosis. 
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  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Plasmon-Resonant Gold Nanostructures
Liposomes can sequester a variety of bioactive water-soluble ions, ligands and enzymes, and oligonucleotides. The bilayer that separates the liposome interior from the exterior solution provides a physical barrier to contents release and degradation. Tethering plasmon-resonant, hollow gold nanoshells to the liposomes, or growing gold nanoparticles directly on the liposome exterior, allows liposome contents to be released by nanosecond or shorter pulses of near-infrared light (NIR). Gold nanoshells or nanoparticles strongly adsorb NIR light; cells, tissues, and physiological media are transparent to NIR, allowing penetration depths of millimeters to centimeters. Nano to picosecond pulses of NIR light rapidly heat the gold nanoshells, inducing the formation of vapor nanobubbles, similar to cavitation bubbles.
  • 326
  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Classifications of Adsorptive Ultrafiltration Membrane
Adsorptive ultrafiltration mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) are a new strategy, developed in recent years, to remove harmful cations and small-molecule organics from wastewater and drinking water, which achieve ultrafiltration and adsorption functions in one unit and are considered to be among the promising technologies that have exhibited efficiency and competence in water reuse.
  • 682
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
3DP Medicines and Medical Devices
Novel additive manufacturing (AM) techniques and particularly 3D printing (3DP) have achieved a decade of success in pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. Highly innovative personalized therapeutical solutions may be designed and manufactured through a layer-by-layer approach starting from a digital model realized according to the needs of a specific patient or a patient group. The combination of patient-tailored drug dose, dosage, or diagnostic form (shape and size) and drug release adjustment has the potential to ensure the optimal patient therapy. This document provides an overview on different 3DP techniques to produce personalized medicines and medical devices, highlighting, for each method, the critical printing process parameters, the main starting materials, as well as advantages and limitations.
  • 1.4K
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Basic Principles of COF-Based Sensing
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of crystalline porous organic polymers with polygonal porosity and highly ordered structures. The most prominent feature of the COFs is their excellent crystallinity and highly ordered modifiable one-dimensional pores. Since the first report of them in 2005, COFs with various structures were successfully synthesized and their applications in a wide range of fields including gas storage, pollution removal, catalysis, and optoelectronics explored. In the meantime, COFs also exhibited good performance in chemical and biological sensing, because their highly ordered modifiable pores allowed the selective adsorption of the analytes, and the interaction between the analytes and the COFs’ skeletons may lead to a detectable change in the optical or electrical properties of the COFs.
  • 585
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Panel Products Made of Oil Palm Trunk
Oil palm plantations have expanded rapidly in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia. A lot of products, including food and other edible products, oleo-chemicals, cosmetics, personal and household care, pharmaceutical products, and biodiesels are derived from palm oil, thus making them one of the most economically important plants.
  • 804
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Next-Generation Gingival Graft Substitutes
There is a shortage of suitable tissue-engineered solutions for gingival recession, a soft tissue defect of the oral cavity. Autologous tissue grafts lead to an increase in morbidity due to complications at the donor site. Although material substitutes are available on the market, their development is early, and work to produce more functional material substitutes is underway. The latter materials along with newly conceived tissue-engineered substitutes must maintain volumetric form over time and have advantageous mechanical and biological characteristics facilitating the regeneration of functional gingival tissue.
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  • 17 May 2022
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