Topic Review
Configuration Space
In classical mechanics, the parameters that define the configuration of a system are called generalized coordinates, and the space defined by these coordinates is called the configuration space of the physical system. It is often the case that these parameters satisfy mathematical constraints, such that the set of actual configurations of the system is a manifold in the space of generalized coordinates. This manifold is called the configuration manifold of the system. Notice that this is a notion of "unrestricted" configuration space, i.e. in which different point particles may occupy the same position. In mathematics, in particular in topology, a notion of "restricted" configuration space is mostly used, in which the diagonals, representing "colliding" particles, are removed.
  • 973
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Conceptual Programs in Physics
Different subfields of physics have different programs for determining the state of a physical system.
  • 287
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Computational Simulations of Heart Valves
Computational methods are a cost-effective tool that can be used to evaluate the flow parameters of heart valves. Valve repair and replacement have long-term stability and biocompatibility issues, highlighting the need for a more robust method for resolving valvular disease. For example, while fluid–structure interaction analyses are still scarcely utilized to study aortic valves, computational fluid dynamics is used to assess the effect of different aortic valve morphologies on velocity profiles, flow patterns, helicity, wall shear stress, and oscillatory shear index in the thoracic aorta. It has been analyzed that computational flow dynamic analyses can be integrated with other methods to create a superior, more compatible method of understanding risk and compatibility.
  • 612
  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
Computational Chemistry Methods
The main objective of computational chemistry is to solve chemical problems by simulating chemical systems (molecular, biological, materials) in order to provide reliable, accurate and comprehensive information at an atomic level. To this end, there are two main methodological families: those based on quantum chemical methods and those based on molecular mechanics. The former are methods in which the electrons are explicitly accounted for, while in the latter their presence is hidden in the force field. 
  • 10.8K
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Compositional Engineering of Perovskites
We give a systematic overview of compositional engineering by distinguishing the different defect-reducing mechanisms. Doping effects are divided into influences on: (1) crystallization; (2) lattice properties. Incorporation of dopant influences the lattice properties by: (a) lattice strain relaxation; (b) chemical bonding enhancement; (c) band gap tuning. The intrinsic lattice strain in undoped perovskite was shown to induce vacancy formation. The incorporation of smaller ions, such as Cl, F and Cd, increases the energy for vacancy formation. Zn doping is reported to induce strain relaxation but also to enhance the chemical bonding. The combination of computational studies using (DFT) calculations quantifying and qualifying the defect-reducing propensities of different dopants with experimental studies is essential for a deeper understanding and unraveling insights, such as the dynamics of iodine vacancies and the photochemistry of the iodine interstitials, and can eventually lead to a more rational approach in the search for optimal photovoltaic materials.
  • 2.7K
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Composition (Objects)
Compositional objects are wholes instantiated by collections of parts. If an ontology wishes to permit the inclusion of compositional objects it must define which collections of objects are to be considered parts composing a whole. Mereology, the study of relationships between parts and their wholes, provides specifications on how parts must relate to one another in order to compose a whole.
  • 299
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Complex Nonlinear Biophysical Brain Dynamics
The human brain is a complex network whose ensemble time evolution is directed by the cumulative interactions of its cellular components, such as neurons and glia cells. Coupled through chemical neurotransmission and receptor activation, these individuals interact with one another to varying degrees by triggering a variety of cellular activity from internal biological reconfigurations to external interactions with other network agents. Consequently, such local dynamic connections mediating the magnitude and direction of influence cells have on one another are highly nonlinear and facilitate, respectively, nonlinear and potentially chaotic multicellular higher-order collaborations. Thus, as a statistical physical system, the nonlinear culmination of local interactions produces complex global emergent network behaviors, enabling the highly dynamical, adaptive, and efficient response of a macroscopic brain network.
  • 829
  • 07 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Complex flow and heat transfer characteristics in microchannels
Continuously improving heat transfer efficiency is one of the important goals in the energy field. Compact heat exchangers characterized by microscale flow and heat transfer have successfully provided solutions for this purpose. However, as the characteristic scale of the channels decreases, the flow and heat transfer characteristics may differ from those at the conventional scale. When considering the influence of scale effects and changes in special fluid properties, the flow and heat transfer process becomes more complex. The conclusions of the relevant studies have not been unified, and there are even disagreements in some aspects. Therefore, further research is needed to obtain a sufficient understanding of flow structure and heat transfer mechanisms in microchannels. There are a lot of research about microscale flow and heat transfer, focusing on the flow and heat transfer mechanisms in microchannels, which is elaborated into the following two perspectives: one is the microscale single-phase flow and heat transfer that only considers the influence of scale effects, the other is the special heat transfer phenomena brought about by the coupling of microscale flow with special fluids (fluid with phase change (pseudophase change)). The microscale flow and heat transfer mechanisms under the influence of multiple factors, including scale effects (such as rarefaction, surface roughness, axial heat conduction, and compressibility) and special fluids, are investigated, which can meet the specific needs for the design of various microscale heat exchangers.
  • 431
  • 03 Aug 2023
Topic Review
In physics, complementarity is a conceptual aspect of quantum mechanics that Niels Bohr regarded as an essential feature of the theory. The complementarity principle holds that objects have certain pairs of complementary properties which cannot all be observed or measured simultaneously. An example of such a pair is position and momentum. Bohr considered one of the foundational truths of quantum mechanics to be the fact that setting up an experiment to measure one quantity of a pair, for instance the position of an electron, excludes the possibility of measuring the other, yet understanding both experiments is necessary to characterize the object under study. In Bohr's view, the behavior of atomic and subatomic objects cannot be separated from the measuring instruments that create the context in which the measured objects behave. Consequently, there is no "single picture" that unifies the results obtained in these different experimental contexts, and only the "totality of the phenomena" together can provide a completely informative description.
  • 788
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Compact Fusion Reactor
The Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor (CFR) is a proposed nuclear fusion reactor project at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works. Its high-beta configuration, which implies that the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure is greater than or equal to 1 (compared to tokamak designs' 0.05), allows a compact fusion reactor (CFR) design and expedited development. The CFR chief designer and technical team lead, Thomas McGuire studied fusion as a source of space propulsion in response to a NASA desire to improve travel times to Mars.
  • 570
  • 21 Nov 2022
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