Topic Review
Fintech and Financial Risks
Fintech is the combination of the words of finance and technology. It is literally understood as the application of technology in the financial field. As the financial innovation brought by technology, Fintech can change traditional financial markets, financial institutions and financial services, and create emerging business models, applications, processes, and products.
  • 2.1K
  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Participation in Political Crowdfunding during COVID-19 Pandemic
Participation in the political process is the fundamental right and responsibility of a citizen. Online political participation has gained popularity as it is convenient and effective. Political crowdfunding helps political candidates and parties pledge funds, usually small, from a large population and seek support through marketing campaigns during elections.
  • 398
  • 04 Aug 2022
Lester Ingber
Prof. Lester Ingber has published over 100 papers and books in theoretical physics, neuroscience, finance, optimization, combat analysis, karate, and education.  As CEO of Physical Studies Institute LLC (PSI) in Hillsboro OR he develops and consults on projects documented in the archive. Prof. Ingber received: his diploma from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1958; his
  • 662
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence and Firm Performance
Developments in computer science, robotics, machine learning, and data accumulation have facilitated the application of advanced technologies in businesses. Among the cutting-edge technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained growing attention in different sectors of society, industry, and business. The unprecedented novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought massive uncertainty and has negatively impacted health care, economy, population mobility, and numerous industries, including tourism, aviation, manufacturing, education, and other business sectors. The halted production, supply chain disruption, and shrinking customer activity led to a decline in company revenues and negatively affected corporate performance and the world economy.
  • 996
  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Application of Natural Language Processing in Stock Forecasting
The invention of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has provided a solution to develop computational models that enable the machine to understand human languages and automatically solve practical problems. Therefore, the application of NLP is becoming an important tool to reveal the investor behavioral information to explain the market variability and improve the stock prediction performance.
  • 1.1K
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Digital Finance Contributes to Promotion of Financial Sustainability
Digital finance, which is defined as the digitalization of the financial industry, has shown growing importance in recent years. It has helped promote financial inclusion, providing means to address the problem of financial depressions in developing and emerging economies. Digital finance possesses three key features including a high capacity for acquiring and processing information, instant cross-spatial information dissemination, and a low marginal cost effect.
  • 1.0K
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Carbon Emissions and Agency Costs in Firm Performance
Carbon emissions and agency costs can have an impact on firms’ financial performance. Firms with higher carbon emissions experience lower performance as the market reacts negatively. Further, firms with both higher carbon emissions and higher agency costs have lower performance. 
  • 469
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
ESG Disclosure and Firm Performance
The information on corporate non-financial practices can be summarized through the “three modern pillars” of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which are the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) pillars representing a measure of the CSR performance of a firm.
  • 844
  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Link of Environmental, Social, Governance and Firm Performance
ESG performance has a positive relationship with profit in large firms but not in SME firms. Large firms are motivated by stakeholder and other needs, while SME firms do not have the same priorities. Similarly, small and nascent firms may not have the resources of large firms, suggesting that competitive factors related to downstream networking will markedly differ for both groups of firms.
  • 554
  • 29 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Determinants of Qualified Investor Sentiment
Risk perception varied widely due to idiosyncrasies in specific countries and regions, the level of pandemic information, reaction to case reports and deaths, attitudes towards vaccination, lockdown compliance, and government measures to support businesses. These various elements combined to create different outlooks in the minds of investors that strongly influenced their investment strategies.
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  • 28 Jun 2022
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