Topic Review
Bacteria and Their Association with Plants
The salinization of soils is a growing agricultural concern worldwide. Irrigation practices, drought, and climate change are leading to elevated salinity levels in many regions, resulting in reduced crop yields. However, there is potential for a solution in the microbiome of halophytes, which are naturally salt-tolerant plants. These plants harbor a salt-tolerant microbiome in their rhizosphere (around roots) and endosphere (within plant tissue). These bacteria may play a significant role in conferring salt tolerance to the host plants. 
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  • 12 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Integral Membrane Proteins at the Tight Junctions
Tight junctions (TJ) are cell–cell adhesive structures that define the permeability of barrier-forming epithelia and endothelia. In contrast to this seemingly static function, TJs display a surprisingly high molecular complexity and unexpected dynamic regulation, which allows the TJs to maintain a barrier in the presence of physiological forces and in response to perturbations. Cell–cell adhesion receptors play key roles during the dynamic regulation of TJs. They connect individual cells within cellular sheets and link sites of cell–cell contacts to the underlying actin cytoskeleton.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Aquaculture Development in Nigeria
Aquaculture or fish cultivation offers a major source of animal protein and contributes heavily to household diets, livelihood, and economic development in many countries and regions of the world. Nigeria is not left out. In the agricultural sector of the Nigerian economy, aquaculture has been recorded as having the fastest growth rate.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
NPDC by Mutation of NPC1 and NPC2
Cholesterol trafficking is initiated by the endocytic pathway and transported from endo/lysosomes to other intracellular organelles. Deficiencies in cholesterol-sensing and binding proteins NPC1 and NPC2 induce accumulation in lysosomes and the malfunction of trafficking to other organelles. Each organelle possesses regulatory factors to induce cholesterol trafficking. The mutation of NPC1 and NPC2 genes induces Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPDC), which is a hereditary disease and causes progressive neurodegeneration, developmental disability, hypotonia, and ataxia. Oxidative stress induces damage in NPDC-related intracellular organelles. Although studies on the relationship between NPDC and oxidation are relatively rare, several studies have reported the therapeutic potential of antioxidants in treating NPDC. Investigating antioxidant drugs to relieve oxidative stress and cholesterol accumulation is suggested to be a powerful tool for developing treatments for NPDC. Understanding NPDC provides challenging issues in understanding the oxidative stress–lysosome metabolism of the lipid axis.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Applications of Biobanking in Neuro-Urology
Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neuro-urological disorders is crucial for the development of targeted therapeutic interventions. Through the establishment of comprehensive biobanks, researchers can collect and store various biological specimens, including urine, blood, tissue, and DNA samples, to study these mechanisms. In the context of neuro-urology, biobanking facilitates the identification of genetic variations, epigenetic modifications, and gene expression patterns associated with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. These conditions often present as symptoms of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, and many others. Biobanking of tissue specimens from such patients is essential to understand why these diseases cause the respective symptoms and what can be done to alleviate them. 
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Human Papillomavirus Infection in Penile Cancer
Penile cancer (PC) is a rare male malignant tumor, with early lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis. Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a key role in the carcinogenesis of PC.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Beneficial Effects of Probiotic Supplementation in Pigs
The rise in antimicrobial-resistant pathogens has necessitated a decrease in the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials in commercial pig farming. Consequently, there has been a surge in research to pinpoint alternative dietary interventions that can contribute to the health and performance of pigs. The pivotal role of the gastrointestinal (GIT) microbiota in animal health and performance is gaining greater recognition. Therefore, enhancing the GIT microbiota, particularly the pioneer microbiota in young pigs, has become a central objective. The supplementation of probiotics emerges as a practical strategy to introduce beneficial bacteria into the pig's GIT, promoting improved animal health and performance.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Types of Histone Post-Translational Modifications
Abiotic stresses profoundly alter plant growth and development, resulting in yield losses. Plants have evolved adaptive mechanisms to combat these challenges, triggering intricate molecular responses to maintain tissue hydration and temperature stability during stress. A pivotal player in this defense is histone modification, governing gene expression in response to diverse environmental cues. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of histone tails, including acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ubiquitination, and sumoylation, regulate transcription, DNA processes, and stress-related traits.
  • 382
  • 08 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Natural Sources of Food Colorants for Artificial Additives
The demand of healthier food products and products made with natural ingredients has increased overwhelmingly, led by the awareness of human beings of the influence of food on their health, as well as by the evidence of side effects generated by different ingredients such as some additives. This is the case for several artificial colorants, especially azo colorants, which have been related to the development of allergic reactions, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. All the above has focused the attention of researchers on obtaining colorants from natural sources that do not present a risk for consumption and, on the contrary, show biological activity. The most representative compounds that present colorant capacity found in nature are anthocyanins, anthraquinones, betalains, carotenoids and chlorophylls. 
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  • 08 Dec 2023
Topic Review
BODIPY-Based Molecules for Biomedical Applications
BODIPY (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene) derivatives have attracted attention as probes in applications like imaging and sensing due to their unique properties like (1) strong absorption and emission in the visible and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, (2) strong fluorescence and (3) supreme photostability. They have also been employed in areas like photodynamic therapy. Over the last decade, BODIPY-based molecules have even emerged as candidates for cancer treatments. Cancer remains a significant health issue world-wide, necessitating a continuing search for novel therapeutic options. BODIPY is a flexible fluorophore with distinct photophysical characteristics and is a fascinating drug development platform. 
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  • 08 Dec 2023
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