Armando J. Parodi
Armando J. Parodi (born March 16, 1942) is an Argentinean glycobiologist. He did his initial education at the School of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. His PhD work was done under Luis Federico Leloir, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work involving the finding of sugar nucleotides and how they play a role in the making of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. He a
  • 557
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with Different Morphologies
There is an increasing need for the development of low-cost and highly sensitive gas sensors for environmental, commercial, and industrial applications in various areas, such as hazardous gas monitoring, safety, and emission control in combustion processes. Considering this, resistive-based gas sensors using metal oxide semiconductors (MOSs) have gained special attention owing to their high sensing performance, high stability, and low cost of synthesis and fabrication. The relatively low final costs of these gas sensors allow their commercialization; consequently, they are widely used and available at low prices. Different morphologies of metal oxide gas sensors are discussed.
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  • 04 May 2023
Topic Review
Interactions between Atmospheric Oxygen and MoS2 Crystals
MoS2 belongs to a class of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). TMDCs share a common formula MeX2, where Me is a transition metal element from group four (Ti, Zr, Hf), five (V, Nb or Ta) or six (Mo, W), and X is a chalcogen (S, Se or Te). Their crystalline structure comprises an inner Me layer sandwiched by two X layers. Herein, thermal oxidation of the microscopic MoS2 flakes is reviewed. An impact of relative humidity is also mentioned.
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  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Austenite in Advanced High Strength Steels
Advanced high strength steels (AHSS) are developed to reduce vehicle weight without sacrificing passenger safety. The newly developed AHSS frequently incorporates the austenite as the intrinsic component with large amount and good stability, which is realized by carefully designed alloying elements and thermo-mechanical processing. 
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  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Halogen Hybrid Flow Batteries
Among the most effective energy systems for stationary applications, a special place is occupied by redox flow battery (RFB) technology, encompassing easy scalability with independent scaling of power density and energy capacity, no detrimental effects of a deep discharge, very low self-discharge, low cost for a large system compared to other types of batteries, and long cycle life.
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  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Thermally Conductive 3D Aerogels Based on Carbon Nanofillers
Aerogels are perfect 3D interconnected designs with unique properties provided by tenuous networks of nanosheets or filaments; they are typically fabricated via sol–gel, freeze drying, and other phase-separating and drying techniques and possess remarkable properties, such as an extraordinarily high specific surface area, great flexibility, low density, variable tunable porosity, low dielectric constant, and low TC. Due to the abovementioned advantageous physical features, they present a large amount of promise for applications as adaptable absorbent materials and for their uses in EM shielding, thermal insulation, and wearable pressure-sensing materials, to be employed as a multifunctional aerogel material. 
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Magnetic Nanomaterials on Biological Neural signals
By sending electrical, optical, chemical, auditory, or magnetic stimuli to specific neural tissue, a process known as neuromodulation may be used to alter neuronal activity. Through active research efforts, the development of nanotechnology has recently revolutionized neuromodulation techniques. On the one hand, the adaptable nano-science toolbox promoted neuromodulation techniques that were previously associated with huge devices toward shrunk devices with soft mechanics, closely packed components, and long-lasting performance. The neurological issue may be seamlessly integrated with these nanoscale instruments due to their enhanced spatial resolution and precise targeting capabilities. In addition, magnetic nanoparticles represent a significant aspect of magnetic neuromodulation development. Deep brain stimulation is possible with the use of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which can be delivered to the brain and controlled remotely. Additionally, by regulating certain ion channels, force-generating or heat-dissipating super-paramagnetic nanoparticles can be employed for wireless neuromodulation. Specific cells’ ion channels are targeted by taking advantage of their inherent functionality or via genetic modification. Magnetic nanoparticles’ magnetic forces activate mechanosensitive channels, such as TREK1 and Piezo1, and magnetic nanoparticles that produce heat in response to an external alternating magnetic field can activate heat-sensitive ion channels, such as TRPV1.
  • 556
  • 30 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Types of Carbon Fibers Used in Geopolymer Matrix
Carbon fibers (CFs) can be applied in different forms of occurrence in the geopolymer matrix. The most popular seem to be short CFs because they are easy to use for different applications. Most manufacturing methods do not require significant changes to implement the short fibers, despite the application of long fibers or textiles. However, several research works involved short fibers; a significant part of them concerns work made with the addition of long fiber fabrics as composite elements, carbon fiber felt, or similar forms, as well as the addition of other forms of carbon, i.e., graphene, graphite, or waste CF used in the manufacture of aviation products. The last three additives were introduced most frequently into geopolymers in the form of particles. 
  • 556
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Opportunities of Bio-Based Adhesives for Packaging Applications
Global economy depends on fossil resources, which provide raw materials for the production of a range of chemicals and materials for the manufacture of commercial products such as paper and packaging. Since there is growing environmental awareness and the need to reduce dependence on petroleum-based products, the attention has been paid to the possibilities of synthesizing polymeric materials from bio-based renewable resources. The paper and packaging segment dominates the market and is expected to grow further during the forecast period due to robust growth in demand for packaging materials from food and beverage manufacturers and e-retail companies. In the paper industry, biomass, such as wood and other species, is undergoing constant change due to countries' efforts to decarbonize, the rise of bio-based materials, and so on. The recent shortage of paper for various media, due to the shift from fiber to packaging applications, opens the space for alternative solutions. Recently, interest in the use of agricultural residues has increased. Environmentally friendly packaging, so called green packaging, based on biodegradable, recyclable or compostable materials, is currently attracting a great deal of attention in many disciplines because of its unique properties compared to traditional petrochemical-based plastics. Green packaging materials play an important role in preserving and protecting the product. To fulfil these benefits, the bio-based material for green packaging should be made from materials that enhance the biopolymer properties of the packaging material and meet the requirements of the global market. In addition, to ensure the recyclability or biodegradability of the above packaging, bio-based adhesives should be included in the packaging process. Lately, the adhesive production is still based on by-products of petroleum processing and with increasing concerns about environmental threats and sustainable development, the use of biomass and bio-based materials will play an important role.
  • 556
  • 30 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Metal Oxide-Based Photocatalysis
The improper disposal of toxic and carcinogenic organic substances resulting from the manufacture of dyes, drugs and pesticides can contaminate aquatic environments and potable water resources and cause serious damage to animal and human health and to the ecosystem. In this sense, heterogeneous photocatalysis stand out as one effective and cost-effective water depollution technique. The use of metal oxide nanocomposites (MON), from the mixture of two or more oxides or between these oxides and other functional semiconductor materials, have gained increasing attention from researchers and industrial developers as a potential alternative to produce efficient and environmentally friendly photocatalysts for the remediation of water contamination by organic compounds.
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  • 08 Aug 2023
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