Topic Review
Anti-Corruption Disclosure and Political Corporate Social Responsibility
Corruption is a major concern globally, particularly in developing countries, such as Bangladesh, where it is the main obstacle to economic development. Corruption is also mentioned as the major impediment to accomplishing sustainable development. Corruption is the main impediment to economic development in Bangladesh. The country’s financial sector is under threat due to issues such as illegal money transfers, money laundering, and terrorist financing. The Paradise Papers and The Panama Papers scandals have found many Bangladeshi business people and politicians involved in offshore businesses globally. The recent misappropriation of the financial sector, financial heist of the Central Bank (BB), liquidity crises, share market scandal, and political intervention on banks have left the financial sector in turmoil. Companies provide more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expenditure in order to signal to stakeholders about their motivation and determination to social responsibility in relation to enhancing transparency and accountability. Working in a high or low corruption environment, CSR expenditure has significant value because the expenditure increases visibility to the market, improving reputation.
  • 612
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Financial Sustainability
Smart city initiatives have become recurrent strategies used by local governments to provide better services, improve their managerial effectiveness, and increase citizen participation in cities’ decision-making processes. Great potential exists to use data, information, and communication technologies (ICT) more extensively to improve city operations. However, depending on the size and financial situation of the cities, some smart city initiatives could be considered investments that are too expensive and not easy to maintain in the long term. If city governments want to achieve most of the benefits arising from the intense use of technology and data, building financially sustainable smart cities should be seen as a priority.
  • 941
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Prediction of Penalties or Compensation Payments in Companies
Corporate misconduct is a huge and widespread problem in the economy. Many companies make mistakes that result in them having to pay penalties or compensation to other businesses. Some of these cases are so serious that they take a toll on a company’s financial condition. Several algorithms were to create and evaluate which can predict whether a company will have to pay a penalty and to discover what financial indicators may signal it.
  • 793
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Nonfinancial Information Disclosure in Saudi Capital Market
One of the foremost objectives of corporate reporting is for the users to understand the underlying economic values of corporations. Corporate reporting plays a vital role in the efficiency and operation of capital markets, and it is a reliable “window into companies’ thoughts and priorities” to evaluate the companies’ past, to forecast their future, to decide upon their potential, performance and speculate their continuation. Corporations provide external users with information that is necessary to attract them for investing their wealth and financing their operations. Corporate reporting is not limited to the financial information. Users of corporate reports need to be well informed about an entity to make economically rational decisions. The accounting profession through corporate reporting enhances investor’s confidence and reports relevant and reliable information comprehensively and adequately.
  • 511
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Determinants of Sustainable Profitability of the Insurance Industry
Risk is a natural satellite of everyday reality, whether business or private life. Although insurance professionals are highly competent in understanding the entire world of risks, both individuals and households (in some cases even governments) that use insurance services are important stakeholders in this game. Firm size, level of specialization, GDP, population, and political stability are positively related to profitability, whereas risk-exposures, HHI (in ME specification), and inflation tend to detract from financial performance.
  • 373
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Role of Environmental Accounting
Environmental accounting (EA) can be a way toward solving the issue of environmental degradation and shifting toward sustainable solutions. One of the significant reasons for EA is the role of industrial and commercial activities in environmental contamination.
  • 1.8K
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Supervision of Complex Banking Networks
The global financial crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, highlighted a banking system that was widely exposed to systemic risk. The minimization of the systemic risk via a close and detailed monitoring of the entire banking network became a priority.
  • 389
  • 14 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Heterogeneity of Corporate Financialization and Total Factor Productivity
The most important stylized fact about the Chinese economy is the tendency toward financialization, which is referred to as a key feature of capital extension following the reversal of the real economy. Corporate financialization can be defined as a firm making substantial investments in financial assets. Some empirical research provides evidence that corporate financialization can stimulate the short-term performance of firms and reach higher production efficiency yields, while over-financialization may hinder economic growth by extracting additional profits from the economy into the financial sector, thereby reducing production efficiency. The capital misallocation causes poor allocation of resources, leading to a negative effect on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP).
  • 538
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Capital Structure
Capital structure is a firm’s mix of debt and equity financing. It is one of the most controversial areas of finance. Many of the results obtained in capital structure theory over the last 50-60 years have been very influential and led their authors to great international recognition. Among the researchers who contributed significantly to capital structure theory, note Nobel Prize Award winners Franco Modigliani, Merton Miller, Joseph Stiglitz, and most recently Jean Tirole. More research and more results are expected in this area in near future.
  • 2.4K
  • 09 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Corporate Governance, Financial Innovation and Performance
In recent years, the rapid development of digital technology has prompted changes in the business model of banks. The business model has shifted from conventional physical bank branches to internet banking and then to mobile banking. During 2011–2019, the banks have higher shareholding of institutional investors, ratio of independent directors, rate of directors’ attendance, average education level of directors and ratio of directors with a financial or accounting background, the greater innovative financial services offered by banks. After 2015, the influence of corporate governance on banks’ innovative financial services has increased. Moreover, the greater financial innovation services, the higher the bank profitability and value, especially after 2015. Finally, offering more innovative financial services can enhance the value of financial-holding subsidiary banks; by contrast, doing the same might negatively affect the profitability of nonfinancial-holding banks.
  • 691
  • 06 Jun 2022
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