Topic Review
Thiomersal and Vaccines
Thiomersal (or Thimerosal) is a mercury compound used as a preservative used in some vaccines. Anti-vaccination activists promoting the incorrect claim that vaccination causes autism, have asserted that the mercury in thiomersal is the cause. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The idea that thiomersal in vaccines might have detrimental effects originated with anti-vaccination activists and was sustained by them and especially through the action of plaintiffs' lawyers. The potential impact of thiomersal on autism has been investigated extensively. Multiple lines of scientific evidence have shown that thiomersal does not cause autism. For example, the clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning differ significantly from those of autism. In addition, multiple population studies have found no association between thiomersal and autism, and rates of autism have continued to increase despite removal of thiomersal from vaccines. Thus, major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine and World Health Organization (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders. In spite of the consensus of the scientific community, some parents and advocacy groups continue to contend that thiomersal is linked to autism and the claim is still stated as if it were fact in anti-vaccination propaganda, notably that of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., through his group Children's Health Defense. Thiomersal is no longer used in most children's vaccines in the United States, with the exception of some types of flu shots. While exposure to mercury may result in damage to brain, kidneys, and developing fetus, the scientific consensus is that thiomersal has no such effects. This controversy has caused harm due to parents attempting to treat their autistic children with unproven and possibly dangerous treatments, discouraging parents from vaccinating their children due to fears about thiomersal toxicity and diverting resources away from research into more promising areas for the cause of autism. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. to seek damages from alleged toxicity from vaccines, including those purportedly caused by thiomersal. US courts have ruled against multiple representative test cases involving thiomersal. A 2011 journal article described the vaccine-autism connection as "perhaps, the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years". Outside of the United States, worries about thiomersal had not gained any significant traction as of 2009.
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  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
FIB-SEM Tomography: Fundamentals and Applications in Materials Sciences
Focused ion beam (FIB)-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tomography is an extremely important and reliable technique for the three-dimensional reconstruction of microscopic structures with nanometric resolution, with great potential to be integrated with other analytical techniques. FIB-SEM tomography plays a crucial role in the development of innovative multiscale and multimodal correlative microscopy workflows because it can be seamlessly integrated with other imaging modalities, as the reconstruction range bridges the gap between the non-destructive X-ray families of tomographic techniques, which provide sub-micron resolution, and the nano- to atomic-scale resolution achieved by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tomography.
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  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Cockle Shell-Derived Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles
This entry is terms to explain the importance of CSCaCO3NPs as drug nanocarrier with emphases on cytotoxicity, pharmacokinetics, slow biodegradation, pH sensitive, safety and efficacy in addition to the good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity as bone substitute. The synthesis of stimuli responsive nanocarrier with sustain release is a significant innovation in the field of nanomedicine in which biogenic biodegradable inorganic CSCaCO3NPs for the delivery of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs could be employed.  
  • 637
  • 23 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Antimicrobial Polymer−Based Assemblies
An antimicrobial supramolecular assembly (ASA) is conspicuous in biomedical applications. Among the alternatives to overcome microbial resistance to antibiotics and drugs, ASAs, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and polymers (APs), provide formulations with optimal antimicrobial activity and acceptable toxicity. 
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  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Effect of Phosphate on Steel Reinforcements in Mortar
Sodium nitrite (NaNO2), disodium stannate (Na2SnO3), disodium molybdate (Na2MoO4), sodium borates (NaBO2), trisodium borate (Na3BO3), cerium nitrate (Ce(NO3)2) and trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4) (TSP) have been used as corrosion inhibitors for steel. The use of phosphate chemical conversion (PCC) coatings causes the phosphates to react with Fe ions, forming insoluble compounds, thus impeding the corrosion process. Soluble phosphates react with portlandite to trigger the precipitation of an insoluble phosphate, thus reducing the phosphate content in the pore solution and, consequently, acting as a corrosion prevention method. 
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  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Metal-Catalyzed Synthesis of the OSe Compounds
Organoselenium (OSe) compounds have recently gained considerable interest as a potential class of organic motifs due to their outstanding applications in synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry and their possible properties in materials science. These are attributed to the exceptional properties of the selenium (Se) element.
  • 637
  • 02 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Synthesis of Fluorescent Five- and Six-Membered Ring Azaheterocycles
The synthesis of fluorescent azaheterocycles continues to arouse strong interest due to their great potential for application as sensors and biosensors, luminophores on in the construction of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) devices, laser and other semiconductor devices, as well as to their potential biological properties as antimicrobial, antifungal, anticancer, antituberculosis antioxidant and anti-HIV agents. The advantages of the azaheterocyclic fluorophores, such as small size, enriched photostability, a wide and tunable spectral range, and, frequently, high brightness, are the reason why these fluorophores are preferred and used in various medical application. Probe structure can be modified to adjust excitation and emission wavelengths, target-binding affinity, chemical reactivity, and subcellular localization.
  • 637
  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Prospect Biomedical Applications of Novel Functional Metallic Glasses
The continuous development of novel materials for biomedical applications is resulting in an increasingly better prognosis for patients. The application of more advanced materials relates to fewer complications and a desirable higher percentage of successful treatments. New, innovative materials being considered for biomedical applications are metallic alloys with an amorphous internal structure called metallic glasses. They are currently in a dynamic phase of development both in terms of formulating new chemical compositions and testing their properties in terms of intended biocompatibility. 
  • 637
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Separation of Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins in Food Products
Chlorophyll is a natural green hue with a tetrapyrrole ring system with different substituents. 
  • 637
  • 02 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Biomedical Applications of Bio-inspired Nanomaterials in Micro/Nanodevices
Exploring bio-inspired nanomaterials (BINMs) and incorporating them into micro/nanodevices represent a significant development in biomedical applications. Nanomaterials, engineered to imitate biological structures and processes, exhibit distinctive attributes such as exceptional biocompatibility, multifunctionality, and unparalleled versatility. The utilization of BINMs demonstrates significant potential in diverse domains of biomedical micro/nanodevices, encompassing biosensors, targeted drug delivery systems, and advanced tissue engineering constructs. 
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  • 28 Sep 2023
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