Topic Review
Nanoparticle (NP)-Based Delivery Systems
Nanoparticle (NP)-based delivery systems can be designed to take advantage of the aberrant vasculature, or an acidic or hypoxic tumor microenvironment (TME), to induce the release of therapeutic drugs directly in the TME, reducing off-target side effects. In the last twenty years, the discovery of novel biomaterials has dramatically impacted on the field of nanobiotechnology, such as, for example, the addition of novel stimuli-responsive polymers, which can be used to develop advanced nanostructures with the ability to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of many drugs used in oncology.
  • 556
  • 10 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Antimicrobial Metallopharmaceuticals with Tridentate Schiff Bases
The azomethine group is the common structural feature of SBs, where the substituents can be alkyl, cycloalkyl, aryl, or heterocyclic groups. The carbon atom of the C=Nimine bond is prone to nucleophilic addition, while the nitrogen atom possesses a highly reactive free electron pair that can form stable complexes with metal ions. SBs are among the most widely used organic compounds, showing a wide range of applications as intermediates in organic synthesis, chemosensors, and polymeric stabilizers, in the food, dye, and pigment industry, as well as as catalysts and, in recent years, for their recognized biological properties. The use of tridentate SBs ligands in different organometallic and coordination complexes containing main-group metals and transition metals has been an option to study the biological activity of new possible metallopharmaceuticals that contribute to increase activity and to counteract the effect of microbial resistance.
  • 557
  • 21 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Application of Nanomaterials in Microbial Electrolysis Cells
Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MECs) are one of the bioreactors that have been used to produce bio-hydrogen by biological methods. Nanomaterials, especially when used to produce bio-hydrogen using MEC, are distinguished by their high electrical conductivity, high interaction surface area, high durability of materials, high catalytic ability to produce bio-hydrogen in MEC, biocompatibility with microorganisms and non-toxicity.
  • 557
  • 06 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Omega-3 PUFAs and OvCa
Different strategies have been investigated for a more satisfactory treatment of advanced breast cancer, including the adjuvant use of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). These nutritional compounds have been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic activities, the capacity to affect transduction pathways/receptors involved in cell growth and to reprogram tumor microenvironment. Omega-3 PUFA-containing nanoformulations designed for drug delivery in breast cancer were shown to potentiate the effects of enclosed drugs, enhance drug delivery to target sites, and minimize drug-induced side effects.
  • 557
  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Production via Chemical Looping Water-Splitting
Hydrogen is an important green energy source and chemical raw material for various industrial processes. The major technique of hydrogen production is steam methane reforming (SMR), which suffers from high energy penalties and enormous CO2 emissions. As an alternative, chemical looping water-splitting (CLWS) technology represents an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly method for hydrogen production. The key to CLWS lies in the selection of suitable oxygen carriers (OCs) that hold outstanding sintering resistance, structural reversibility, and capability to release lattice oxygen and deoxygenate the steam for hydrogen generation. 
  • 557
  • 26 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with Different Morphologies
There is an increasing need for the development of low-cost and highly sensitive gas sensors for environmental, commercial, and industrial applications in various areas, such as hazardous gas monitoring, safety, and emission control in combustion processes. Considering this, resistive-based gas sensors using metal oxide semiconductors (MOSs) have gained special attention owing to their high sensing performance, high stability, and low cost of synthesis and fabrication. The relatively low final costs of these gas sensors allow their commercialization; consequently, they are widely used and available at low prices. Different morphologies of metal oxide gas sensors are discussed.
  • 557
  • 04 May 2023
Topic Review
The word cannabineyed refers to endocannabinoid system (ECS) physiology, dysregulation and modulation in the context of ocular and periocular tissues and structures. It derives by placing the word eye into the original one, cannabinoid. Specifically, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex regulatory system, highly conserved among vertebrates. It has been widely described in nearly all human tissues. In the eye, the ECS expression has been demonstrated both in the anterior and in the posterior segment. In this context, the ECS is believed to play a pivotal role in the modulation of the local inflammatory state as well as in the regulation of tissue repair and fibrosis, neo-angiogenesis, pain perception, intraocular pressure (IOP) control and neuroprotection.
  • 556
  • 12 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Interactions between Atmospheric Oxygen and MoS2 Crystals
MoS2 belongs to a class of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). TMDCs share a common formula MeX2, where Me is a transition metal element from group four (Ti, Zr, Hf), five (V, Nb or Ta) or six (Mo, W), and X is a chalcogen (S, Se or Te). Their crystalline structure comprises an inner Me layer sandwiched by two X layers. Herein, thermal oxidation of the microscopic MoS2 flakes is reviewed. An impact of relative humidity is also mentioned.
  • 556
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Tumor Microenvironment of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer (OvCa) is one of the leading causes of gynecologic malignancies. Despite treatment with surgery and chemotherapy, OvCa disseminates and recurs frequently, reducing the survival rate for patients. There is an urgent need to develop more effective treatment options for women diagnosed with OvCa. The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a key driver of disease progression, metastasis and resistance to treatment. For this reason, 3D models have been designed to represent this specific niche and allow more realistic cell behaviors compared to conventional 2D approaches. 
  • 556
  • 06 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Austenite in Advanced High Strength Steels
Advanced high strength steels (AHSS) are developed to reduce vehicle weight without sacrificing passenger safety. The newly developed AHSS frequently incorporates the austenite as the intrinsic component with large amount and good stability, which is realized by carefully designed alloying elements and thermo-mechanical processing. 
  • 556
  • 28 Mar 2022
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