Topic Review
Usage of Nanoparticles in the Detection of Coronaviruses
Nanoparticle-based biosensor prototypes illustrate desirable diagnostics qualities, especially during the current pandemic. Such qualities include their ease of use, inexpensive equipment and visual results. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have fostered widespread attention due to their outstanding optical characteristics, photostability and high extinction coefficient.
  • 705
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Liquid-Chromatographic Methods for Carboxylic Acids
Carboxyl-bearing low-molecular-weight compounds such as keto acids, fatty acids, and other organic acids are involved in a myriad of metabolic pathways owing to their high polarity and solubility in biological fluids. Various disease areas such as cancer, myeloid leukemia, heart disease, liver disease, and lifestyle diseases (obesity and diabetes) were found to be related to certain metabolic pathways and changes in the concentrations of the compounds involved in those pathways. Therefore, the quantification of such compounds provides useful information pertaining to diagnosis, pathological conditions, and disease mechanisms, spurring the development of numerous analytical methods for this purpose.
  • 705
  • 05 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Polymeric Food Packaging Films
Food packaging is fundamental to ensuring food distribution and protection around the world, especially when considering the solid growth of the population. Without packaging, food would easily spoil and the distribution of enormous quantities of food, raw and processed, to different areas around the globe would hardly be possible.
  • 705
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Plant-Derived Metal Nanoparticles
Plant-derived metal nanoparticles (PDMNPs) have gained considerable interest because of their tremendous and remarkable potential as therapeutic agents as well as development of less expensive, safer, and easier biomedical equipment. PDMNPs are synthesized from metal salts or oxides by using plant extracts because plants have diversified bioactive compounds that can act as reducing and stabilizing agents at the time of nanoparticle synthesis. Besides, PDMNPs take advantages over the nanoparticles synthesized by other methods because of their low cost, environmental friendliness, and sustainability. 
  • 705
  • 23 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Magnetic Solid Nanoparticles and Their Counterparts
Cancer is a malignant disease involving uncontrolled and rapid growth of aberrant and nonfunctional cells as a result of epigenetic and genetic modifications. These have the capacity to metastasize to distant organs of the body. Within the cancer field, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have gained interest as highly functionalized tools that can be applied to diagnosis, monitorization, and therapy. Their relative straightforward synthesis, functionalization, purification, and characterization, together with their usually good biodegradability and diagnostic platform potential, confer major advantages for their use in cancer theranostics. Magnetic solid lipid nanoparticles (mSLNs) represent a new class of functional nanoplatforms that usually consist of inorganic magnetic nanoparticles incorporated in solid lipid nano-matrices and which have great applicability in the medical field.
  • 705
  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Iron-Series Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting
The development of non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts with high performance for hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction is highly desirable in advancing electrocatalytic water-splitting technology but proves to be challenging. One promising way to improve the catalytic activity is to tailor the d-band center. This approach can facilitate the adsorption of intermediates and promote the formation of active species on surfaces.
  • 705
  • 26 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Agave By-Products
Throughout this review, we have highlighted the current potential of agave by-products as low-cost and natural materials with several applications as biofuels, materials for nanocomposites, and functional ingredients. Among the methods used for by-products processing, US and microwaves are promising and eco-friendly methods for the efficient saccharification and increased digestibility of agave, that can eventually replace chemical processing, reducing waste generation. In this regard, future studies are required concerning accessible, low-cost, and more efficient technologies as a more attractive way for the industry to make a sustainable utilization of this by-product.
  • 705
  • 08 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Natural Antibacterial Additives in Bioactive Wound Dressings
Wound care is a global health issue with a financial burden of up to US $96.8 billion annually in the USA alone. Chronic non-healing wounds which show delayed and incomplete healing are especially problematic. Natural products and their derivatives have long been a significant source of pharmaceuticals against AMR. Scrutinising the data of newly approved drugs has identified plants as one of the biggest and most important sources in the development of novel antibacterial drugs.
  • 704
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Nanoporous Gold in Therapy, Drug Delivery, and Diagnostics
Nanoporous gold (np-Au) has promising applications in therapeutic delivery. The promises arise from its high surface area-to-volume ratio, ease of tuning shape and size, ability to be modified by organic molecules including drugs, and biocompatibility. For the demands of a real patient, light-triggered on-demand pulsatile release from a reservoir containing highly enriched medicines has been demonstrated to be provided by versatile drug delivery devices using nanoporous membranes made of gold nanorods and dendrimers.
  • 704
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Gasochromic WO3 Nanostructures
Gasochromic WO3 nanostructure sensors work based on changes in their optical properties and color variation when exposed to hydrogen gas. They can work at low or room temperatures and, therefore, are good candidates for the detection of hydrogen leakage with low risk of explosion. Once their morphology and chemical composition are carefully designed, they can be used for the realization of sensitive, selective, low-cost, and flexible hydrogen sensors.
  • 704
  • 23 Jun 2021
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