Topic Review
This entry aimed to illustrate the presence of glutathione peroxidase 8 (GPx8) in rat during preimplantation period of pregnancy. Females were killed on first (D1), third (D3), and fifth (D5) day of pregnancy. The presence of GPx8 in embryos was detected under the confocal microscope, the presence of GPx8 in genital organs was confirmed immunohistochemically, and the amount of GPx8 was determined using densitometry. We found that GPx8 is dispersed in the cytoplasm of oocytes, while after fertilization, it is concentrated in granules. From 4-cell stage till blastocyst, GPx8 reaction was found in the perinuclear region. In the ovary, GPx8 was seen in granulosa-lutein cells, in plasma of blood vessels, and inside Graafian follicles. In oviduct, GPx8 was detected in the plasma and in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Moreover, epithelial cells of isthmus were positive. In uterus, GPx8 was observed in the uterine glands, in the plasma, and in ECM. On D5, the enzyme disappeared from the uterine glands and appeared in fibroblasts. Densitometry revealed that the highest amount of GPx8 was on D1 and subsequently declined. To auhotr's knowledge, this is the first entry describing GPx8 presence in the oocytes, preimplantation embryos, and female genital organs in mammals. Our results improve the understanding of antioxidant enzymes presence during pregnancy in defense against oxidative stress, which is considered to be one of the main causes of infertility.
  • 562
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Health-Promoting Effects of Bioactive Compounds from  Endophytic Fungi
Plant endophytic fungi reside within the living tissues of plants, forming a unique symbiotic relationship. One of their defining features is their ability to exist within the plant for extended periods, often throughout the plant’s life cycle. They colonize various plant tissues, including leaves, stems, and roots, and display remarkable adaptability to different environmental conditions. Unlike pathogens, they do not provoke an immune response from the host plant, allowing them to maintain a stealthy coexistence. Endophytic fungi have evolved diverse mechanisms to survive within the plant’s internal environment. Some form specialized structures called “microsclerotia” or “sclerotia”, which protect them from adverse conditions. Others produce secondary metabolites, including bioactive compounds, which contribute to their ecological success and their potential to influence plant health
  • 241
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Histological Aspects on Endochondral Ossification
Bone is a mineralized tissue composed of calcium phosphates and organic materials such as collagen and proteoglycans. There are two phases of bone mineralization: primary and secondary. Primary mineralization is achieved by osteoblasts. Osteoblasts also produce a large amount of matrix vesicles, which mineralize in nodules (globular assemblies of hydroxyapatite crystals) and then extend into the collagen fibrils secreted by the osteoblasts. In contrast to primary mineralization, secondary mineralization is the process whereby the mineral density of bone increases after primary mineralization. It is postulated that secondary mineralization is regulated through physical crystal maturation, and by the cellular activities of osteocytes embedded in the bone matrix.
  • 534
  • 09 Feb 2023
Topic Review
History of Human Movement Studies
Knowing the genesis of ideas is important to understand why we are studying a topic. This topic review is an historical excursus about the origin of movement studies, following the ideas of Aristotle until positivism. The main ideas at the origin of biomechanical studies are historically reviewed, with special focus on the enlightment era. Key figures at the origin of movement studies were presented, together with the main ideas they introduced, most of which are still at the basis of modern research in the field of biomechanics. The entry can be of interest for all professionals working in the field of human and animal movement studies.
  • 2.8K
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
HMGB1 and Post-Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is characterized by a robust sterile inflammatory response immediately after the subarachnoidal bleed. Several damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) are liberated upon injury of the brain cells from different intracellular compartments and have the capability to activate immune cells through the ligation of their cognizant receptors (pattern recognition receptors (PRRs)). Among them, high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), which acts normally as a transcription factor, when released extracellularly upregulates inflammation due to its interaction with TLR-2, TLR-4 and RAGE during early brain injury after aSAH. However, recent investigations show that different isoforms of HMGB1 exist and may dominate during different phases of the brain injury with different consequences. Surprisingly, the oxidized isoform of HMGB1 plays an anti-inflammatory and pro-resovling role contrary to well accepted pro-inflammatory role of HMGB1 after aSAH.
  • 329
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Human Body Segments
The knowledge of human body proportions and segmental properties of limbs, head and trunk is of fundamental importance in biomechanical research. Given that many methods are employed, it is important to know which ones are currently available, which data on human body masses, lengths, center of mass (COM) location, weights and moment of inertia (MOI) are available and which methods are most suitable for specific research purposes. Graphical, optical, x-ray and derived techniques, MRI, laser, thermography, has been employed for in-vivo measurement, while direct measurements involve cadaveric studies with dissection and various methods of acquiring shape and size of body segments.
  • 5.1K
  • 20 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nuclei
24-h rhythms in physiology and behaviour are organized by a body-wide network of endogenous circadian clocks. In mammals, a central pacemaker in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) integrates external light information to adapt cellular clocks in all tissues and organs to the external light-dark cycle.
  • 455
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Imaging Techniques Used in Fish Bioimages
Detecting skeletal or bone-related deformities in model and aquaculture fish is vital for numerous biomedical studies. In biomedical research, model fish with bone-related disorders are potential indicators of various chemically induced toxins in their environment or poor dietary conditions. In aquaculture, skeletal deformities are affecting fish health, and economic losses are incurred by fish farmers. 
  • 223
  • 09 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Inferred Mechanical Forces Taking Place in the Bud
Floral organs develop within a bud enclosed by previously formed organs, leaves, and axes. The tight junction among structures and the observation of contact margins and associated shapes in the bud suggest the influence of forces on the flower configuration. The rationale here is that the sections of the floral bud that are under higher pressure are delayed in the inception and growth of an organ or prevented from initiating, while areas with less pressure would have a more rapid organ initiation and growth. The occurrence and reach of these forces can be categorized as: 1. Effects of bracts and inflorescence axis pressing against the flower meristem; 2. Effects of involucra in flowers, floral units, and inflorescences; 3. Within-flower organ interaction.
  • 605
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Inflammation in TGFβ-Dependent EMT
Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a complex cellular program known to be a crucial driver in the context of embryonic development, wound healing and tumour progression.
  • 762
  • 03 Mar 2021
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