Topic Review
Waste Plastics’ Liquefaction into Fuel Fraction
Polymers and plastics are crucial materials in many sectors of our economy, due to their numerous advantages. They also have some disadvantages, among the most important are problems with the recycling and disposal of used plastics. The recovery of waste plastics is increasing every year, but over 27% of plastics are landfilled. The rest is recycled, where, unfortunately, incineration is still the most common management method. From an economic perspective, waste management methods that lead to added-value products are most preferred—as in the case of material and chemical recycling. Since chemical recycling can be used for difficult wastes (poorly selected, contaminated), it seems to be the most effective way of managing these materials. Moreover, as a result this of kind of recycling, it is possible to obtain commercially valuable products, such as fractions for fuel composition and monomers for the reproduction of polymers. 
  • 724
  • 06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Xylosma G. Forst. Genus
Xylosma G. Forst. is a genus of plants belonging to the Salicaceae family with intertropical distribution in America, Asia, and Oceania. Of the 100 accepted species, 22 are under some level of conservation risk. Around 13 species of the genus used as medicinal plants were found, mainly in Central and South America, with a variety of uses, among which antimicrobial is the most common.
  • 723
  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Aluminium Oxide
The promising techniques of obtaining AO adsorbents are discussed, namely the technique of thermal activation in the mode of pneumatic transport with gibbsite by heated air (TCA Gb) and the technique of thermal activation of gibbsite in centrifugal flash reactors (CTA Gb).
  • 723
  • 17 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Defining Blood Plasma and Serum Metabolome by GC-MS
Metabolomics uses advanced analytical chemistry methods to analyze metabolites in biological samples. The most intensively studied samples are blood and its liquid components: plasma and serum. Armed with advanced equipment and progressive software solutions, the scientific community has shown that small molecules’ roles in living systems are not limited to traditional “building blocks” or “just fuel” for cellular energy. 
  • 723
  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Periodontal and Peri-Implant Regeneration
Periodontal and peri-implant regeneration is the technique that aims to restore the damaged tissue around teeth and implants. They are surrounded by a different apparatus, and according to it, the regenerative procedure can differ for both sites. During the last century, several biomaterials and biological mediators were proposed to achieve a complete restoration of the damaged tissues with less invasiveness and a tailored approach.
  • 723
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
International Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) are a proven methodology for transforming short-term study abroad to yield higher impact and quality student outcomes, especially as they relate to teaching environmental sustainability.
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  • 30 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Hybrid Material-Based Chemiresistive Sensors
Development of hybrid materials, especially inorganic–organic materials, coordination polymers, conducting polymers, carbon materials, and many more, has produced breakthroughs in diverse applications. Various advance materials have been reported in the literature using metal organic frameworks (MOFs), which compensate for the limitations of sensors. 
  • 723
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Regenerated Keratin-Based Biofilms
The recycling, development, and application of keratin-containing waste (e.g., hair, wool, feather, and so on) provide an important means to address related environmental pollution and energy shortage issues. The extraction of keratin and the development of keratin-based functional materials are key to solving keratin-containing waste pollution. Keratin-based biofilms are gaining substantial interest due to their excellent characteristics, such as good biocompatibility, high biodegradability, appropriate adsorption, and rich renewable sources, among others. At present, keratin-based biofilms are a good option for various applications, and the development of keratin-based biofilms from keratin-containing waste is considered crucial for sustainable development. 
  • 723
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Graphene Composites for Lead-Ions Removal
• Contaminated waste water is one of the most serious risks for living organisms as well as to the environment.• Nanotechnology offers best expectations over traditional technologies for wastewater treatment.• Adsorption technology is the phenomenon of adhesion of solid substances onto the surface of adsorbent.• Graphene-based nanoadsorbents exhibited a great potential towards effective removal of lead ions from aqueous solution.• Graphene preparation, characterization, and applications of graphic-based composites for the removal of lead ions from aqueous solution have been discussed. 
  • 723
  • 10 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Comprehensive Evaluation of Fermented Foods Based on Metabolomics
Fermentation is an important process that can provide new flavors and nutritional and functional foods, to deal with changing consumer preferences. Fermented foods have complex chemical components that can modulate unique qualitative properties. Consequently, monitoring the small molecular metabolites in fermented food is critical to clarify its qualitative properties and help deliver personalized nutrition. In recent years, the application of metabolomics to nutrition research of fermented foods has expanded. In this review, we examine the application of metabolomics technologies in food, with a primary focus on the different analytical approaches suitable for food metabolomics and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. In addition, we summarize emerging studies applying metabolomics in the comprehensive analysis of the flavor, nutrition, function, and safety of fermented foods, as well as emphasize the applicability of metabolomics in characterizing the qualitative properties of fermented foods.
  • 722
  • 29 Nov 2021
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