Topic Review
Marine Organisms with Anti-Glioma Activity
Marine organisms are able to produce a plethora of small molecules with novel chemical structures and potent biological properties, being a fertile source for discovery of pharmacologically active compounds, already with several marine-derived agents approved as drugs. Nearly fifty marine compounds were described as anti-glioma agents in the last decade. Glioma is classified by the WHO as the most common and aggressive form of tumor on CNS. Currently, Temozolomide is the only chemotherapeutic option approved by the FDA even though having some limitations. Marine compounds could be promising leads for the discovery of new therapeutic alternatives for glioma treatment. 
  • 593
  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
Marine Endoperoxide Norterpenes
Organic extracts of marine invertebrates, mainly sponges, from seas all over the world are well known for their high in vitro anticancer and antibiotic activities which make them promising sources of compounds with potential use as pharmaceutical leads. Most of the structures discovered so far have a peculiar structural feature in common: a 1,2-dioxane ring. This is a highly reactive heterocycle that can be considered as an endoperoxide function. Together with other structural features, this group could be responsible for the strong biological activities of the substances present in the extracts. Numerous research programs have focused on their structural elucidation and total synthesis since the seventies. As a consequence, the number of established chiral centres and the similarity between different naturally occurring substances is increasingly higher. Most of these compounds have a terpenoid nature, mainly diterpene and sesterterpene, with several peculiar structural features, such as the loss of one carbon atom. Although there are many reviews dealing with the occurrence of marine peroxides, their activities, or potential pharmaceutical uses, no one has focused on those having a terpene origin and the endoperoxide function. We present here a comprehensive review of these compounds paying special attention to their structural features and their biological activity.
  • 608
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Margatoxin (MgTX) is a peptide that selectively inhibits Kv1.3 voltage-dependent potassium channels. It is found in the venom of Centruroides margaritatus, also known as the Central American Bark Scorpion. Margatoxin was first discovered in 1993. It was purified from scorpion venom and its amino acid sequence was determined.
  • 272
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Manufacturing Techniques of IOT Hybrid Fiber Materials
The fabrication of smart fabrics can be divided into coating and lamination processes. Coating methods include dip, knife or blade, air knife, metering rod, transfer, roll, paste dot, and powder. Laminating methods include flame, wet adhesive, hot melt, dry heat, and ultrasonic. Flame lamination is a process in which a prepared thin thermoplastic foam sheet is passed over an open flame to generate a thin layer of a molten polymer. Polyurethane foam (PUF) is the most frequently used foam. Wet adhesives used in the laminating process are either water- or solvent-based. They are applied to the substrate surface in liquid form using conventional coating methods, such as gravure roll coating, spraying, roll coating, and knife coating. Then, the adhesive-coated web is bonded with other substrates under pressure and dried or cured in an oven.
  • 239
  • 24 May 2023
Topic Review
Manufacturing Techniques of Auxetic Structures
This text will address the additive manufacturing of auxetic materials. As it is known, auxetic structures are materials with unique mechanical behavior associated with negative Poisson ratio. Although AXS configurations combined with various types of materials have a wide range of applications, the characteristic re-entrant geometric model of AXSs imposes significant limitations and difficulties in assembling the lattice structure using conventional manufacturing methods. However, additive manufacturing has shown to be a promising option for producing auxetic materials, overcoming the challenges presented by conventional manufacturing. Therefore, the development of auxetic materials through additive manufacturing is an ever-evolving field that presents great potential for a variety of industrial sectors.
  • 483
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Manufacturing Sectors Supply Chain 4.0
The search for sustainability in the Supply Chain (SC) is one of the tasks that most concerns business leaders in all manufacturing sectors because of the importance that the Supply Chain has as a transversal tool and due to the leading role that it has been playing lately.
  • 1.3K
  • 18 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Manufacturing Processes for Ceramic Matrix Composites
Materials such as ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) have been the focus of research and being tested in different conditions for several decades now. They are known as a subgroup of composite materials and ceramics. Ceramic composites were developed to control and address problems that occurred with other commonly used ceramics, such as silicon carbide, alumina, silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, and zirconia. Such ceramics fractured with ease, revealing scratches and cracks while mechanical and thermo-mechanical loads were applied to them. CMCs exhibit mechanical and thermal properties comparable with, and in some cases, even better than, the conventional superalloys used in aero-engines. However, their adoption relies on other variables as well, such as the cost of development, industrialization, manufacturing, and the availability of manufacturing technologies and systems.
  • 3.4K
  • 27 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Manufacture Microneedles by 3D Printing
Microneedles (MNs) represent the concept of attractive, minimally invasive puncture devices of micron-sized dimensions that penetrate the skin painlessly and thus facilitate the transdermal administration of a wide range of active substances. MNs have been manufactured by a variety of production technologies, from a range of materials, but most of these manufacturing methods are time-consuming and expensive for screening new designs and making any modifications. Additive manufacturing (AM) has become one of the most revolutionary tools in the pharmaceutical field, with its unique ability to manufacture personalized dosage forms and patient-specific medical devices such as MNs. 
  • 1.3K
  • 28 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Mannose Ligands for Mannose Receptor Targeting
The mannose receptor (MR, CD 206) is an endocytic receptor primarily expressed by macrophages and dendritic cells, which plays a critical role in both endocytosis and antigen processing and presentation. MR carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) exhibit a high binding affinity for branched and linear oligosaccharides. Furthermore, multivalent mannose presentation on the various templates like peptides, proteins, polymers, micelles, and dendrimers was proven to be a valuable approach for the selective and efficient delivery of various therapeutically active agents to MR. 
  • 264
  • 20 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Mannich-type substitution of KYNA derivatives
Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is an endogenous neuroprotective agent of increasing importance. Several derivatives have already been synthesized, bearing an abundance of functional groups attached to the main skeleton in different positions. Several of these compounds have already been tested in biological evaluations, with several of them targeting the same receptors and biological effects as KYNA.
  • 393
  • 15 Nov 2021
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