Topic Review
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Food Quality Evaluation
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is becoming an increasingly popular analytical technique for characterizing and identifying various products; its multi-element analysis, fast response, remote sensing, and sample preparation is minimal or nonexistent, and low running costs can significantly accelerate the analysis of foods with medicinal properties (FMPs). 
  • 680
  • 28 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Wood Ash Based Treatment of Anaerobic Digestate
The anaerobic digestion (AD) was first applied to deal with the sewage sludge (SS) produced during the primary and secondary treatment of wastewater, but its use to deal with agro-waste and the MSW with around 70% of organic material has been subsequently encouraged.
  • 666
  • 21 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Fibrillated Cellulose on Lime Pastes and Mortars
The use of nanocellulose in traditional lime-based mortars is a promising solution for green buildings in the frame of limiting the CO2 emissions resulting from Portland Cement production. The influence of the fibrillated cellulose (FC) on lime pastes and lime-based mortars was studied incorporating FC at dosages of 0%, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3 wt% by weight of binder. The lime pastes were subjected to thermal and nitrogen gas sorption analyses to understand if FC affects the formation of hydraulic compounds and the mesoporosities volume and distribution. The setting and early hydration of the mortars were studied with isothermal calorimetry. The mechanical performances were investigated with compressive and three-point-bending tests. Furthermore, fragments resulting from the mechanical tests were microscopically studied to understand the reinforcement mechanism of the fibres. It was found that 0.3 wt% of FC enhances the flexural and compressive strengths respectively by 57% and 44% while the crack propagation after the material failure is not affected. 
  • 666
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Using of Glycerol in the Esterification of Rosin
Rosin is a compound that originates from pine trees. It is obtained after the volatile component (turpentine) has been distilled. Rosin is translucent and its color ranges from brilliant yellow to brown. The substance exhibits insolubility in water but is soluble in a variety of organic solvents including alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene, chloroform, turpentine, and others. Gum rosin is an important agricultural commodity which is widely used as a raw material for various industries. However, gum rosin has low stability, crystallizes easily, and tends to oxidize. This is due to carboxyl groups and conjugated double bonds in gum rosin’s structure. Therefore, to reduce these weaknesses, it is necessary to modify the rosin compound to achieve better stability via the esterification process.
  • 665
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Development of Plant Protection Methods
Over thousands of years, the history of human survival and development has been accompanied by the struggle against plant pests, among which plant target recognition, plant protection methods and plant protection machinery constitute the three elements of plant protection. Plant protection practices have been enriched around the world.  Six types of plant protection methods have been developed, including the agricultural method, the physical method, the biological method, the chemical method, plant quarantine and integrated pest management (IPM).
  • 648
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Machine Vision Techniques in Agriculture
Introducing machine vision-based automation to the agricultural sector is essential to meet the food demand of a rapidly growing population. Furthermore, extensive labor and time are required in agriculture; hence, agriculture automation is a major concern and an emerging subject. Machine vision-based automation can improve productivity and quality by reducing errors and adding flexibility to the work process. Primarily, machine vision technology has been used to develop crop production systems by detecting stresses and diseases more efficiently.
  • 642
  • 06 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Protein conformational changes induced by Pulsed electric fields
Pulsed power is the technology of accumulating energy during a relatively long period of time and of releasing the accumulated energy in an extremely short period of time as a high-power pulse composed of a high voltage and a large current but moderately low energy. The food processing applications of pulsed power technologies, such as intense pulsed electric fields and time-modulated discharge plasmas, have been studied worldwide. Pulsed electric fields (PEFs), which are generated by pulsed power technologies, are being tested for their applicability in food processing through protein conformational change and the poration of cell membranes.
  • 641
  • 03 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Cold Plasma Treatment on Biopolymer-Based Films
Biopolymers, like polysaccharides and proteins, are sustainable and green materials with excellent film-forming potential. Bio-based films have gained a lot of attention and are believed to be an alternative to plastics in next-generation food packaging. Compared to conventional plastics, biopolymers inherently have certain limitations like hydrophilicity, poor thermo-mechanical, and barrier properties. Therefore, the modification of biopolymers or their films provide an opportunity to develop packaging materials with desired characteristics. Among different modification approaches, the application of cold plasma has been a very efficient technology to enhance the functionality and interfacial characteristics of biopolymers. Cold plasma is biocompatible, shows uniformity in treatment, and is suitable for heat-sensitive components.
  • 640
  • 21 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Remote Sensing Methods for Soil Measurements
Soil is a diverse and intricate natural asset and the foundation for nearly all agricultural production endeavors because its physiochemical properties and nutrients play essential functions in understanding the ecosystem’s dynamics. Remote sensing (RS) techniques offer advantages over other methods for measuring soil properties, including large-scale coverage, a non-destructive nature, temporal monitoring, multispectral capabilities, and rapid data acquisition. The different detection methods, types, parts, and applications of RS techniques in soil measurements are highlighted, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the measurements of soil properties. 
  • 639
  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Sustainability Dimensions in the Food Supply Chain
Nowadays, the world is facing numerous sustainability challenges and the modern food system is called to innovate processes or products in order to remain competitive within the market, as well as answering to strategic government guidelines for a more sustainable food supply chain.
  • 633
  • 12 Nov 2021
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